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Publication List
Refereed publications: 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009 2010-
Papers submitted to refereed journals
Refereed publications:
Neale, P.J., C. Sobrino and A.E. Gargett.
2012. Vertical
Mixing and the Effects of Solar Radiation on Photosystem II
Electron Transport by Phytoplankton in the Ross Sea Polynya.
Deep-Sea Res. Part 1, 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.01.011, 118-132.
A. E.
and C.E. Grosch. 2014. Turbulence process domination under the
combined forcings of wind stress, the Langmuir vortex force, and
surface cooling. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 44, 44-67.
Gargett, A. E., D. K. Savidge and J. R. Wells. 2014. Anatomy of a
Langmuir supercell event. J. Mar. Res. 72, 127-163.
Li, M., A. E. Gargett and K. Denman. 2000: What determines seasonal and interannual variability of phytoplankton and zooplankton in strongly estuarine systems? Application to the semi-enclosed estuary of Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait. Est. Coastal and Shelf Sci. 50, 467-488.
Gargett, A. E., M. Li and R. M. Brown. 2001: Testing mechanistic explanations of observed correlations between environmental factors and marine fisheries. Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci. 58(1), 208-219.
Gargett, A. E. 2001. Oceanographic dispersion. in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Vol.3, ed. A. H. El-Shaarawi and W. W. Piegorsch. J. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1446-1461.
Gargett, A. E. and J. Marra. 2002. Effects of upper ocean physical processes - turbulence, advection, and air-sea interaction - on oceanic primary production. The Sea, Vol.12, ed. A. Robinson, B. Rothschild and J. McCarthy, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 19-49.
A. E. 2003. Differential diffusion: an oceanographic
primer. Progr. Oceanogr. 56 (3-4), 559-570.
Ruddick, B. and A. E. Gargett. 2003.
Oceanic double-diffusion: introduction. Progr. Oceanogr. 56
(3-4), 381-393.
A. E., D. Stucchi and F. Whitney. 2003. Physical
processes associated with high primary productivity in Saanich
Inlet, British Columbia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Sci. 56, 1141-1156.
Gargett, A.E., J.R. Wells, A. E. Tejada-Martinez and C. E. Grosch. 2004. Langmuir supercells: a mechanism for sediment resuspension and transport in shallow seas. Science 306, 1925-1928.
Di Orio, D. and A. E. Gargett. 2005. Studies of turbulent processes using Doppler and acoustical scintillation techniques. Ch. 20 in Acoustical Oceanography, H. Medwin. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 643pp
A. E. and J. R. Wells. 2007. Langmuir turbulence in
shallow water. Part.1. Observations. J. Fluid Mech. 576,
Gargett, A. E. and T. Garner. 2008.
Determining Thorpe scales from ship-lowered CTD density
profiles. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 25(9), 1657-1670.
A. E. 2008. Couette vs. Langmuir circulations:
Comment on "On the helical flow of Langmuir circulation:
approaching the process of suspension freezing"
by Dethleff, Kempema, Koch and Chubarenko. Cold
Regions Sci. and Tech. 56, 58-60.
Tejada-Martínez, A. E., C. E. Grosch, A. E. Gargett, J. A. Polton,
J. A. Smith and J. A. MacKinnon. 2009. A hybrid spectral/finite
difference large-eddy simulator of turbulent processes in the
upper ocean. Ocean Modelling 30, 115-142.
A.E. Tejada-Martinez and C.E. Grosch. 2009. Measuring turbulent
large eddy structures with an ADCP. 2. Horizontal velocity
variance. J. Mar. Res. 67, 569-595.
Cummins, P. F., G. Holloway and A. E. Gargett. 1990: Sensitivity of the GFDL ocean general circulation model to a parameterization of vertical diffusion. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20(6): 817-830.
Gargett, A. E. 1990: Do we really know how to scale the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate e due to breaking of oceanic internal waves? J. Geophys. Res., 95(C9), 15971-15974.
Gargett, A. E. 1991: Physical processes and the maintenance of nutrient-rich euphotic zones. Limnol. Oceanogr., 36, 1527-1545.
Gargett, A. E. and G. Holloway. 1992: Sensitivity of the GFDL ocean model to different diffusivities for heat and salt. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22(10), 1158-1177.
Gargett, A. E. 1994: Observing turbulence with a modified acoustic Doppler current profiler. J. Atmosph. Oceanic Tech., 11(6), 1592-1610.
Gargett, A. E. and J. N. Moum. 1995: Mixing efficiencies in turbulent tidal fronts: results from direct and indirect measurements of density flux. J. Phys., Oceanogr., 25, 2583-2608.
