program pom2k C C ********************************************************************** C * * C * The last code change as rcorded in pom2k.change was on * C * * C * 2006-05-03 * C * (adding IC from file) * C * * C * FUNCTION : This is a version of the three dimensional, time * C * dependent, primitive equation, ocean model * C * developed by Alan Blumberg and George Mellor with * C * subsequent contributions by Leo Oey, Steve Brenner * C * and others. It is now called the Princeton Ocean * C * Model. Two references are: * C * * C * Blumberg, A.F. and G.L. Mellor; Diagnostic and * C * prognostic numerical circulation studies of the * C * South Atlantic Bight, J. Geophys. Res. 88, * C * 4579-4592, 1983. * C * * C * Blumberg, A.F. and G.L. Mellor; A description of a * C * three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation model,* C * Three-Dimensional Coastal Ocean Models, Coastal * C * and Estuarine Sciences, 4, N.S. Heaps, ed., * C * American Geophysical Union, 1-16, 1987. * C * * C * In subroutine profq the model makes use of the * C * turbulence closure sub-model described in: * C * * C * Mellor, G.L. and T. Yamada; Development of a * C * turbulence closure model for geophysical fluid * C * problems, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 20, No. 4, * C * 851-875, 1982. * C * (note recent profq that includes breaking waves) * C * * C * A user's guide is available: * C * * C * Mellor, G.L.; User's guide for a three-dimensional, * C * primitive equation, numerical ocean model. * C * Princeton University Report, 1998. * C * * C * In October 2001, the source code underwent * C * revision by John Hunter of the University of * C * Tasmania. Major aspects of the revision were: * C * * C * (1) The revision was based on pom98 updated to * C * 12/9/2001. * C * (2) Declaration of all variables. * C * (3) Rationalisation of the input of all constants. * C * (4) Modifications to the "printer" output. * C * (5) Output to a netCDF file. * C * (6) Inclusion of surface freshwater flux. * C * (7) Inclusion of atmospheric pressure. * C * (8) Inclusion of an additional problem to check (6) * C * and (7), above. * C * (9) Inclusion of option for Smolarkiewicz * C * advection scheme. * C * * C * This revised version is functionally almost * C * equivalent to pom98. The output to device 6 from * C * the "seamount" problem should be almost the same, * C * any differences being due to minor format changes * C * and improvements in rounding. * C * * C * This revision was helped by the following people: * C * Tal Ezer, Peter Holloway, George Mellor, Rich * C * Signell, Ian Webster, Brian Williams and Emma Young.* C * * C ********************************************************************** C * * C * GENERAL NOTES * C * * C * 1. All units are S.I. (M.K.S.) unless otherwise * C * stated. NOTE that time is in days from the start * C * of the run. * C * * C * 2. "b", and "f" refers to backward, * C * central and forward time levels. * C * * C * 3. NetCDF output may be used. In order to omit/use * C * netCDF, comment/uncomment all statements * C * carrying the comment "*netCDF*" at the end of * C * the line (or set netcdf_file='nonetcdf') * C * * C * 4. NetCDF is version 3. An attempt has been made to * C * conform to the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) * C * Metadata Conventions, but this may not yet be * C * complete (see: * C * * C * * C * * C * 5. In order to use netCDF, the program should be * C * compiled with the appropriate library. For * C * example, if using g77, you may need to type: * C * * C * g77 -o pom2k pom2k.f /usr/lib/libnetcdf.a * C * * C * You should also have the "include" file of * C * netCDF subroutines (pom2k.n). * C * * C * 6. In order to use netCDF, you may need to change * C * the name of the "include" file in the statement: * C * * C * include '/usr/include/' * C * * C * in subroutine write_netcdf * C * * C ********************************************************************** C * * C * SOFTWARE LICENSING * C * * C * This program is free software; you can redistribute * C * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * C * General Public License as published by the Free * C * Software Foundation, either Version 2 of the * C * license, or (at your option) any later version. * C * * C * This program is distributed in the hope that it * C * will be useful, but without any warranty; without * C * even the implied warranty of merchantability or * C * fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU * C * General Public License for more details. * C * * C * A copy of the GNU General Public License is * C * available at * C * or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,* C * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C C New declarations plus ispi,isp2i: C real aam_init,atot real cbcmax,cbcmin,darea real days,dte2,dvol real eaver real horcon real ispi,isp2i real period,prtd1,prtd2 real saver,smoth,sw,swtch real taver,time0 real vamax,vtot,tsalt real z0b real tatm,satm integer io(100),jo(100),ko(100) integer i,iend,iext,imax,ispadv,isplit,iswtch integer j,jmax integer k integer nadv,nbct,nbcs,nitera,nread integer iproblem logical lramp character*120 netcdf_file C C*********************************************************************** C C source should agree with source_c in pom2k.c and source_n in pom2k.n. C source='pom2k 2006-05-03' C c if( then c write(6,7) c 7 format(/'Incompatible versions of program and include files ', c $ '..... program terminated'/) c stop c endif C C*********************************************************************** C small=1.e-9 ! Small value C pi=atan(1.e0)*4.e0 ! PI C C*********************************************************************** C C Input of filenames and constants: C C NOTE that the array sizes im, jm and kb should be set in pom2k.c C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C title='Run 1 ' ! run's title C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C netcdf_file='' ! netCDF output file c netcdf_file='nonetcdf' ! disable netCDF output C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Problem number: C C iproblem problem initialisation C type subroutine C C 1 seamount seamount C C 2 conservation box C box C C 3 IC from file file2ic C iproblem=1 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C mode description C C 2 2-D calculation (bottom stress calculated in advave) C C 3 3-D calculation (bottom stress calculated in profu,v) C C 4 3-D calculation with t and s held fixed C mode=3 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Advection scheme: C C nadv Advection scheme C C 1 Centred scheme, as originally provide in POM C 2 Smolarkiewicz iterative upstream scheme, based on C subroutines provided by Gianmaria Sannino and Vincenzo C Artale C nadv=1 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Constants for Smolarkiewicz iterative upstream scheme. C C Number of iterations. This should be in the range 1 - 4. 1 is C standard upstream differencing; 3 adds 50% CPU time to POM: C nitera=2 C C Smoothing parameter. This should preferably be 1, but 0 < sw < 1 C gives smoother solutions with less overshoot when nitera > 1: C sw=0.5e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Index to indicate whether run to start from restart file C (nread=0: no restart input file; nread=1: restart input file): C nread=0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C External (2-D) time step (secs.) according to CFL: C dte=6.e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C / C (dti/dte; dimensionless): C isplit=30 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Date and time of start of initial run of model in format (i.e. C UDUNITS convention) C C YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS <+/->HH:MM C C where "<+/->HH:MM" is the time zone (positive eastwards from C Coordinated Universal Time). NOTE that the climatological time C axis (i.e. beginning of year zero, which does not exist in the C real-world calendar) has been used here. Insert your own date C and time as required: C time_start='2000-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00' C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C days=0.25e0 ! run duration in days C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C prtd1=0.125e0 ! Initial print interval (days) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C prtd2=1.e0 ! Final print interval (days) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C swtch=1000.e0 ! Time to switch from prtd1 to prtd2 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C iskp=4 ! Printout skip interval in i C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C jskp=3 ! Printout skip interval in j C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Logical for inertial ramp (.true. if inertial ramp to be applied C to wind stress and baroclinic forcing, otherwise .false.) C lramp=.false. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Reference density (recommended values: 1025 for seawater, C 1000 for freswater; S.I. units): C rhoref=1025.e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C tbias=0.e0 ! Temperature bias (deg. C) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C sbias=0.e0 ! Salinity bias C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C grav=9.806e0 ! gravity constant (S.I. units) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C kappa=0.4e0 ! von Karman's constant C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C z0b=.01e0 ! Bottom roughness (metres) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C cbcmin=.0025e0 ! Minimum bottom friction coeff. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C cbcmax=1.e0 ! Maximum bottom friction coeff. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C horcon=0.2e0 ! Smagorinsky diffusivity coeff. