C*********************************************************************** C C NetCDF subroutines for pom08.f C C For version number and date, see start of subroutine write_netcdf C C*********************************************************************** C subroutine def_var_netcdf(ncid,name,nvdims,vdims,varid, $ n_long_name,long_name,n_units,units, $ n_coords,coords,lcoords, $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Defines a netCDF variable and its attributes. * C * * C * ncid ........ the netCDF I.D. * C * name ........ the variable name * C * nvdims ...... the number of dimensions of name * C * vdims ....... a vector of length at least nvdims, * C * containing the dimension I.D.s * C * varid ....... the variable I.D. returned * C * n_long_name . the number of characters in long_name * C * long_name ... the long name for the variable * C * n_units ..... the number of characters in units * C * units ....... the units of the variable * C * n_coords .... the number of characters in coords * C * (if applicable) * C * coords ...... the names of variables for the * C * "coordinates" attribute * C * (if applicable) * C * lcoords ..... .true. if a "coordinates" attribute * C * required, otherwise .false. * c * nf_float .... an integer defining the netCDF * C * variable type * C * nf_noerr .... an integer defining the netCDF "no * C * error" status * C * * C * (nf_float and nf_noerr are declared and defined in * C * the file netcdf.inc "included" in the subroutine * C * write_netcdf.) * C * * C ********************************************************************** C integer vdims(4) C integer ncid,nf_noerr,nvdims,varid,n_long_name,n_units,n_coords C logical lcoords C character*(*) name,long_name,units,coords C integer status C status=nf_def_var(ncid,name,nf_float,nvdims,vdims,varid) C call handle_netcdf_error('nf_def_var ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C write(6,1) name,varid C 1 format('Variable ID returned by nf_def_var for variable ', C $ a7,' = ',i5) C status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,varid,'long_name', $ n_long_name,long_name) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,varid,'units', $ n_units,units) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C Add coordinates attribute, if necessary: C if(lcoords) then C status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,varid,'coordinates', $ n_coords,coords) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C endif C return C end C subroutine handle_netcdf_error(routine,status,nf_noerr) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Checks for netCDF error. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer status,nf_noerr C character*20 routine C character*80 nf_strerror C if (status.ne.nf_noerr) then C write(6,1) routine,nf_strerror(status) 1 format('NetCDF routine ',a20,' terminated with error:'/2x,a80) stop C else C return C endif C end C subroutine write_netcdf(netcdf_file,option) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Initialises, writes to and closed netCDF file. * C * * C * netcdf_file ....... name of output file * C * option ............ 1 to initialise file * C * 2 to write a set of data * C * 3 to close file * C * * C * In order to include another variable: * C * * C * 1. Within the loop "if(option.eq.1) then": * C * * C * Insert appropriate "call def_var_netcdf(.....)", * C * followed by "status=nf_put_att_(.....)" * C * statements for any additional attributes. Each * C * of these latter statements should be followed by * C * a "call handle_netcdf_error(.....)" statement. * C * * C * 2. Within the loop "if(option.eq.2) then": * C * * C * Insert appropriate * C * "status=nf_put_var_(.....)" statement, * C * followed by a "call handle_netcdf_error(.....)" * C * statement. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom08.c' C C Filename of netCDF "include" file: C include '/usr/local/netcdf/include/netcdf.inc' C integer option C character*120 netcdf_file C integer count(4),start(4),vdims(4) C integer dum_varid,dvm_varid integer dx_varid,dy_varid integer east_c_varid,east_e_varid,east_u_varid,east_v_varid integer elb_varid integer fsm_varid integer h_varid integer iout integer ncid integer north_c_varid,north_e_varid,north_u_varid,north_v_varid integer rho_varid,rmean_varid,rot_varid integer status,s_varid integer time_dimid,time_varid,t_varid integer uab_varid,u_varid integer vab_varid,v_varid integer w_varid integer x_dimid integer y_dimid integer z_dimid,z_varid,zz_varid integer wetmask_varid,d_varid,elbmsl_varid !lyo:!wad: integer i,j !lyo:!wad: C save dum_varid,dvm_varid save dx_varid,dy_varid save east_c_varid,east_e_varid,east_u_varid,east_v_varid save elb_varid save fsm_varid save h_varid save iout save ncid save north_c_varid,north_e_varid,north_u_varid,north_v_varid save rho_varid,rmean_varid,rot_varid save s_varid save time_dimid,time_varid,t_varid save uab_varid,u_varid save vab_varid,v_varid save w_varid save x_dimid save y_dimid save z_dimid,z_varid,zz_varid save wetmask_varid,d_varid,elbmsl_varid !lyo:!wad: C C*********************************************************************** C C source_n should agree with source defined in pom08.f. C character*40 source_n parameter(source_n='pom08 2008-04-18') C c if(source.ne.source_n) then c c write(6,4) c 4 format(/'Incompatible versions of program and include files ', c $ '..... program