Gargett, A. E. and B. Ferron. 1996: The effects of differential vertical diffusion of T and S in a box model of thermohaline circulation. J. Mar. Res., 54(5), 827-866.
Gargett, A. E. 1997: "Theories" and techniques for observing turbulence in the ocean euphotic zone. In Lecture Notes on Plankton and Turbulence, eds. C. Marrasé ., E.Saiz and J.M.Redondo, Scientia Marina, 61(Suppl), 25-45.
Gargett, A. E. 1997: The optimal stability "window": a mechanism underlying decadal fluctuations in North Pacific salmon stocks? Fish. Oceanogr. , 6 (2), 109-117.
Ferron, B., H. Mercier, K. Speer, A. E. Gargett and K. Polzin 1997: Mixing in the Romanche Fracture Zone. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 1929-1945.
Merryfield, W. J., G. Holloway and A. E. Gargett. 1998: Differential vertical transport of heat and salt by weak stratified turbulence. Geophys. Res. Letters, 25, 2773-2776.
Merryfield, W. J., G. Holloway, and A. E. Gargett. 1999. A global ocean model with double-diffusive mixing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 1124-1142.
Gargett, A. E. 1999: Velcro measurement of turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate e . J. Atmosph. Oceanic Tech., 16(12), 1973-1993.
Li, M. , A. E. Gargett and K. Denman. 1999: Seasonal and interannual variability of estuarine circulation in a box model of the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait. Atmosphere-Ocean, 37(1), 1-19.
Gargett, A. E. and T. R. Osborn. 1981: Small-scale shear measurements during the Fine and Microstructure Experiment (FAME). J. Geophys. Res., 86, 1929-1944.
Gargett, A. E., P. J. Hendricks, T. B. Sanford, T. R. Osborn and A. J. Williams, III. 1981: A composite spectrum of vertical shear in the upper ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 11(9), 1258-1271.
Gargett, A. E. 1982: Turbulence measurements from a submersible. Deep-Sea Res., 29A, 1141-1158.
Gargett, A. E. and R. W. Schmitt. 1982: Observations of salt fingers in the central waters of the eastern North Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 87, 8017-8029.
Denman, K. L. and A. E. Gargett. 1983: Time and space scales of vertical mixing and advection of phytoplankton in the upper ocean. Limn. and Oceanogr., 28(5), 801-815.
Gargett, A. E. 1984: Vertical eddy diffusivity in the ocean interior. J. Mar. Res., 42, 359-393.
Gargett, A. E. and G. Holloway. 1984: Dissipation and diffusion by internal wave breaking. J. Mar. Res., 42, 15-27.
Gargett, A. E., T.R. Osborn, P. W. Nasmyth. 1984: Local isotropy and the decay of turbulence in a stratified fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 144, 231-280.
Gargett, A. E. 1985: Evolution of scalar spectra with the decay of turbulence in a stratified fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 159, 379-407.
Gargett, A. E., G. Östlund and C. S. Wong. 1986: Tritium time series from Ocean Station P. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 16(10), 1720-1726.
Holloway, G. and A. E. Gargett. 1987: The inference of salt-fingering from towed microstructure observations. J. Geophys. Res., 92(C2), 1963-1965.
Dewey, R. K., W. R. Crawford, A. E. Gargett and N. S. Oakey. 1987: A microstructure instrument for profiling oceanic turbulence in coastal bottom boundary layers. J. Atmosph. and Oceanic Tech., 4, 288-297.
Gargett, A. E. 1988: A "large-eddy" approach to acoustic remote sensing of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate e . Atmosph-Ocean, 26(4), 483-508.
Gargett, A. E. 1988: The scaling of turbulence in the presence of stable stratification. J. Geophys. Res., 93(C5), 5021-5036.
Denman, K. L. and A. E. Gargett. 1988: Multiple thermoclines are barriers to vertical exchange in the subarctic Pacific during SUPER, May 1984. J. Mar. Res., 46, 77-103.
Gargett, A. E. and B.A. Hughes. 1972: On the interaction of surface and internal waves. J. Fluid Mechanics, 52(1), 179-191.
Gargett, A. E. 1975: Horizontal coherence of oceanic temperature structure. 22, 767-776.
Gargett, A. E. 1976: Generation of internal waves in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Deep Sea Research, 23, 17-32.
Gargett, A. E. 1976: An investigation of the occurrence of oceanic turbulence with respect to finestructure. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 6, 139-156.