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Inverse horizontal turbulent Prandtl number C (ah/am; dimensionless): C C NOTE that tprni=0.e0 yields zero horizontal diffusivity! C tprni=.2e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Background viscosity used in subroutines profq, proft, profu and C profv (S.I. units): C umol=2.e-5 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Maximum depth used in radiation boundary condition in subroutine C bcond (metres): C hmax=4500.e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Maximum magnitude of vaf (used in check that essentially tests C for CFL violation): C vmaxl=100.e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Maximum allowable value of: C C / C C for two adjacent cells (dimensionless). This is used in subroutine C slpmax. If >= 1, then slpmax is not applied: C slmax=2.e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Integers defining the number of logarithmic layers at the C surface and bottom (used by subroutine depth). The number of C logarithmic layers are kl1-2 at the surface and kb-kl2-1 C at the bottom. For no log portions, set kl1=2 and kl2=kb-1: C kl1=6 kl2=kb-2 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Water type, used in subroutine proft. C C ntp Jerlov water type C C 1 i C 2 ia C 3 ib C 4 ii C 5 iii C ntp=2 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Surface temperature boundary condition, used in subroutine proft: C C nbct prescribed prescribed short wave C temperature flux penetration C C 1 no yes no C 2 no yes yes C 3 yes no no C 4 yes no yes C nbct=1 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Surface salinity boundary condition, used in subroutine proft: C C nbcs prescribed prescribed C salinity flux C C 1 no yes C 3 yes no C C NOTE that only 1 and 3 are allowed for salinity. C nbcs=1 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Step interval during which external (2-D) mode advective terms are C not updated (dimensionless): C ispadv=5 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Constant in temporal filter used to prevent solution splitting C (dimensionless): C smoth=0.10e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Weight used for surface slope term in external (2-D) dynamic C equation (a value of alpha = 0.e0 is perfectly acceptable, but the C value, alpha=.225e0 permits a longer time step): C alpha=0.225e0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initial value of aam: C aam_init=500.e0 C C End of input of constants C*********************************************************************** C C --- Above are the default parameters, alternatively one can C --- use parameters from a file created by runscript runpom2k C include 'params' C C*********************************************************************** C C Calculate some constants: C dti=dte*float(isplit) dte2=dte*2 dti2=dti*2 C iend=max0(nint(days*24.e0*3600.e0/dti),2) iprint=nint(prtd1*24.e0*3600.e0/dti) iswtch=nint(swtch*24.e0*3600.e0/dti) C ispi=1.e0/float(isplit) isp2i=1.e0/(2.e0*float(isplit)) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Print initial summary: C write(6,'(/,'' source = '',a40)') source write(6,'('' title = '',a40/)') title write(6,'('' iproblem = '',i10)') iproblem write(6,'('' mode = '',i10)') mode write(6,'('' nadv = '',i10)') nadv write(6,'('' nitera = '',i10)') nitera write(6,'('' sw = '',f10.4)') sw write(6,'('' nread = '',i10)') nread write(6,'('' dte = '',f10.2)') dte write(6,'('' dti = '',f10.1)') dti write(6,'('' isplit = '',i10)') isplit write(6,'('' time_start = '',a26)') time_start write(6,'('' days = '',f10.4)') days write(6,'('' iend = '',i10)') iend write(6,'('' prtd1 = '',f10.4)') prtd1 write(6,'('' iprint = '',i10)') iprint write(6,'('' prtd2 = '',f10.4)') prtd2 write(6,'('' swtch = '',f10.2)') swtch write(6,'('' iswtch = '',i10)') iswtch write(6,'('' iskp, jskp = '',i5'','',i5)') iskp,jskp write(6,'('' lramp = '',l10)') lramp write(6,'('' rhoref = '',f10.3)') rhoref write(6,'('' tbias = '',f10.3)') tbias write(6,'('' sbias = '',f10.3)') sbias write(6,'('' grav = '',f10.4)') grav write(6,'('' kappa = '',f10.4)') kappa write(6,'('' z0b = '',f10.6)') z0b write(6,'('' cbcmin = '',f10.6)') cbcmin write(6,'('' cbcmax = '',f10.6)') cbcmax write(6,'('' horcon = '',f10.3)') horcon write(6,'('' tprni = '',f10.4)') tprni write(6,'('' umol = '',f10.4)') umol write(6,'('' hmax = '',f10.2)') hmax write(6,'('' vmaxl = '',f10.4)') vmaxl write(6,'('' slmax = '',f10.4)') slmax write(6,'('' kl1, kl2 = '',i5,'','',i5)') kl1,kl2 write(6,'('' ntp = '',i10)') ntp write(6,'('' nbct = '',i10)') nbct write(6,'('' nbcs = '',i10)') nbcs write(6,'('' ispadv = '',i10)') ispadv write(6,'('' smoth = '',f10.4)') smoth write(6,'('' alpha = '',f10.4)') alpha C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initialise boundary arrays: C do i=1,im vabn(i)=0.e0 vabs(i)=0.e0 eln(i)=0.e0 els(i)=0.e0 do k=1,kb vbn(i,k)=0.e0 vbs(i,k)=0.e0 tbn(i,k)=0.e0 tbs(i,k)=0.e0 sbn(i,k)=0.e0 sbs(i,k)=0.e0 end do end do C do j=1,jm uabe(j)=0.e0 uabw(j)=0.e0 ele(j)=0.e0 elw(j)=0.e0 do k=1,kb ube(j,k)=0.e0 ubw(j,k)=0.e0 tbe(j,k)=0.e0 tbw(j,k)=0.e0 sbe(j,k)=0.e0 sbw(j,k)=0.e0 end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initialise 2-D and 3-D arrays for safety (this may be overwritten C later): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im uab(i,j)=0.e0 vab(i,j)=0.e0 elb(i,j)=0.e0 etb(i,j)=0.e0 e_atmos(i,j)=0.e0 vfluxb(i,j)=0.e0 vfluxf(i,j)=0.e0 wusurf(i,j)=0.e0 wvsurf(i,j)=0.e0 wtsurf(i,j)=0.e0 wssurf(i,j)=0.e0 swrad(i,j)=0.e0 drx2d(i,j)=0.e0 dry2d(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im ub(i,j,k)=0.e0 vb(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Set up sigma layers: C if( call depth C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Read in grid data, and initial and lateral boundary conditions: C if(iproblem.eq.1) then call seamount else if(iproblem.eq.2) then call box else if(iproblem.eq.3) then call file2ic else write(6,8) 8 format(/' Invalid value of iproblem ..... program terminated'/) stop endif C C Inertial period for temporal filter: C period=(2.e0*pi)/abs(cor(im/2,jm/2))/86400.e0 C C Initialise time: C time0=0.e0 time=0.e0 C C Initial conditions: C C NOTE that lateral thermodynamic boundary conditions are often set C equal to the initial conditions and are held constant thereafter. C Users can of course create variable boundary conditions. C do i=1,im do j=1,jm ua(i,j)=uab(i,j) va(i,j)=vab(i,j) el(i,j)=elb(i,j) et(i,j)=etb(i,j) etf(i,j)=et(i,j) d(i,j)=h(i,j)+el(i,j) dt(i,j)=h(i,j)+et(i,j) w(i,j,1)=vfluxf(i,j) end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im l(i,j,k)=0.1*dt(i,j) q2b(i,j,k)=small q2lb(i,j,k)=l(i,j,k)*q2b(i,j,k) kh(i,j,k)=l(i,j,k)*sqrt(q2b(i,j,k)) km(i,j,k)=kh(i,j,k) kq(i,j,k)=kh(i,j,k) aam(i,j,k)=aam_init end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do i=1,im do j=1,jm q2(i,j,k)=q2b(i,j,k) q2l(i,j,k)=q2lb(i,j,k) t(i,j,k)=tb(i,j,k) s(i,j,k)=sb(i,j,k) u(i,j,k)=ub(i,j,k) v(i,j,k)=vb(i,j,k) end do end do end do C call dens(s,t,rho) C call baropg C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im drx2d(i,j)=drx2d(i,j)+drhox(i,j,k)*dz(k) dry2d(i,j)=dry2d(i,j)+drhoy(i,j,k)*dz(k) end do end do end do C C Calculate bottom friction coefficient: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im cbc(i,j)=(kappa/log((1.e0+zz(kbm1))*h(i,j)/z0b))**2 cbc(i,j)=max(cbcmin,cbc(i,j)) C C If the following is invoked, then it is probable that the wrong C choice of z0b or vertical spacing has been made: C cbc(i,j)=min(cbcmax,cbc(i,j)) end do end do C C Calculate external (2-D) CFL time step: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=0.5e0/sqrt(1.e0/dx(i,j)**2+1.e0/dy(i,j)**2) $ /sqrt(grav*(h(i,j)+small))*fsm(i,j) end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The following data are needed for a seamless restart. if nread=1, C data had been created by a previous run (see write(71) at end of C this program). nread=0 denotes a first time run. C if(nread.eq.1) $ read(70) time0, $ wubot,wvbot,aam2d,ua,uab,va,vab,el,elb,et,etb,egb, $ utb,vtb,u,ub,w,v,vb,t,tb,s,sb,rho, $ adx2d,ady2d,advua,advva, $ km,kh,kq,l,q2,q2b,aam,q2l,q2lb C do j=1,jm do i=1,im d(i,j)=h(i,j)+el(i,j) dt(i,j)=h(i,j)+et(i,j) end do end do C time=time0 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Print geometry and other initial fields (select statements as C desired): C call prxy('grid increment in x, dx ', $ time,dx ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('grid increment in y, dy ', $ time,dy ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Easting of elevation points, east_e ', $ time,east_e ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Northing of elevation points, north_e ', $ time,north_e,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Easting of cell corners, east_c ', $ time,east_c ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Northing of cell corners, north_c ', $ time,north_c,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Rotation angle of x-axis wrt. east, rot ', $ time,rot,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Undisturbed water depth, h ', $ time,h ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,1.e1) C call prxy('Free surface mask, fsm ', $ time,fsm,im,iskp,jm,jskp,1.e0) C call prxy('u-velocity mask, dum ', $ time,dum,im,iskp,jm,jskp,1.e0) C call prxy('v-velocity mask, dvm ', $ time,dvm,im,iskp,jm,jskp,1.e0) C call prxy('External (2-D) CFL time step, tps ', $ time,tps,im,iskp,jm,jskp,1.e0) C C Set sections for output: C ko(1)=1 ko(2)=kb/2 ko(3)=kb-1 C call prxyz('Horizontally-averaged rho, rmean ', $ time,rmean,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,1.e-5) C C Set sections for output: C jo(1)=1 jo(2)=jm/2 jo(3)=jm-1 C call prxz('Horizontally-averaged rho, rmean ', $ time,rmean,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,1.e-5,dt,zz) C C Set sections for output: C io(1)=1 io(2)=im/2 io(3)=im-1 C call pryz('Horizontally-averaged rho, rmean ', $ time,rmean,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,1.e-5,dt,zz) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initial conditions: C C Select print statements in printall as desired: C call printall C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initialise netCDF output and output initial set of data: C if('nonetcdf') then c call write_netcdf(netcdf_file,1) ! *netCDF* c call write_netcdf(netcdf_file,2) ! *netCDF* endif C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C do 9000 iint=1,iend ! Begin internal (3-D) mode C time=dti*float(iint)/86400.e0+time0 C if(lramp) then ramp=time/period if( ramp=1.e0 else ramp=1.e0 endif C C write(6,2) mode,iint,time C 2 format(' mode,iint,time =',2i5,f9.2) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Set time dependent, surface and lateral boundary conditions. C The latter will be used in subroutine bcond. Users may C wish to create a subroutine to supply wusurf, wvsurf, wtsurf, C wssurf, swrad and vflux. C C Introduce simple wind stress. Value is negative for westerly or C southerly winds. The following wind stress has been tapered C along the boundary to suppress numerically induced oscilations C near the boundary (Jamart and Ozer, J.G.R., 91, 10621-10631). C To make a healthy surface Ekman layer, it would be well to set C kl1=9. C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 c if( then ! constant wind read in file2ic c c wusurf(i,j)=ramp*(1.e-4*cos(pi*(j-1)/jmm1)) wusurf(i,j)=1.00*(1.e-4*cos(pi*(j-1)/jmm1)) $ *.25e0*(dvm(i,j+1)+dvm(i-1,j+1) $ +dvm(i-1,j)+dvm(i,j)) C --- no wind ---- c wusurf(i,j)=0.e0 wvsurf(i,j)=0.e0 endif e_atmos(i,j)=0.e0 vfluxf(i,j)=0.e0 C C Set w(i,j,1)=vflux(i,j).ne.0 if one wishes non-zero flow across C the sea surface. See calculation of elf(i,j) below and