terminated; in pom08.n'/) c stop C c endif C C*********************************************************************** C if(option.eq.1) then C C Initialise netCDF ouput: C C Initialise time index: C iout=0 C C Create netcdf file: C status=nf_create(netcdf_file,nf_clobber,ncid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_create ', $ status,nf_noerr) C write(6,1) ncid C 1 format('ncid returned by nf_create = ',i5) C C Define global attributes: C status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,nf_global,'source', $ 40,source) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,nf_global,'title', $ 40,title) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C Define dimensions: C status=nf_def_dim(ncid,'time',nf_unlimited,time_dimid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_def_dim ', $ status,nf_noerr) C write(6,2) 'time',time_dimid C 2 format('Dimension ID returned by nf_def_dim for variable ', C $ a4,' = ',i5) C status=nf_def_dim(ncid,'z',kb,z_dimid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_def_dim ', $ status,nf_noerr) C write(6,2) 'z',z_dimid C status=nf_def_dim(ncid,'y',jm,y_dimid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_def_dim ', $ status,nf_noerr) C write(6,2) 'y',y_dimid C status=nf_def_dim(ncid,'x',im,x_dimid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_def_dim ', $ status,nf_noerr) C write(6,2) 'x',x_dimid C C Define variables and their attributes: C vdims(1)=time_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'time',1,vdims,time_varid, $ 4,'time',37,'days since '//time_start, $ 1,' ',.false., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C vdims(1)=z_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'z',1,vdims,z_varid, $ 18,'sigma of cell face',11,'sigma_level', $ 1,' ',.false., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,z_varid,'standard_name', $ 22,'ocean_sigma_coordinate') call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,z_varid,'formula_terms', $ 26,'sigma: z eta: elb depth: h') call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'zz',1,vdims,zz_varid, $ 20,'sigma of cell centre',11,'sigma_level', $ 1,' ',.false., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,zz_varid,'standard_name', $ 22,'ocean_sigma_coordinate') call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) status=nf_put_att_text(ncid,zz_varid,'formula_terms', $ 27,'sigma: zz eta: elb depth: h') call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_att_text ', $ status,nf_noerr) C vdims(1)=x_dimid vdims(2)=y_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'dx',2,vdims,dx_varid, $ 19,'grid increment in x',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'dy',2,vdims,dy_varid, $ 19,'grid increment in y',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'east_u',2,vdims,east_u_varid, $ 19,'easting of u-points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_u north_u',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'east_v',2,vdims,east_v_varid, $ 19,'easting of v-points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_v north_v',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'east_e',2,vdims,east_e_varid, $ 27,'easting of elevation points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'east_c',2,vdims,east_c_varid, $ 23,'easting of cell corners',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_c north_c',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'north_u',2,vdims,north_u_varid, $ 20,'northing of u-points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_u north_u',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'north_v',2,vdims,north_v_varid, $ 20,'northing of v-points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_v north_v',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'north_e',2,vdims,north_e_varid, $ 28,'northing of elevation points',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'north_c',2,vdims,north_c_varid, $ 24,'northing of cell corners',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_c north_c',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'rot',2,vdims,rot_varid, $ 34,'Rotation angle of x-axis wrt. east',6,'degree', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'h',2,vdims,h_varid, $ 23,'undisturbed water depth',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'fsm',2,vdims,fsm_varid, $ 17,'free surface mask',13,'dimensionless', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'dum',2,vdims,dum_varid, $ 15,'u-velocity mask',13,'dimensionless', $ 14,'east_u north_u',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'dvm',2,vdims,dvm_varid, $ 15,'v-velocity mask',13,'dimensionless', $ 14,'east_v north_v',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C vdims(1)=x_dimid vdims(2)=y_dimid vdims(3)=z_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'rmean',3,vdims,rmean_varid, $ 25,'horizontally-averaged rho',13,'dimensionless', $ 17,'east_e north_e zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C vdims(1)=x_dimid vdims(2)=y_dimid vdims(3)=time_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'uab',3,vdims,uab_varid, $ 16,'depth-averaged u',9,'metre/sec', $ 14,'east_u north_u',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'vab',3,vdims,vab_varid, $ 16,'depth-averaged v',9,'metre/sec', $ 14,'east_v north_v',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'elb',3,vdims,elb_varid, $ 