The Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography
at Old Dominion University was established
to promote research on the physical
oceanography of the coastal ocean and related
oceanographic processes. The coastal ocean
is the focus of increasing research for reasons
relating to both short-term anthropogenic impacts
and long-term global change.
Seminars are held Mondays at 3:30.
Seminars will be presented virtually by zoom to encourage wider participation.
Click on the poster for more details.
Contact: Julie Morgan,
link here
Eileen Hofmann and John Klinck
have published a recent BOEM report on the effect of wind
farms on surf clam fisheries.
Munroe, D.M., E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, A.M Scheld, S. Borsetti,
J. Beckenstieiner, and E.E. Hofmann. 2022.
Understanding Economic Impacts to the Commercial Surfclam Fishing
Industry from Offshore Wind Energy Development. OCS Study, BOEM 2022-065.