subroutines C vertvl, advt1 (or advt2). If w(1,j,1)=0, and, additionally, there C is no net flow across lateral boundaries, the basin volume will be C constant; if also vflux(i,j).ne.0, then, for example, the average C salinity will change and, unrealistically, so will total salt. C w(i,j,1)=vfluxf(i,j) C C Set wtsurf to the sensible heat, the latent heat (which involves C only the evaporative component of vflux) and the long wave C radiation: C wtsurf(i,j)=0.e0 C C Set swrad to the short wave radiation: C swrad(i,j)=0.e0 C C To account for change in temperature of flow crossing the sea C surface (generally quite small compared to latent heat effect) C tatm=t(i,j,1)+tbias ! an approximation wtsurf(i,j)=wtsurf(i,j)+vfluxf(i,j)*(tatm-t(i,j,1)-tbias) C C Set the salinity of water vapor/precipitation which enters/leaves C the atmosphere (or e.g., an ice cover) C satm=0.e0 wssurf(i,j)= vfluxf(i,j)*(satm-s(i,j,1)-sbias) C end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Set lateral viscosity: C C If mode=2 then initial values of aam2d are used. If one wishes C to use Smagorinsky lateral viscosity and diffusion for an C external (2-D) mode calculation, then appropiate code can be C adapted from that below and installed just before the end of the C "if(mode.eq.2)" loop in subroutine advave. C C Calculate Smagorinsky lateral viscosity: C C ( hor visc = horcon*dx*dy*sqrt((du/dx)**2+(dv/dy)**2 C +.5*(du/dy+dv/dx)**2) ) C if( then call advct(a,c,ee) call baropg C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 aam(i,j,k)=horcon*dx(i,j)*dy(i,j) $ *sqrt( ((u(i+1,j,k)-u(i,j,k))/dx(i,j))**2 $ +((v(i,j+1,k)-v(i,j,k))/dy(i,j))**2 $ +.5e0*(.25e0*(u(i,j+1,k)+u(i+1,j+1,k) $ -u(i,j-1,k)-u(i+1,j-1,k)) $ /dy(i,j) $ +.25e0*(v(i+1,j,k)+v(i+1,j+1,k) $ -v(i-1,j,k)-v(i-1,j+1,k)) $ /dx(i,j)) **2) end do end do end do C C Form vertical averages of 3-D fields for use in external (2-D) C mode: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im adx2d(i,j)=0.e0 ady2d(i,j)=0.e0 drx2d(i,j)=0.e0 dry2d(i,j)=0.e0 aam2d(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im adx2d(i,j)=adx2d(i,j)+advx(i,j,k)*dz(k) ady2d(i,j)=ady2d(i,j)+advy(i,j,k)*dz(k) drx2d(i,j)=drx2d(i,j)+drhox(i,j,k)*dz(k) dry2d(i,j)=dry2d(i,j)+drhoy(i,j,k)*dz(k) aam2d(i,j)=aam2d(i,j)+aam(i,j,k)*dz(k) end do end do end do C call advave(tps) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im adx2d(i,j)=adx2d(i,j)-advua(i,j) ady2d(i,j)=ady2d(i,j)-advva(i,j) end do end do C endif C do j=1,jm do i=1,im egf(i,j)=el(i,j)*ispi end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=2,im utf(i,j)=ua(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j))*isp2i end do end do do j=2,jm do i=1,im vtf(i,j)=va(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1))*isp2i end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C do 8000 iext=1,isplit ! Begin external (2-D) mode C C write(6,3) iext,time C 3 format(' iext,time =',i5,f9.2) C do j=2,jm do i=2,im fluxua(i,j)=.25e0*(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j)) $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j))*ua(i,j) fluxva(i,j)=.25e0*(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1)) $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*va(i,j) end do end do C C NOTE addition of surface freshwater flux, w(i,j,1)=vflux, compared C with pom98.f. See also modifications to subroutine vertvl. C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 elf(i,j)=elb(i,j) $ +dte2*(-(fluxua(i+1,j)-fluxua(i,j) $ +fluxva(i,j+1)-fluxva(i,j))/art(i,j) $ -vfluxf(i,j)) end do end do C call bcond(1) if(mod(iext,ispadv).eq.0) call advave(tps) C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im uaf(i,j)=adx2d(i,j)+advua(i,j) $ -aru(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(cor(i,j)*d(i,j)*(va(i,j+1)+va(i,j)) $ +cor(i-1,j)*d(i-1,j)*(va(i-1,j+1)+va(i-1,j))) $ +.25e0*grav*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) $ *(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j)) $ *((1.e0-2.e0*alpha) $ *(el(i,j)-el(i-1,j)) $ +alpha*(elb(i,j)-elb(i-1,j) $ +elf(i,j)-elf(i-1,j)) $ +e_atmos(i,j)-e_atmos(i-1,j)) $ +drx2d(i,j)+aru(i,j)*(wusurf(i,j)-wubot(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im uaf(i,j)=((h(i,j)+elb(i,j)+h(i-1,j)+elb(i-1,j)) $ *aru(i,j)*uab(i,j) $ -4.e0*dte*uaf(i,j)) $ /((h(i,j)+elf(i,j)+h(i-1,j)+elf(i-1,j)) $ *aru(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 vaf(i,j)=ady2d(i,j)+advva(i,j) $ +arv(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(cor(i,j)*d(i,j)*(ua(i+1,j)+ua(i,j)) $ +cor(i,j-1)*d(i,j-1)*(ua(i+1,j-1)+ua(i,j-1))) $ +.25e0*grav*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1)) $ *(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1)) $ *((1.e0-2.e0*alpha)*(el(i,j)-el(i,j-1)) $ +alpha*(elb(i,j)-elb(i,j-1) $ +elf(i,j)-elf(i,j-1)) $ +e_atmos(i,j)-e_atmos(i,j-1)) $ +dry2d(i,j)+arv(i,j)*(wvsurf(i,j)-wvbot(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 vaf(i,j)=((h(i,j)+elb(i,j)+h(i,j-1)+elb(i,j-1)) $ *vab(i,j)*arv(i,j) $ -4.e0*dte*vaf(i,j)) $ /((h(i,j)+elf(i,j)+h(i,j-1)+elf(i,j-1)) $ *arv(i,j)) end do end do C call bcond(2) C if(iext.eq.(isplit-2))then do j=1,jm do i=1,im etf(i,j)=.25e0*smoth*elf(i,j) end do end do C else if(iext.eq.(isplit-1)) then C do j=1,jm do i=1,im etf(i,j)=etf(i,j)+.5e0*(1.-.5e0*smoth)*elf(i,j) end do end do C else if(iext.eq.isplit) then C do j=1,jm do i=1,im etf(i,j)=(etf(i,j)+.5e0*elf(i,j))*fsm(i,j) end do end do C endif C C Stop if velocity condition violated (generally due to CFL C criterion not being satisfied): C vamax=0.e0 C do j=1,jm do i=1,im if(abs(vaf(i,j)).ge.vamax) then vamax=abs(vaf(i,j)) imax=i jmax=j endif end do end do C if(vamax.le.vmaxl) then C C Apply filter to remove time split and reset time sequence: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ua(i,j)=ua(i,j) $ +.5e0*smoth*(uab(i,j)-2.e0*ua(i,j)+uaf(i,j)) va(i,j)=va(i,j) $ +.5e0*smoth*(vab(i,j)-2.e0*va(i,j)+vaf(i,j)) el(i,j)=el(i,j) $ +.5e0*smoth*(elb(i,j)-2.e0*el(i,j)+elf(i,j)) elb(i,j)=el(i,j) el(i,j)=elf(i,j) d(i,j)=h(i,j)+el(i,j) uab(i,j)=ua(i,j) ua(i,j)=uaf(i,j) vab(i,j)=va(i,j) va(i,j)=vaf(i,j) end do end do C if( then do j=1,jm do i=1,im egf(i,j)=egf(i,j)+el(i,j)*ispi end do end do do j=1,jm do i=2,im utf(i,j)=utf(i,j)+ua(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j))*isp2i end do end do do j=2,jm do i=1,im vtf(i,j)=vtf(i,j)+va(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1))*isp2i end do end do endif C endif C 8000 continue ! End of external (2-D) mode C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C if(vamax.le.vmaxl) then C C Continue with internal (3-D) mode calculation: C if(( then C C Adjust u(z) and v(z) such that depth average of (u,v) = (ua,va): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=tps(i,j)+u(i,j,k)*dz(k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=2,im u(i,j,k)=(u(i,j,k)-tps(i,j))+ $ (utb(i,j)+utf(i,j))/(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=tps(i,j)+v(i,j,k)*dz(k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=1,im v(i,j,k)=(v(i,j,k)-tps(i,j))+ $ (vtb(i,j)+vtf(i,j))/(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) end do end do end do C C vertvl calculates w from u, v, dt (h+et), etf and etb: C call vertvl(a,c) call bcond(5) C C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=0.e0 vf(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C C Calculate q2f and q2lf using uf, vf, a and c as temporary C variables: C call advq(q2b,q2,uf,a,c) call advq(q2lb,q2l,vf,a,c) call profq(a,c,tps,dtef) call bcond(6) C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im q2(i,j,k)=q2(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(uf(i,j,k)+q2b(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*q2(i,j,k)) q2l(i,j,k)=q2l(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(vf(i,j,k)+q2lb(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*q2l(i,j,k)) q2b(i,j,k)=q2(i,j,k) q2(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k) q2lb(i,j,k)=q2l(i,j,k) q2l(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Calculate tf and sf using uf, vf, a and c as temporary variables: C if( then C if(nadv.eq.1) then C call advt1(tb,t,tclim,uf,a,c) call advt1(sb,s,sclim,vf,a,c) C else if(nadv.eq.2) then C call advt2(tb,t,tclim,uf,a,c,nitera,sw) call advt2(sb,s,sclim,vf,a,c,nitera,sw) C else C write(6,9) 9 format(/'Invalid value for nadv ..... ', $ 'program terminated'/) stop C endif C call proft(uf,wtsurf,tsurf,nbct,tps) call proft(vf,wssurf,ssurf,nbcs,tps) call bcond(4) C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im t(i,j,k)=t(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(uf(i,j,k)+tb(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*t(i,j,k)) s(i,j,k)=s(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(vf(i,j,k)+sb(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*s(i,j,k)) tb(i,j,k)=t(i,j,k) t(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k) sb(i,j,k)=s(i,j,k) s(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k) end do end do end do C call dens(s,t,rho) C endif C C Calculate uf and vf: C call advu call advv call profu call profv call bcond(3) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=tps(i,j) $ +(uf(i,j,k)+ub(i,j,k)-2.e0*u(i,j,k))*dz(k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im u(i,j,k)=u(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(uf(i,j,k)+ub(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*u(i,j,k)-tps(i,j)) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tps(i,j)=tps(i,j) $ +(vf(i,j,k)+vb(i,j,k)-2.e0*v(i,j,k))*dz(k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im v(i,j,k)=v(i,j,k) $ +.5e0*smoth*(vf(i,j,k)+vb(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*v(i,j,k)-tps(i,j)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im ub(i,j,k)=u(i,j,k) u(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k) vb(i,j,k)=v(i,j,k) v(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k) end do end do end do C endif C do j=1,jm do i=1,im egb(i,j)=egf(i,j) etb(i,j)=et(i,j) et(i,j)=etf(i,j) dt(i,j)=h(i,j)+et(i,j) utb(i,j)=utf(i,j) vtb(i,j)=vtf(i,j) vfluxb(i,j)=vfluxf(i,j) end do end do C endif C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Beginning of print section: C if( iprint=nint(prtd2*24.e0*3600.e0/dti) C if(mod(iint,iprint) then C write(6,4) time,iint,iext,iprint 4 format(/ $ '**************************************************', $ '**************************************************', $ '*************************'// $ ' time =',f9.4,', iint =',i8,', iext =',i8,', iprint =',i8,//) C C Select print statements in printall as desired: C call printall C vtot=0.e0 atot=0.e0 taver=0.e0 saver=0.e0 eaver=0.e0 do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im darea=dx(i,j)*dy(i,j)*fsm(i,j) dvol=darea*dt(i,j)*dz(k) vtot=vtot+dvol taver=taver+tb(i,j,k)*dvol