Gargett, A. E. 1978: Microstructure and finestructure in an upper ocean frontal regime. J. Geophys. Res., 83(C10), 5123-5133.
Gargett, A. E., T. B. Sanford and T. R. Osborn. 1979: Surface mixing layers in the Sargasso Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 9(6), 1090-1111.
Papers submitted to refereed journals:
Gargett, A. E. 2002: Oceanographic dispersion. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. ed. A. H. El-Shaarawi and W. W. Piegorsch. J. Wiley & Sons, U.K. (ISBN 0471 899976), 1446-1461.
Gargett, A. E, and J. Marra. 2002. Effects of upper ocean physical processes - turbulence, advection, and air-sea interaction - on oceanic primary production. The Sea, Vol.12, ed. A. R. Robinson, J. J. McCarthy, and B. J. Rothschild, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 19-49. (copyright John Wiley and Sons)
Denman, K. L. and A. E. Gargett. 1995: Biological-physical interactions in the upper ocean: the role of vertical and small scale transport processes. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 27, 225-255.
Gargett, A. E. 1989: Ocean turbulence. Ann. Rev. Fluid. Mech., 21, 419-451.
Gargett, | A. E., M. Li and R. Brown 1998: Testing the concept of an optimal stability "window". Biotic Impacts of Extratropical Climate Variablity in the Pacific, Proceedings of the Ah'a Hulikoa Hawaiian Winter Workshop 1998, ed. G. Holloway,P. Muller and D. Henderson, SEOST, U. of Hawaii at Manoa, 1000 Pope Road, Honolulu HI 96822. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1993: Measurement and analysis of the energy-containing eddies of turbulent flows in the coastal ocean. Statistical Methods in Physical Oceanography, Proceedings of the Ah'a Hulikoa Hawaiian Winter Workshop 1993, ed. P. Muller, SEOST, U. of Hawaii at Manoa, 1000 Pope Road, Honolulu HI 96822. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1993: Parameterizing the effects of small-scale mixing in large-scale numerical models. Modelling Oceanic Climate Interactions, ed. J. Willebrand and D.L.T. Anderson. Springer-Verlag, 185-204. |
Gargett, | A. E., P. Cummins and G. Holloway 1989: Effects of variable diffusivity in the GFDL model. Parameterization of Small-Scale Processes, Proceedings of the Hawaiian Winter workshop, University of Hawaii at Manoa, ed. P. Muller and D. Henderson, 11-20. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1988: Reynolds number effects on turbulence in the presence of stable stratification. Small-Scale Turbulence and Mixing in the Ocean, ed. J.C.J. Nihoul and B.M. Jamart. Elsevier Science Publishers, 517-528. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1986: Small-scale parameterization in large-scale ocean models. In Advanced Physical Oceanographic Numerical Modelling, ed. J.J. O'Brien. Reidel Publishing Co., 145-154. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1984. Internal waves and mixing in the ocean: Observations and speculations. In Proceedings of The Second 'Aha Haliko'a Hawaiian Winter Workshop, ed P. Muller, Dept. of Oceanography, University of Hawaii. |
Gargett, | A. E. 1980: Turbulence measurements through a train of breaking internal waves in Knight Inlet, B.C. In Fjord Oceanography, ed. H.J. Freeland and D.M. Farmer, Plenum Publ. |
LeBlond, P.H. and A. E. Gargett 1970: Les ondes internes. Quebec Science, 12, 12-14. |
1980 | A. E. Gargett, P.J. Hendricks, T.B. Sanford, T.R. Osborn and A.J. Williams III. A composite spectrum of vertical shear in the upper ocean from the profilers EMVP, SCIMP and CAMEL. Inst. Of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C., Canada, 38 pp. |
1980 | A. E. Gargett: Data report and calibrations for turbulence measurements in Knight Inlet,B.C. from the PISCES IV submersible: November 1978. Inst. Of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C., Canada, 71 pp. |
1978 | A. E. Gargett and T.R. Osborn: Dissipation measurements from the Fine and Microstructure Experiment. Man. Rep. No. 33, Inst. Of Oceanography, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 87 pp. |
1976 | A. E. Gargett: A method of examining the vertical background of ocean microstructure data obtained from horizontal tow. Inst. Of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C., Canada, 29 pp. |
1965 | A. E. Gargett: Long term fluctuations in the Toronto temperature and precipitation record. Canadian Dept. of Transport, Meteorological Branch, Cir. 4199, Tech. 550. Awarded second place, Father James B. Macelwane Awards in Meteorology; A.M.S., 1966. |
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