17,'surface elevation',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C !lyo:!wad:beg. call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'wetmask',3,vdims,wetmask_varid, $ 7,'wetmask',13,'dimensionless', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'d',3,vdims,d_varid, $ 17,'Total Water Depth',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'elbmsl',3,vdims,elbmsl_varid, $ 22,'surf.elevation wrt MSL',5,'metre', $ 14,'east_e north_e',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) !lyo:!wad:end. C vdims(1)=x_dimid vdims(2)=y_dimid vdims(3)=z_dimid vdims(4)=time_dimid C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'u',4,vdims,u_varid, $ 10,'x-velocity',9,'metre/sec', $ 17,'east_u north_u zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'v',4,vdims,v_varid, $ 10,'y-velocity',9,'metre/sec', $ 17,'east_v north_v zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'w',4,vdims,w_varid, $ 10,'z-velocity',9,'metre/sec', $ 16,'east_e north_e z',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'t',4,vdims,t_varid, $ 21,'potential temperature',1,'K', $ 17,'east_e north_e zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'s',4,vdims,s_varid, $ 23,'salinity x rho / rhoref',3,'PSS', $ 17,'east_e north_e zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C call def_var_netcdf(ncid,'rho',4,vdims,rho_varid, $ 21,'(density-1000)/rhoref',13,'dimensionless', $ 17,'east_e north_e zz',.true., $ nf_float,nf_noerr) C C End definitions: C status=nf_enddef(ncid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_enddef ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C Write initial data: C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,z_varid,z) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,zz_varid,zz) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,dx_varid,dx) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,dy_varid,dy) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,east_u_varid,east_u) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,east_v_varid,east_v) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,east_e_varid,east_e) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,east_c_varid,east_c) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,north_u_varid,north_u) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,north_v_varid,north_v) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,north_e_varid,north_e) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,north_c_varid,north_c) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,rot_varid,rot) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,h_varid,h) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,fsm_varid,fsm) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,dum_varid,dum) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,dvm_varid,dvm) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_var_real(ncid,rmean_varid,rmean) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_var_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C else if(option.eq.2) then C C Write a set of data: C iout=iout+1 start(1)=iout count(1)=1 C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,time_varid,start,count,time) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C start(1)=1 start(2)=1 start(3)=iout count(1)=im count(2)=jm count(3)=1 C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,uab_varid,start,count,uab) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,vab_varid,start,count,vab) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,elb_varid,start,count,elb) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C !lyo:!wad:beg. status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,wetmask_varid,start,count,wetmask) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) do j=1,jm; do i=1,im tps(i,j)=d(i,j)*fsm(i,j) enddo; enddo status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,d_varid,start,count,tps) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) do j=1,jm; do i=1,im tps(i,j)=(elb(i,j)+hhi)*wetmask(i,j) enddo; enddo status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,elbmsl_varid,start,count,tps) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) !lyo:!wad:end. c start(1)=1 start(2)=1 start(3)=1 start(4)=iout count(1)=im count(2)=jm count(3)=kb count(4)=1 C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,u_varid,start,count,u) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,v_varid,start,count,v) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,w_varid,start,count,w) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,t_varid,start,count,t) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,s_varid,start,count,s) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C status=nf_put_vara_real(ncid,rho_varid,start,count,rho) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_put_vara_real ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C else if(option.eq.3) then C C Close file: C status=nf_close(ncid) call handle_netcdf_error('nf_close ', $ status,nf_noerr) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C else C write(6,3) 3 format(/'Invalid option for subroutine write_netcdf ..... ', $ 'program terminated'/) stop C endif C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C return C end C C End of source code C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C