saver=saver+sb(i,j,k)*dvol end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im darea=dx(i,j)*dy(i,j)*fsm(i,j) atot=atot+darea eaver=eaver+et(i,j)*darea end do end do C taver=taver/vtot saver=saver/vtot eaver=eaver/atot tsalt=(saver+sbias)*vtot C write(6,5) vtot,atot,eaver,taver,saver,tsalt 5 format('vtot = ',e16.7,' atot = ',e16.7, $ ' eaver =',e16.7/'taver =',e16.7, $ ' saver =',e16.7,' tsalt =',e16.7) C C Write netCDF output: C if('nonetcdf') then c call write_netcdf(netcdf_file,2) ! *netCDF* endif C if( then C write(6,4) time,iint,iext,iprint C call printall C write(6,6) vamax,imax,jmax 6 format(/////////////////// $ '************************************************'/ $ '************ abnormal job end ******************'/ $ '************* user terminated ******************'/ $ '************************************************'/ $ ' vamax =',e12.3,' imax,jmax =',2i5) C C Close netCDF file: C if('nonetcdf') then c call write_netcdf(netcdf_file,3) ! *netCDF* endif C stop C endif C endif C C End of print section C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C 9000 continue ! End of internal (3-D) mode C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C write(6,4) time,iint,iext,iprint C C Set levels for output: C ko(1)=1 ko(2)=2 ko(3)=kb/2 ko(4)=kb-1 ko(5)=kb C C call prxyz('Vertical velocity, w ', C $ time,w ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,5,-1.e0) C C call prxyz('Turbulent kinetic energy x 2, q2 ', C $ time,q2 ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,5,-1.e0) C C Save this data for a seamless restart: C write(71) time, $ wubot,wvbot,aam2d,ua,uab,va,vab,el,elb,et,etb,egb, $ utb,vtb,u,ub,w,v,vb,t,tb,s,sb,rho,adx2d,ady2d,advua,advva, $ km,kh,kq,l,q2,q2b,aam,q2l,q2lb C C Close netCDF file: C if('nonetcdf') then c call write_netcdf(netcdf_file,3) ! *netCDF* endif C stop C end C C End of main program C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C subroutine advave(curv2d) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates horizontal advection and diffusion. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real curv2d(im,jm) integer i,j C C u-advection and diffusion: C C Advective fluxes: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im advua(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 fluxua(i,j)=.125e0*((d(i+1,j)+d(i,j))*ua(i+1,j) $ +(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j))*ua(i,j)) $ *(ua(i+1,j)+ua(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,im fluxva(i,j)=.125e0*((d(i,j)+d(i,j-1))*va(i,j) $ +(d(i-1,j)+d(i-1,j-1))*va(i-1,j)) $ *(ua(i,j)+ua(i,j-1)) end do end do C C Add viscous fluxes: C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 fluxua(i,j)=fluxua(i,j) $ -d(i,j)*2.e0*aam2d(i,j)*(uab(i+1,j)-uab(i,j)) $ /dx(i,j) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,im tps(i,j)=.25e0*(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j)+d(i,j-1)+d(i-1,j-1)) $ *(aam2d(i,j)+aam2d(i,j-1) $ +aam2d(i-1,j)+aam2d(i-1,j-1)) $ *((uab(i,j)-uab(i,j-1)) $ /(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)+dy(i,j-1)+dy(i-1,j-1)) $ +(vab(i,j)-vab(i-1,j)) $ /(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j)+dx(i,j-1)+dx(i-1,j-1))) fluxua(i,j)=fluxua(i,j)*dy(i,j) fluxva(i,j)=(fluxva(i,j)-tps(i,j))*.25e0 $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j)+dx(i,j-1)+dx(i-1,j-1)) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advua(i,j)=fluxua(i,j)-fluxua(i-1,j) $ +fluxva(i,j+1)-fluxva(i,j) end do end do C C u-advection and diffusion: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im advva(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C C Advective fluxes: C do j=2,jm do i=2,im fluxua(i,j)=.125e0*((d(i,j)+d(i-1,j))*ua(i,j) $ +(d(i,j-1)+d(i-1,j-1))*ua(i,j-1)) $ *(va(i-1,j)+va(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im fluxva(i,j)=.125e0*((d(i,j+1)+d(i,j))*va(i,j+1) $ +(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1))*va(i,j)) $ *(va(i,j+1)+va(i,j)) end do end do C C Add viscous fluxes: C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im fluxva(i,j)=fluxva(i,j) $ -d(i,j)*2.e0*aam2d(i,j)*(vab(i,j+1)-vab(i,j)) $ /dy(i,j) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,im fluxva(i,j)=fluxva(i,j)*dx(i,j) fluxua(i,j)=(fluxua(i,j)-tps(i,j))*.25e0 $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)+dy(i,j-1)+dy(i-1,j-1)) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advva(i,j)=fluxua(i+1,j)-fluxua(i,j) $ +fluxva(i,j)-fluxva(i,j-1) end do end do C if(mode.eq.2) then C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 wubot(i,j)=-0.5e0*(cbc(i,j)+cbc(i-1,j)) $ *sqrt(uab(i,j)**2 $ +(.25e0*(vab(i,j)+vab(i,j+1) $ +vab(i-1,j)+vab(i-1,j+1)))**2) $ *uab(i,j) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 wvbot(i,j)=-0.5e0*(cbc(i,j)+cbc(i,j-1)) $ *sqrt(vab(i,j)**2 $ +(.25e0*(uab(i,j)+uab(i+1,j) $ +uab(i,j-1)+uab(i+1,j-1)))**2) $ *vab(i,j) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 curv2d(i,j)=.25e0 $ *((va(i,j+1)+va(i,j))*(dy(i+1,j)-dy(i-1,j)) $ -(ua(i+1,j)+ua(i,j))*(dx(i,j+1)-dx(i,j-1))) $ /(dx(i,j)*dy(i,j)) end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=3,imm1 advua(i,j)=advua(i,j)-aru(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(curv2d(i,j)*d(i,j) $ *(va(i,j+1)+va(i,j)) $ +curv2d(i-1,j)*d(i-1,j) $ *(va(i-1,j+1)+va(i-1,j))) end do end do C do j=3,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advva(i,j)=advva(i,j)+arv(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(curv2d(i,j)*d(i,j) $ *(ua(i+1,j)+ua(i,j)) $ +curv2d(i,j-1)*d(i,j-1) $ *(ua(i+1,j-1)+ua(i,j-1))) end do end do C endif C return C end C subroutine advct(xflux,yflux,curv) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates the horizontal portions of momentum * C * advection well in advance of their use in advu and * C * advv so that their vertical integrals (created in * C * the main program) may be used in the external (2-D) * C * mode calculation. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real xflux(im,jm,kb),yflux(im,jm,kb) real curv(im,jm,kb) real dtaam integer i,j,k C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im curv(i,j,k)=0.e0 advx(i,j,k)=0.e0 xflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 yflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 curv(i,j,k)=.25e0*((v(i,j+1,k)+v(i,j,k)) $ *(dy(i+1,j)-dy(i-1,j)) $ -(u(i+1,j,k)+u(i,j,k)) $ *(dx(i,j+1)-dx(i,j-1))) $ /(dx(i,j)*dy(i,j)) end do end do end do C C Calculate x-component of velocity advection: C C Calculate horizontal advective fluxes: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=2,imm1 xflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*((dt(i+1,j)+dt(i,j))*u(i+1,j,k) $ +(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j))*u(i,j,k)) $ *(u(i+1,j,k)+u(i,j,k)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im yflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*((dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1))*v(i,j,k) $ +(dt(i-1,j)+dt(i-1,j-1))*v(i-1,j,k)) $ *(u(i,j,k)+u(i,j-1,k)) end do end do end do C C Add horizontal diffusive fluxes: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 xflux(i,j,k)=xflux(i,j,k) $ -dt(i,j)*aam(i,j,k)*2.e0 $ *(ub(i+1,j,k)-ub(i,j,k))/dx(i,j) dtaam=.25e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)+dt(i,j-1)+dt(i-1,j-1)) $ *(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i-1,j,k) $ +aam(i,j-1,k)+aam(i-1,j-1,k)) yflux(i,j,k)=yflux(i,j,k) $ -dtaam*((ub(i,j,k)-ub(i,j-1,k)) $ /(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j) $ +dy(i,j-1)+dy(i-1,j-1)) $ +(vb(i,j,k)-vb(i-1,j,k)) $ /(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j) $ +dx(i,j-1)+dx(i-1,j-1))) C xflux(i,j,k)=dy(i,j)*xflux(i,j,k) yflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j) $ +dx(i,j-1)+dx(i-1,j-1))*yflux(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Do horizontal advection: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advx(i,j,k)=xflux(i,j,k)-xflux(i-1,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=3,imm1 advx(i,j,k)=advx(i,j,k) $ -aru(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(curv(i,j,k)*dt(i,j) $ *(v(i,j+1,k)+v(i,j,k)) $ +curv(i-1,j,k)*dt(i-1,j) $ *(v(i-1,j+1,k)+v(i-1,j,k))) end do end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im advy(i,j,k)=0.e0 xflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 yflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C C Calculate y-component of velocity advection: C C Calculate horizontal advective fluxes: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*((dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j))*u(i,j,k) $ +(dt(i,j-1)+dt(i-1,j-1))*u(i,j-1,k)) $ *(v(i,j,k)+v(i-1,j,k)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=1,im yflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*((dt(i,j+1)+dt(i,j))*v(i,j+1,k) $ +(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1))*v(i,j,k)) $ *(v(i,j+1,k)+v(i,j,k)) end do end do end do C C Add horizontal diffusive fluxes: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im dtaam=.25e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)+dt(i,j-1)+dt(i-1,j-1)) $ *(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i-1,j,k) $ +aam(i,j-1,k)+aam(i-1,j-1,k)) xflux(i,j,k)=xflux(i,j,k) $ -dtaam*((ub(i,j,k)-ub(i,j-1,k)) $ /(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j) $ +dy(i,j-1)+dy(i-1,j-1)) $ +(vb(i,j,k)-vb(i-1,j,k)) $ /(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j) $ +dx(i,j-1)+dx(i-1,j-1))) yflux(i,j,k)=yflux(i,j,k) $ -dt(i,j)*aam(i,j,k)*2.e0 $ *(vb(i,j+1,k)-vb(i,j,k))/dy(i,j) C xflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j) $ +dy(i,j-1)+dy(i-1,j-1))*xflux(i,j,k) yflux(i,j,k)=dx(i,j)*yflux(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Do horizontal advection: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advy(i,j,k)=xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j,k)-yflux(i,j-1,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=3,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 advy(i,j,k)=advy(i,j,k) $ +arv(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(curv(i,j,k)*dt(i,j) $ *(u(i+1,j,k)+u(i,j,k)) $ +curv(i,j-1,k)*dt(i,j-1) $ *(u(i+1,j-1,k)+u(i,j-1,k))) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine advq(qb,q,qf,xflux,yflux) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates horizontal advection and diffusion, and * C * vertical advection for turbulent quantities. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real qb(im,jm,kb),q(im,jm,kb),qf(im,jm,kb) real xflux(im,jm,kb),yflux(im,jm,kb) integer i,j,k C C Do horizontal advection: C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*(q(i,j,k)+q(i-1,j,k)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j))*(u(i,j,k)+u(i,j,k-1)) yflux(i,j,k)=.125e0*(q(i,j,k)+q(i,j-1,k)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1))*(v(i,j,k)+v(i,j,k-1)) end do end do end do C C Do horizontal diffusion: C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=xflux(i,j,k) $ -.25e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i-1,j,k) $ +aam(i,j,k-1)+aam(i-1,j,k-1)) $ *(h(i,j)+h(i-1,j)) $ *(qb(i,j,k)-qb(i-1,j,k))*dum(i,j) $ /(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j)) yflux(i,j,k)=yflux(i,j,k) $ -.25e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i,j-1,k) $ +aam(i,j,k-1)+aam(i,j-1,k-1)) $ *(h(i,j)+h(i,j-1)) $ *(qb(i,j,k)-qb(i,j-1,k))*dvm(i,j) $ /(dy(i,j)+dy(i,j-1)) xflux(i,j,k)=.5e0*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j))*xflux(i,j,k) yflux(i,j,k)=.5e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*yflux(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Do vertical advection, add flux terms, then step forward in time: C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 qf(i,j,k)=(w(i,j,k-1)*q(i,j,k-1)-w(i,j,k+1)*q(i,j,k+1)) $ *art(i,j)/(dz(k)+dz(k-1)) $ +xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k) qf(i,j,k)=((h(i,j)+etb(i,j))*art(i,j) $ *qb(i,j,k)-dti2*qf(i,j,k)) $ /((h(i,j)+etf(i,j))*art(i,j)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine advt1(fb,f,fclim,ff,xflux,yflux) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Integrates conservative scalar equations. * C * * C * This is centred scheme, as originally provide in * C * POM (previously called advt). * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real fb(im,jm,kb),f(im,jm,kb),fclim(im,jm,kb),ff(im,jm,kb) real xflux(im,jm,kb),yflux(im,jm,kb) integer i,j,k C do j=1,jm do i=1,im f(i,j,kb)=f(i,j,kbm1) fb(i,j,kb)=fb(i,j,kbm1) end do end do C C Do advective fluxes: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*((dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) $ *(f(i,j,k)+f(i-1,j,k))*u(i,j,k)) yflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*((dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) $ *(f(i,j,k)+f(i,j-1,k))*v(i,j,k)) end do end do end do C C Add diffusive fluxes: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im fb(i,j,k)=fb(i,j,k)-fclim(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=xflux(i,j,k) $ -.5e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i-1,j,k)) $ *(h(i,j)+h(i-1,j))*tprni $ *(fb(i,j,k)-fb(i-1,j,k))*dum(i,j) $ /(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j)) yflux(i,j,k)=yflux(i,j,k) $ -.5e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i,j-1,k)) $ *(h(i,j)+h(i,j-1))*tprni $ *(fb(i,j,k)-fb(i,j-1,k))*dvm(i,j) $ /(dy(i,j)+dy(i,j-1)) xflux(i,j,k)=.5e0*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j))*xflux(i,j,k) yflux(i,j,k)=.5e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*yflux(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im fb(i,j,k)=fb(i,j,k)+fclim(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Do vertical advection: C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 zflux(i,j,1)=f(i,j,1)*w(i,j,1)*art(i,j) zflux(i,j,kb)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 zflux(i,j,k)=.5e0*(f(i,j,k-1)+f(i,j,k))*w(i,j,k)*art(i,j) end do end do end do C C Add net horizontal fluxes and then step forward in time: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 ff(i,j,k)=xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k) $ +(zflux(i,j,k)-zflux(i,j,k+1))/dz(k) C ff(i,j,k)=(fb(i,j,k)*(h(i,j)+etb(i,j))*art(i,j) $ -dti2*ff(i,j,k)) $ /((h(i,j)+etf(i,j))*art(i,j)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine advt2(fb,f,fclim,ff,xflux,yflux,nitera,sw) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Integrates conservative scalar equations. * C * * C * This is a first-order upstream scheme, which * C * reduces implicit diffusion using the Smolarkiewicz * C * iterative upstream scheme with an antidiffusive * C * velocity. * C * * C * It is based on the subroutines of Gianmaria Sannino * C * (Inter-university Computing Consortium, Rome, Italy)* C * and Vincenzo Artale (Italian National Agency for * C * New Technology and Environment, Rome, Italy), * C * downloaded from the POM FTP site on 1 Nov. 2001. * C * The calculations have been simplified by removing * C * the shock switch option. It should be noted that * C * this implementation does not include cross-terms * C * which are in the original formulation. * C * * C * fb,f,fclim,ff . as used in subroutine advt1 * C * xflux,yflux ... working arrays used to save memory * C * nitera ........ number of iterations. This should * C * be in the range 1 - 4. 1 is * C * standard upstream differencing; * C * 3 adds 50% CPU time to POM. * C * sw ............ smoothing parameter. This should * C * preferably be 1, but 0 < sw < 1 * C * gives smoother solutions with less * C * overshoot when nitera > 1. * C * * C * Reference: * C * * C * Smolarkiewicz, P.K.; A fully multidimensional * C * positive definite advection transport algorithm * C * with small implicit diffusion, Journal of * C * Computational Physics, 54, 325-362, 1984. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real fb(im,jm,kb),f(im,jm,kb),fclim(im,jm,kb),ff(im,jm,kb) real xflux(im,jm,kb),yflux(im,jm,kb) real sw integer nitera real fbmem(im,jm,kb),eta(im,jm) real xmassflux(im,jm,kb),ymassflux(im,jm,kb),zwflux(im,jm,kb) integer i,j,k,itera C C Calculate horizontal mass fluxes: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im xmassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 ymassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im xmassflux(i,j,k)=0.25e0*(dy(i-1,j)+dy(i,j)) $ *(dt(i-1,j)+dt(i,j))*u(i,j,k) end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 ymassflux(i,j,k)=0.25e0*(dx(i,j-1)+dx(i,j)) $ *(dt(i,j-1)+dt(i,j))*v(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im fb(i,j,kb)=fb(i,j,kbm1) eta(i,j)=etb(i,j) end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im zwflux(i,j,k)=w(i,j,k) fbmem(i,j,k)=fb(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Start Smolarkiewicz scheme: C do itera=1,nitera C C Upwind advection scheme: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=0.5e0 $ *((xmassflux(i,j,k)+abs(xmassflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i-1,j,k)+ $ (xmassflux(i,j,k)-abs(xmassflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i,j,k)) C yflux(i,j,k)=0.5e0 $ *((ymassflux(i,j,k)+abs(ymassflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i,j-1,k)+ $ (ymassflux(i,j,k)-abs(ymassflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i,j,k)) end do end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 zflux(i,j,1)=0.e0 if(itera.eq.1) zflux(i,j,1)=w(i,j,1)*f(i,j,1)*art(i,j) zflux(i,j,kb)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 zflux(i,j,k)=0.5e0 $ *((zwflux(i,j,k)+abs(zwflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i,j,k)+ $ (zwflux(i,j,k)-abs(zwflux(i,j,k))) $ *fbmem(i,j,k-1)) zflux(i,j,k)=zflux(i,j,k)*art(i,j) end do end do end do C C Add net advective fluxes and step forward in time: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 ff(i,j,k)=xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k) $ +(zflux(i,j,k)-zflux(i,j,k+1))/dz(k) ff(i,j,k)=(fbmem(i,j,k)*(h(i,j)+eta(i,j))*art(i,j) $ -dti2*ff(i,j,k))/((h(i,j)+etf(i,j))*art(i,j)) end do end do end do C C Calculate antidiffusion velocity: C call smol_adif(xmassflux,ymassflux,zwflux,ff,sw) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im eta(i,j)=etf(i,j) do k=1,kb fbmem(i,j,k)=ff(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C End of Smolarkiewicz scheme C end do C C Add horizontal diffusive fluxes: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im fb(i,j,k)=fb(i,j,k)-fclim(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xmassflux(i,j,k)=0.5e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i-1,j,k)) ymassflux(i,j,k)=0.5e0*(aam(i,j,k)+aam(i,j-1,k)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=-xmassflux(i,j,k)*(h(i,j)+h(i-1,j))*tprni $ *(fb(i,j,k)-fb(i-1,j,k))*dum(i,j) $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j))*0.5e0/(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j)) yflux(i,j,k)=-ymassflux(i,j,k)*(h(i,j)+h(i,j-1))*tprni $ *(fb(i,j,k)-fb(i,j-1,k))*dvm(i,j) $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*0.5e0/(dy(i,j)+dy(i,j-1)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im fb(i,j,k)=fb(i,j,k)+fclim(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Add net horizontal fluxes and step forward in time: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 ff(i,j,k)=ff(i,j,k)-dti2*(xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k)) $ /((h(i,j)+etf(i,j))*art(i,j)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine advu C ********************************************************************** C * * C * ROUTINE NAME: advu * C * * C * FUNCTION : Does horizontal and vertical advection of * C * u-momentum, and includes coriolis, surface slope * C * and baroclinic terms. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer i,j,k C C Do vertical advection: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=2,im uf(i,j,k)=.25e0*(w(i,j,k)+w(i-1,j,k)) $ *(u(i,j,k)+u(i,j,k-1)) end do end do end do C C Combine horizontal and vertical advection with coriolis, surface C slope and baroclinic terms: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 uf(i,j,k)=advx(i,j,k) $ +(uf(i,j,k)-uf(i,j,k+1))*aru(i,j)/dz(k) $ -aru(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(cor(i,j)*dt(i,j) $ *(v(i,j+1,k)+v(i,j,k)) $ +cor(i-1,j)*dt(i-1,j) $ *(v(i-1,j+1,k)+v(i-1,j,k))) $ +grav*.125e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) $ *(egf(i,j)-egf(i-1,j)+egb(i,j)-egb(i-1,j) $ +(e_atmos(i,j)-e_atmos(i-1,j))*2.e0) $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) $ +drhox(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Step forward in time: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 uf(i,j,k)=((h(i,j)+etb(i,j)+h(i-1,j)+etb(i-1,j)) $ *aru(i,j)*ub(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*dti2*uf(i,j,k)) $ /((h(i,j)+etf(i,j)+h(i-1,j)+etf(i-1,j)) $ *aru(i,j)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine advv C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Does horizontal and vertical advection of * C * v-momentum, and includes coriolis, surface slope * C * and baroclinic terms. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer i,j,k C C Do vertical advection: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im vf(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=1,im vf(i,j,k)=.25e0*(w(i,j,k)+w(i,j-1,k)) $ *(v(i,j,k)+v(i,j,k-1)) end do end do end do C C Combine horizontal and vertical advection with coriolis, surface C slope and baroclinic terms: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 vf(i,j,k)=advy(i,j,k) $ +(vf(i,j,k)-vf(i,j,k+1))*arv(i,j)/dz(k) $ +arv(i,j)*.25e0 $ *(cor(i,j)*dt(i,j) $ *(u(i+1,j,k)+u(i,j,k)) $ +cor(i,j-1)*dt(i,j-1) $ *(u(i+1,j-1,k)+u(i,j-1,k))) $ +grav*.125e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) $ *(egf(i,j)-egf(i,j-1)+egb(i,j)-egb(i,j-1) $ +(e_atmos(i,j)-e_atmos(i,j-1))*2.e0) $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1)) $ +drhoy(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Step forward in time: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 vf(i,j,k)=((h(i,j)+etb(i,j)+h(i,j-1)+etb(i,j-1)) $ *arv(i,j)*vb(i,j,k) $ -2.e0*dti2*vf(i,j,k)) $ /((h(i,j)+etf(i,j)+h(i,j-1)+etf(i,j-1)) $ *arv(i,j)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine areas_masks C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates areas and masks. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer i,j C C Calculate areas of "t" and "s" cells: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im art(i,j)=dx(i,j)*dy(i,j) end do end do C C Calculate areas of "u" and "v" cells: C do j=2,jm do i=2,im aru(i,j)=.25e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i-1,j))*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) arv(i,j)=.25e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*(dy(i,j)+dy(i,j-1)) end do end do C do j=1,jm aru(1,j)=aru(2,j) arv(1,j)=arv(2,j) end do C do i=1,im aru(i,1)=aru(i,2) arv(i,1)=arv(i,2) end do C C Initialise and set up free surface mask: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im fsm(i,j)=0.e0 dum(i,j)=0.e0 dvm(i,j)=0.e0 if(h(i,j).gt.1.e0) fsm(i,j)=1.e0 end do end do C C Set up velocity masks: C do j=2,jm do i=2,im dum(i,j)=fsm(i,j)*fsm(i-1,j) dvm(i,j)=fsm(i,j)*fsm(i,j-1) end do end do C return C end C subroutine baropg C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates baroclinic pressure gradient. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer i,j,k C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im rho(i,j,k)=rho(i,j,k)-rmean(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Calculate x-component of baroclinic pressure gradient: C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhox(i,j,1)=.5e0*grav*(-zz(1))*(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) $ *(rho(i,j,1)-rho(i-1,j,1)) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhox(i,j,k)=drhox(i,j,k-1) $ +grav*.25e0*(zz(k-1)-zz(k)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) $ *(rho(i,j,k)-rho(i-1,j,k) $ +rho(i,j,k-1)-rho(i-1,j,k-1)) $ +grav*.25e0*(zz(k-1)+zz(k)) $ *(dt(i,j)-dt(i-1,j)) $ *(rho(i,j,k)+rho(i-1,j,k) $ -rho(i,j,k-1)-rho(i-1,j,k-1)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhox(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j)) $ *drhox(i,j,k)*dum(i,j) $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) end do end do end do C C Calculate y-component of baroclinic pressure gradient: C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhoy(i,j,1)=.5e0*grav*(-zz(1))*(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) $ *(rho(i,j,1)-rho(i,j-1,1)) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhoy(i,j,k)=drhoy(i,j,k-1) $ +grav*.25e0*(zz(k-1)-zz(k)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) $ *(rho(i,j,k)-rho(i,j-1,k) $ +rho(i,j,k-1)-rho(i,j-1,k-1)) $ +grav*.25e0*(zz(k-1)+zz(k)) $ *(dt(i,j)-dt(i,j-1)) $ *(rho(i,j,k)+rho(i,j-1,k) $ -rho(i,j,k-1)-rho(i,j-1,k-1)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhoy(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1)) $ *drhoy(i,j,k)*dvm(i,j) $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 drhox(i,j,k)=ramp*drhox(i,j,k) drhoy(i,j,k)=ramp*drhoy(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im rho(i,j,k)=rho(i,j,k)+rmean(i,j,k) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine bcond(idx) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Applies open boundary conditions. * C * * C * Closed boundary conditions are automatically * C * enabled through specification of the masks, dum, * C * dvm and fsm, in which case the open boundary * C * conditions, included below, will be overwritten. * C * * C * The C-Grid * C * ********** * C * * C * The diagram is for the case where u and v are the * C * primary boundary conditions together with t and * C * s (co-located with el) * C * * C * All interpolations are centered in space except * C * those at lateral open boundary where an upstream * C * Horizontal locations of e(el), t and s (etc.) are * C * coincident. * C * * C * People not acquainted with sigma coordinates have * C * often asked what kind of boundary condition is * C * applied along closed horizontal boundaries. * C * Although the issue is not as important as it might * C * be for z-level grids, a direct answer is "half- * C * slip" which, of course, is between free slip and * C * non-slip. * C C C East and West end points for the C-grid in POM. C C west C C v(1,j+1)=0 v(2,j+1) . . . . C C ----<---<----<----- C | | C u(1,j) el(1,j) u(2,j)=BC el(2,j) u(3,j) . . . . C | | C -----<----<----<----- C C v(1,j)=0 v(2,j) . . . . C C east C C . . . . v(im-1,j+1) v(im,j+1)=0 C C C . . . . u(im-1,j) el(im-1,j) u(im,j)=BC el(im,j) C | | C ----->----->---->---- C C . . . . v(im-1,j) v(im,j)=0 C C Notes: C 1. The suffixes, f or af, have been deleted. C 2. All variables NOT designated as boundary condition (=BC) or set to C zero or obtained from an interior point are calculated points. C 3. u(1,j) is never used but is obtained from the interior point for C cosmetic output. Its counterpart, u(im+1,j), does not exist. C 4. v=0 at i=1 and i=im are used as open inflow BC's unless specified C otherwise. C 5. The south and north extremal points are obtained from the above by C permuting u to v, v to u, i to j and j to i. C ********************************************************************** implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer idx real ga,u1,wm integer i,j,k C if(idx.eq.1) then C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C External (2-D) boundary conditions: C C In this example, the governing boundary conditions are a radiation C condition on uaf in the east and in the west, and vaf in the north C and south. The tangential velocities are set to zero on both C boundaries. These are only one set of possibilities and may not C represent a choice which yields the most physically realistic C result. C C Elevation (in this application, elevation is not a primary C boundary condition): C do j=1,jm elf(1,j)=elf(2,j) elf(im,j)=elf(imm1,j) end do C do i=1,im elf(i,1)=elf(i,2) elf(i,jm)=elf(i,jmm1) end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im elf(i,j)=elf(i,j)*fsm(i,j) end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.2) then C C External (2-D) velocity: C do j=2,jmm1 C C East: C uaf(im,j)=uabe(j) $ +rfe*sqrt(grav/h(imm1,j)) $ *(el(imm1,j)-ele(j)) uaf(im,j)=ramp*uaf(im,j) vaf(im,j)=0.e0 C C West: C uaf(2,j)=uabw(j) $ -rfw*sqrt(grav/h(2,j)) $ *(el(2,j)-elw(j)) uaf(2,j)=ramp*uaf(2,j) uaf(1,j)=uaf(2,j) vaf(1,j)=0.e0 C end do C do i=2,imm1 C C North: C vaf(i,jm)=vabn(i) $ +rfn*sqrt(grav/h(i,jmm1)) $ *(el(i,jmm1)-eln(i)) vaf(i,jm)=ramp*vaf(i,jm) uaf(i,jm)=0.e0 C C South: C vaf(i,2)=vabs(i) $ -rfs*sqrt(grav/h(i,2)) $ *(el(i,2)-els(i)) vaf(i,2)=ramp*vaf(i,2) vaf(i,1)=vaf(i,2) uaf(i,1)=0.e0 C end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im uaf(i,j)=uaf(i,j)*dum(i,j) vaf(i,j)=vaf(i,j)*dvm(i,j) end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.3) then C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Internal (3-D) boundary conditions: C C Velocity (radiation conditions; smoothing is used in the direction C tangential to the boundaries): C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 C C East: C ga=sqrt(h(im,j)/hmax) uf(im,j,k)=ga*(.25e0*u(imm1,j-1,k)+.5e0*u(imm1,j,k) $ +.25e0*u(imm1,j+1,k)) $ +(1.e0-ga)*(.25e0*u(im,j-1,k)+.5e0*u(im,j,k) $ +.25e0*u(im,j+1,k)) vf(im,j,k)=0.e0 C C West: C ga=sqrt(h(1,j)/hmax) uf(2,j,k)=ga*(.25e0*u(3,j-1,k)+.5e0*u(3,j,k) $ +.25e0*u(3,j+1,k)) $ +(1.e0-ga)*(.25e0*u(2,j-1,k)+.5e0*u(2,j,k) $ +.25e0*u(2,j+1,k)) uf(1,j,k)=uf(2,j,k) vf(1,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do i=2,imm1 C C North: C ga=sqrt(h(i,jm)/hmax) vf(i,jm,k)=ga*(.25e0*v(i-1,jmm1,k)+.5e0*v(i,jmm1,k) $ +.25e0*v(i+1,jmm1,k)) $ +(1.e0-ga)*(.25e0*v(i-1,jm,k)+.5e0*v(i,jm,k) $ +.25e0*v(i+1,jm,k)) uf(i,jm,k)=0.e0 C C South: C ga=sqrt(h(i,1)/hmax) vf(i,2,k)=ga*(.25e0*v(i-1,3,k)+.5e0*v(i,3,k) $ +.25e0*v(i+1,3,k)) $ +(1.e0-ga)*(.25e0*v(i-1,2,k)+.5e0*v(i,2,k) $ +.25e0*v(i+1,2,k)) vf(i,1,k)=vf(i,2,k) uf(i,1,k)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*dum(i,j) vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*dvm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.4) then C C Temperature and salinity boundary conditions (using uf and vf, C respectively): C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm C C East: C u1=2.e0*u(im,j,k)*dti/(dx(im,j)+dx(imm1,j)) if(u1.le.0.e0) then uf(im,j,k)=t(im,j,k)-u1*(tbe(j,k)-t(im,j,k)) vf(im,j,k)=s(im,j,k)-u1*(sbe(j,k)-s(im,j,k)) else uf(im,j,k)=t(im,j,k)-u1*(t(im,j,k)-t(imm1,j,k)) vf(im,j,k)=s(im,j,k)-u1*(s(im,j,k)-s(imm1,j,k)) if( then wm=.5e0*(w(imm1,j,k)+w(imm1,j,k+1))*dti $ /((zz(k-1)-zz(k+1))*dt(imm1,j)) uf(im,j,k)=uf(im,j,k)-wm*(t(imm1,j,k-1)-t(imm1,j,k+1)) vf(im,j,k)=vf(im,j,k)-wm*(s(imm1,j,k-1)-s(imm1,j,k+1)) endif endif C C West: C u1=2.e0*u(2,j,k)*dti/(dx(1,j)+dx(2,j)) if( then uf(1,j,k)=t(1,j,k)-u1*(t(1,j,k)-tbw(j,k)) vf(1,j,k)=s(1,j,k)-u1*(s(1,j,k)-sbw(j,k)) else uf(1,j,k)=t(1,j,k)-u1*(t(2,j,k)-t(1,j,k)) vf(1,j,k)=s(1,j,k)-u1*(s(2,j,k)-s(1,j,k)) if( then wm=.5e0*(w(2,j,k)+w(2,j,k+1))*dti $ /((zz(k-1)-zz(k+1))*dt(2,j)) uf(1,j,k)=uf(1,j,k)-wm*(t(2,j,k-1)-t(2,j,k+1)) vf(1,j,k)=vf(1,j,k)-wm*(s(2,j,k-1)-s(2,j,k+1)) endif endif end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do i=1,im C C North: C u1=2.e0*v(i,jm,k)*dti/(dy(i,jm)+dy(i,jmm1)) if(u1.le.0.e0) then uf(i,jm,k)=t(i,jm,k)-u1*(tbn(i,k)-t(i,jm,k)) vf(i,jm,k)=s(i,jm,k)-u1*(sbn(i,k)-s(i,jm,k)) else uf(i,jm,k)=t(i,jm,k)-u1*(t(i,jm,k)-t(i,jmm1,k)) vf(i,jm,k)=s(i,jm,k)-u1*(s(i,jm,k)-s(i,jmm1,k)) if( then wm=.5e0*(w(i,jmm1,k)+w(i,jmm1,k+1))*dti $ /((zz(k-1)-zz(k+1))*dt(i,jmm1)) uf(i,jm,k)=uf(i,jm,k)-wm*(t(i,jmm1,k-1)-t(i,jmm1,k+1)) vf(i,jm,k)=vf(i,jm,k)-wm*(s(i,jmm1,k-1)-s(i,jmm1,k+1)) endif endif C C South: C u1=2.e0*v(i,2,k)*dti/(dy(i,1)+dy(i,2)) if( then uf(i,1,k)=t(i,1,k)-u1*(t(i,1,k)-tbs(i,k)) vf(i,1,k)=s(i,1,k)-u1*(s(i,1,k)-sbs(i,k)) else uf(i,1,k)=t(i,1,k)-u1*(t(i,2,k)-t(i,1,k)) vf(i,1,k)=s(i,1,k)-u1*(s(i,2,k)-s(i,1,k)) if( then wm=.5e0*(w(i,2,k)+w(i,2,k+1))*dti $ /((zz(k-1)-zz(k+1))*dt(i,2)) uf(i,1,k)=uf(i,1,k)-wm*(t(i,2,k-1)-t(i,2,k+1)) vf(i,1,k)=vf(i,1,k)-wm*(s(i,2,k-1)-s(i,2,k+1)) endif endif end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.5) then C C Vertical velocity boundary conditions: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im w(i,j,k)=w(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.6) then C C q2 and q2l boundary conditions: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm C C East: C u1=2.e0*u(im,j,k)*dti/(dx(im,j)+dx(imm1,j)) if(u1.le.0.e0) then uf(im,j,k)=q2(im,j,k)-u1*(small-q2(im,j,k)) vf(im,j,k)=q2l(im,j,k)-u1*(small-q2l(im,j,k)) else uf(im,j,k)=q2(im,j,k)-u1*(q2(im,j,k)-q2(imm1,j,k)) vf(im,j,k)=q2l(im,j,k)-u1*(q2l(im,j,k)-q2l(imm1,j,k)) endif C C West: C u1=2.e0*u(2,j,k)*dti/(dx(1,j)+dx(2,j)) if( then uf(1,j,k)=q2(1,j,k)-u1*(q2(1,j,k)-small) vf(1,j,k)=q2l(1,j,k)-u1*(q2l(1,j,k)-small) else uf(1,j,k)=q2(1,j,k)-u1*(q2(2,j,k)-q2(1,j,k)) vf(1,j,k)=q2l(1,j,k)-u1*(q2l(2,j,k)-q2l(1,j,k)) endif end do end do C do k=1,kb do i=1,im C C North: C u1=2.e0*v(i,jm,k)*dti/(dy(i,jm)+dy(i,jmm1)) if(u1.le.0.e0) then uf(i,jm,k)=q2(i,jm,k)-u1*(small-q2(i,jm,k)) vf(i,jm,k)=q2l(i,jm,k)-u1*(small-q2l(i,jm,k)) else uf(i,jm,k)=q2(i,jm,k)-u1*(q2(i,jm,k)-q2(i,jmm1,k)) vf(i,jm,k)=q2l(i,jm,k)-u1*(q2l(i,jm,k)-q2l(i,jmm1,k)) endif C C South: C u1=2.e0*v(i,2,k)*dti/(dy(i,1)+dy(i,2)) if( then uf(i,1,k)=q2(i,1,k)-u1*(q2(i,1,k)-small) vf(i,1,k)=q2l(i,1,k)-u1*(q2l(i,1,k)-small) else uf(i,1,k)=q2(i,1,k)-u1*(q2(i,2,k)-q2(i,1,k)) vf(i,1,k)=q2l(i,1,k)-u1*(q2l(i,2,k)-q2l(i,1,k)) endif end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j)+1.e-10 vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j)+1.e-10 end do end do end do C return C endif C end C subroutine bcondorl(idx) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : This is an optional subroutine replacing bcond and * C * using Orlanski's scheme (J. Comp. Phys. 21, 251-269,* C * 1976), specialized for the seamount problem. To * C * make it work for the seamount problem, I (G.M.) * C * have had to add an extra condition on an "if" * C * statement in the t and s open boundary conditions, * C * which involves the sign of the normal velocity. * C * Thus: * C * * C * if(cl.eq.0.e0.and.ubw(j,k).ge.0.e0) uf(1,j,k)=tbw(j,k), * C * * C * plus 3 others of the same kind. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer idx real cl,denom integer i,j,k C if(idx.eq.1) then C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C External (2-D) boundary conditions: C C In this example the governing boundary conditions are a radiation C condition on uaf(im,j) in the east and an inflow uaf(2,j) in the C west. The tangential velocities are set to zero on both C boundaries. These are only one set of possibilities and may not C represent a choice which yields the most physically realistic C result. C C Elevation (in this application, elevation is not a primary C boundary condition): C do j=1,jm elf(1,j)=elf(2,j) elf(im,j)=elf(imm1,j) end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im elf(i,j)=elf(i,j)*fsm(i,j) end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.2) then C C External (2-D) velocity: C do j=2,jmm1 C C West: C uaf(2,j)=ramp*uabw(j)-sqrt(grav/h(2,j))*(el(2,j)-elw(j)) uaf(1,j)=uaf(2,j) vaf(1,j)=0.e0 C C East: C uaf(im,j)=ramp*uabe(j) $ +sqrt(grav/h(imm1,j))*(el(imm1,j)-ele(j)) vaf(im,j)=0.e0 C end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im uaf(i,j)=uaf(i,j)*dum(i,j) vaf(i,j)=vaf(i,j)*dvm(i,j) end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.3) then C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Internal (3-D) boundary conditions: C C Eastern and western radiation boundary conditions according to C Orlanski's explicit scheme: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 C C West: C denom=(uf(3,j,k)+ub(3,j,k)-2.e0*u(4,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0)denom=0.01e0 cl=(ub(3,j,k)-uf(3,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 uf(2,j,k)=(ub(2,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*u(3,j,k)) $ /(1.e0+cl) uf(1,j,k)=uf(2,j,k) vf(1,j,k)=0.e0 C C East: C denom=(uf(im-1,j,k)+ub(im-1,j,k)-2.e0*u(im-2,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0)denom=0.01e0 cl=(ub(im-1,j,k)-uf(im-1,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 uf(im,j,k)=(ub(im,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*u(im-1,j,k)) $ /(1.e0+cl) vf(im,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*dum(i,j) vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*dvm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.4) then C C Temperature and salinity boundary conditions (using uf and vf, C respectively): C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm C C West: C ubw(j,k)=ub(2,j,k) denom=(uf(2,j,k)+tb(2,j,k)-2.e0*t(3,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0) denom=0.01e0 cl=(tb(2,j,k)-uf(2,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 uf(1,j,k)=(tb(1,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*t(2,j,k))/(1.e0+cl) if(cl.eq.0.e0.and.ubw(j,k).ge.0.e0) uf(1,j,k)=tbw(j,k) C denom=(vf(2,j,k)+sb(2,j,k)-2.e0*s(3,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0) denom=0.01e0 cl=(sb(2,j,k)-vf(2,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 vf(1,j,k)=(sb(1,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*s(2,j,k))/(1.e0+cl) if(cl.eq.0.e0.and.ubw(j,k).ge.0.e0) vf(1,j,k)=sbw(j,k) C C East: C ube(j,k)=ub(im,j,k) denom=(uf(im-1,j,k)+tb(im-1,j,k)-2.e0*t(im-2,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0) denom=0.01e0 cl=(tb(im-1,j,k)-uf(im-1,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 uf(im,j,k)=(tb(im,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*t(im-1,j,k)) $ /(1.e0+cl) if(cl.eq.0.e0.and.ube(j,k).le.0.e0) uf(im,j,k)=tbe(j,k) C denom=(vf(im-1,j,k)+sb(im-1,j,k)-2.e0*s(im-2,j,k)) if(denom.eq.0.e0) denom=0.01e0 cl=(sb(im-1,j,k)-vf(im-1,j,k))/denom if( cl=1.e0 if( cl=0.e0 vf(im,j,k)=(sb(im,j,k)*(1.e0-cl)+2.e0*cl*s(im-1,j,k)) $ /(1.e0+cl) if(cl.eq.0.e0.and.ube(j,k).le.0.e0) vf(im,j,k)=sbe(j,k) C end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.5) then C C Vertical velocity boundary conditions: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im w(i,j,k)=w(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C else if(idx.eq.6) then C C q2 and q2l boundary conditions: C do k=1,kb C do j=1,jm uf(im,j,k)=1.e-10 vf(im,j,k)=1.e-10 uf(1,j,k)=1.e-10 vf(1,j,k)=1.e-10 end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,k)=uf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) vf(i,j,k)=vf(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C return C endif C end C subroutine box C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Sets up conservation box problem. * C * * C * This basin uses the same grid as the seamount * C * problem, but it has a flat bottom, is surrounded by * C * walls and is initialised with uniform salinity and * C * temperature. It is forced by a surface input of * C * water of the same temperature and salinity as the * C * water in the basin. Therefore, the temperature and * C * salinity in the basin should not change, and the * C * free surface should fall at a rate vflux. It is also* C * forced by a steady atmospheric pressure field which * C * depresses the southwestern half of the model by 1 m * C * and elevates the northeastern half of the model by * C * 1 m. * C * * C * Since this problem defines its own fixed e_atmos, * C * tatm, satm and e_atmos, comment out corresponding * C * declarations after the do 9000 statement in main * C * program. * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real depth,delx,tatm,satm integer i,j,k C C Water depth: C depth=4500.e0 C C Grid size: C delx=8000.e0 C C Set up grid dimensions, areas of free surface cells, and C Coriolis parameter: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im C C For constant grid size: C C dx(i,j)=delx C dy(i,j)=delx C C For variable grid size: C dx(i,j)=delx-delx*sin(pi*float(i)/float(im))/2.e0 dy(i,j)=delx-delx*sin(pi*float(j)/float(jm))/2.e0 C cor(i,j)=1.e-4 C end do end do C C Calculate horizontal coordinates of grid points and rotation C angle. C C NOTE that this is introduced solely for the benefit of any post- C processing software, and in order to conform with the requirements C of the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions. C C There are four horizontal coordinate systems, denoted by the C subscripts u, v, e and c ("u" is a u-point, "v" is a v-point, C "e" is an elevation point and "c" is a cell corner), as shown C below. In addition, "east_*" is an easting and "north_*" is a C northing. Hence the coordinates of the "u" points are given by C (east_u,north_u). C C Also, if the centre point of the cell shown below is at C (east_e(i,j),north_e(i,j)), then (east_u(i,j),north_u(i,j)) are C the coordinates of the western of the two "u" points, C (east_v(i,j),north_v(i,j)) are the coordinates of the southern of C the two "v" points, and (east_c(i,j),north_c(i,j)) are the C coordinates of the southwestern corner point of the cell. The C southwest corner of the entire grid is at C (east_c(1,1),north_c(1,1)). C C | | C --c------v-------c-- C | | C | | C | | C | | C u e u C | | C | | C | | C | | C --c------v-------c-- C | | C C C NOTE that the following calculation of east_c and north_c only C works properly for a rectangular grid with east and north aligned C with i and j, respectively: C do j=1,jm east_c(1,j)=0.e0 do i=2,im east_c(i,j)=east_c(i-1,j)+dx(i-1,j) end do end do C do i=1,im north_c(i,1)=0.e0 do j=2,jm north_c(i,j)=north_c(i,j-1)+dy(i,j-1) end do end do C C The following works properly for any grid: C C Elevation points: C do j=1,jm-1 do i=1,im-1 east_e(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i+1,j) $ +east_c(i,j+1)+east_c(i+1,j+1))/4.e0 north_e(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i+1,j) $ +north_c(i,j+1)+north_c(i+1,j+1))/4.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do i=1,im-1 east_e(i,jm) $ =((east_c(i,jm)+east_c(i+1,jm))*3.e0 $ -east_c(i,jm-1)-east_c(i+1,jm-1))/4.e0 north_e(i,jm) $ =((north_c(i,jm)+north_c(i+1,jm))*3.e0 $ -north_c(i,jm-1)-north_c(i+1,jm-1))/4.e0 end do C do j=1,jm-1 east_e(im,j) $ =((east_c(im,j)+east_c(im,j+1))*3.e0 $ -east_c(im-1,j)-east_c(im-1,j+1))/4.e0 north_e(im,j) $ =((north_c(im,j)+north_c(im,j+1))*3.e0 $ -north_c(im-1,j)-north_c(im-1,j+1))/4.e0 end do C east_e(im,jm)=east_e(im-1,jm)+east_e(im,jm-1) $ -(east_e(im-2,jm)+east_e(im,jm-2))/2.e0 north_e(im,jm)=north_e(im-1,jm)+north_e(im,jm-1) $ -(north_e(im-2,jm)+north_e(im,jm-2))/2.e0 C C u-points: C do j=1,jm-1 do i=1,im east_u(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 north_u(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do i=1,im east_u(i,jm)=(east_c(i,jm)*3.e0-east_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 north_u(i,jm)=(north_c(i,jm)*3.e0-north_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 end do C C v-points: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im-1 east_v(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 north_v(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do j=1,jm east_v(im,j)=(east_c(im,j)*3.e0-east_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 north_v(im,j)=(north_c(im,j)*3.e0-north_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 end do C C rot is the angle (radians, anticlockwise) of the i-axis relative C to east, averaged to a cell centre: C C (NOTE that the following calculation of rot only works properly C for this particular rectangular grid) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im rot(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C C Define depth: C do i=1,im do j=1,jm h(i,j)=depth end do end do C C Close the north and south boundaries: C do i=1,im h(i,1)=1.e0 h(i,jm)=1.e0 end do C C Close the east and west boundaries: C do j=1,jm h(1,j)=1.e0 h(im,j)=1.e0 end do C C Calculate areas and masks: C call areas_masks C C Adjust bottom topography so that cell to cell variations C in h do not exceed parameter slmax: C if( call slpmax C C Set tbias and sbias here for test (tbias and sbias would C normally only be set in the main program): C tbias=10.e0 sbias=20.e0 write(6,1) tbias,sbias 1 format(/' tbias and sbias changed in subroutine box to:'/ $ 2f10.3//) C C Set initial conditions: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tb(i,j,k)=20.e0-tbias sb(i,j,k)=35.e0-sbias tclim(i,j,k)=tb(i,j,k) sclim(i,j,k)=sb(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Initialise uab and vab as necessary C (NOTE that these have already been initialised to zero in the C main program): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im C No conditions necessary for this problem end do end do C C Set surface boundary conditions, e_atmos, vflux, wusurf, C wvsurf, wtsurf, wssurf and swrad, as necessary C (NOTE: C 1. These have all been initialised to zero in the main program. C 2. The temperature and salinity of inflowing water must be C defined relative to tbias and sbias.): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im if(i+j-57.le.0) then e_atmos(i,j)=1.e0 else e_atmos(i,j)=-1.e0 endif C C Ensure atmospheric pressure cannot make water depth go negative: C e_atmos(i,j)=min(e_atmos(i,j),h(i,j)) C vfluxf(i,j)=-0.0001e0 C C See main program, just after "Begin numerical integration", for C an explanation of these terms: C tatm=20.e0 satm=35.e0 C end do end do C C Initialise elb, etb, dt and aam2d: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im elb(i,j)=-e_atmos(i,j) etb(i,j)=-e_atmos(i,j) dt(i,j)=h(i,j)-e_atmos(i,j) aam2d(i,j)=aam(i,j,1) end do end do C call dens(sb,tb,rho) C C Generated horizontally averaged density field (in this C application, the initial condition for density is a function C of z (the vertical cartesian coordinate) -- when this is not C so, make sure that rmean has been area averaged BEFORE transfer C to sigma coordinates): C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im rmean(i,j,k)=rho(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Set lateral boundary conditions, for use in subroutine bcond C (in this problem, all lateral boundaries are closed through C the specification of the masks fsm, dum and dvm): C rfe=1.e0 rfw=1.e0 rfn=1.e0 rfs=1.e0 C C Set thermodynamic boundary conditions (for the seamount C problem, and other possible applications, lateral thermodynamic C boundary conditions are set equal to the initial conditions and C are held constant thereafter - users may, of course, create C variable boundary conditions): C do k=1,kbm1 C do j=1,jm tbe(j,k)=tb(im,j,k) tbw(j,k)=tb(1,j,k) sbe(j,k)=sb(im,j,k) sbw(j,k)=sb(1,j,k) end do C do i=1,im tbn(i,k)=tb(i,jm,k) tbs(i,k)=tb(i,1,k) sbn(i,k)=sb(i,jm,k) sbs(i,k)=sb(i,1,k) end do C end do C return C end C subroutine dens(si,ti,rhoo) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates (density-1000.)/rhoref. * C * * C * (see: Mellor, G.L., 1991, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., * C * 609-611.) * C * * C * ti is potential temperature * C * * C * If using 32 bit precision, it is recommended that * C * cr,p,rhor,sr,tr,tr2,tr3 and tr4 be made double * C * precision, and the "e"s in the constants be changed * C * to "d"s. * C * * C * NOTE: if pressure is not used in dens, buoyancy term (boygr) * C * in profq must be changed (see note in profq) * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real si(im,jm,kb),ti(im,jm,kb),rhoo(im,jm,kb) real cr,p,rhor,sr,tr,tr2,tr3,tr4 integer i,j,k C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im C tr=ti(i,j,k)+tbias sr=si(i,j,k)+sbias tr2=tr*tr tr3=tr2*tr tr4=tr3*tr C C Approximate pressure in units of bars: C p=grav*rhoref*(-zz(k)* h(i,j))*1.e-5 C rhor=-0.157406e0+6.793952e-2*tr $ -9.095290e-3*tr2+1.001685e-4*tr3 $ -1.120083e-6*tr4+6.536332e-9*tr4*tr C rhor=rhor+(0.824493e0-4.0899e-3*tr $ +7.6438e-5*tr2-8.2467e-7*tr3 $ +5.3875e-9*tr4)*sr $ +(-5.72466e-3+1.0227e-4*tr $ -1.6546e-6*tr2)*abs(sr)**1.5 $ +4.8314e-4*sr*sr C cr=1449.1e0+.0821e0*p+4.55e0*tr-.045e0*tr2 $ +1.34e0*(sr-35.e0) rhor=rhor+1.e5*p/(cr*cr)*(1.e0-2.e0*p/(cr*cr)) C rhoo(i,j,k)=rhor/rhoref*fsm(i,j) C end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine depth C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Establishes the vertical sigma grid with log * C * distributions at the top and bottom and a linear * C * distribution in between. The number of layers of * C * reduced thickness are kl1-2 at the surface and * C * kb-kl2-1 at the bottom. kl1 and kl2 are defined in * C * the main program. For no log portions, set kl1=2 * C * and kl2=kb-1. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real delz integer kdz(12) integer k C data kdz/1,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024/ C z(1)=0.e0 C do k=2,kl1 z(k)=z(k-1)+kdz(k-1) end do C delz=z(kl1)-z(kl1-1) C do k=kl1+1,kl2 z(k)=z(k-1)+delz end do C do k=kl2+1,kb dz(k)=float(kdz(kb-k+1))*delz/float(kdz(kb-kl2)) z(k)=z(k-1)+dz(k) end do C do k=1,kb z(k)=-z(k)/z(kb) end do C do k=1,kb-1 zz(k)=0.5e0*(z(k)+z(k+1)) end do C zz(kb)=2.e0*zz(kb-1)-zz(kb-2) C do k=1,kb-1 dz(k)=z(k)-z(k+1) dzz(k)=zz(k)-zz(k+1) end do C dz(kb)=0.e0 dzz(kb)=0.e0 C write(6,1) 1 format(/2x,'k',7x,'z',9x,'zz',9x,'dz',9x,'dzz',/) C do k=1,kb write(6,2) k,z(k),zz(k),dz(k),dzz(k) 2 format((' ',i5,4f10.3)) end do C write(6,3) 3 format(//) C return C end C subroutine findpsi C ********************************************************************** C * * C * ROUTINE NAME: findpsi * C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates the stream function, first assuming * C * zero on the southern boundary and then, using the * C * values on the western boundary, the stream function * C * is calculated again. If the elevation field is near * C * steady state, the two calculations should agree; * C * otherwise not. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C integer i,j C do j=1,jm do i=1,im psi(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C C Sweep northward: C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im psi(i,j+1)=psi(i,j) $ +.25e0*uab(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i-1,j)) $ *(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) end do end do C call prxy('Streamfunction, psi from u ', $ time,psi,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C C Sweep eastward: C do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 psi(i+1,j)=psi(i,j) $ -.25e0*vab(i,j)*(d(i,j)+d(i,j-1)) $ *(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1)) end do end do C call prxy('Streamfunction, psi from v ', $ time,psi,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C return C end C subroutine file2ic C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Sets up my own problem. * C * * C * This example read IC from IC.dat file, generated by GRID.f in * C * GRID-DATA directory. Only minimal number of fields are read, * C * while others are calculated here. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real rad,re,dlat,dlon,cff integer i,j,k,m character*5 field rad=0.01745329 re=6371.E3 C write(6,'(/,'' Read grid and initial conditions '',/)') C C--- 1D --- read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') z read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') zz read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') dz read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') dzz C--- 2D --- read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') east_e read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') north_e read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') h C--- 3D --- read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') t read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') s read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') rmean C--- Constant wind stress read here C (for time dep. read in loop 9000 & interpolate in time) read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') wusurf read(40,'(a5)') field write(6,'(a5)') field read(40,'(8E12.5)') wvsurf C C --- print vertical grid distribution C write(6,2) 2 format(/2x,'k',7x,'z',9x,'zz',9x,'dz',9x,'dzz',/) write(6,'('' '',/)') do k=1,kb write(6,3) k,z(k),zz(k),dz(k),dzz(k) 3 format((' ',i5,4f10.3)) end do write(6,'('' '',//)') C C --- calc. surface & lateral BC from climatology C do j=1,jm do i=1,im tsurf(i,j)=t(i,j,1) ssurf(i,j)=s(i,j,1) do k=1,kb tclim(i,j,k)=t(i,j,k) sclim(i,j,k)=s(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C --- EAST & WEST BCs --- do j=1,jm ele(j)=0. elw(j)=0. C --- other vel. BCs (fixed in time) can be specified here uabe(j)=0. uabw(j)=0. do k=1,kb ubw(j,k)=0. ube(j,k)=0. tbw(j,k)=tclim(1,j,k) sbw(j,k)=sclim(1,j,k) tbe(j,k)=tclim(im,j,k) sbe(j,k)=sclim(im,j,k) end do end do C --- NORTH & SOUTH BCs --- do i=1,im els(i)=0. eln(i)=0. vabs(i)=0. vabn(i)=0. do k=1,kb vbs(i,k)=0. vbn(i,k)=0. tbs(i,k)=tclim(i,1,k) sbs(i,k)=sclim(i,1,k) tbn(i,k)=tclim(i,jm,k) sbn(i,k)=sclim(i,jm,k) end do end do C C Set initial conditions: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im tb(i,j,k)=t(i,j,k) sb(i,j,k)=s(i,j,k) ub(i,j,k)=0. vb(i,j,k)=0. end do end do end do C call dens(sb,tb,rho) C C --- calc. Curiolis Parameter C do j=1,jm do i=1,im cor(i,j)=2.*7.29E-5*sin(north_e(i,j)*rad) aam2d(i,j)=aam(i,j,1) elb(i,j)=0. etb(i,j)=0. dt(i,j)=h(i,j) end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=2,im-1 dx(i,j)=0.5*rad*re*sqrt(((east_e(i+1,j)-east_e(i-1,j)) 1 *cos(north_e(i,j)*rad))**2+(north_e(i+1,j)-north_e(i-1,j))**2) end do dx(1,j)=dx(2,j) dx(im,j)=dx(im-1,j) end do C do i=1,im do j=2,jm-1 dy(i,j)=0.5*rad*re*sqrt(((east_e(i,j+1)-east_e(i,j-1)) 1 *cos(north_e(i,j)*rad))**2+(north_e(i,j+1)-north_e(i,j-1))**2) end do dy(i,1)=dy(i,2) dy(i,jm)=dy(i,jm-1) end do C C Calculate areas and masks: C call areas_masks C C C --- the following grids are needed only for netcdf plotting C C Corner of cell points: C do j=2,jm do i=2,im east_c(i,j)=(east_e(i,j)+east_e(i-1,j) $ +east_e(i,j-1)+east_e(i-1,j-1))/4.e0 north_c(i,j)=(north_e(i,j)+north_e(i-1,j) $ +north_e(i,j-1)+north_e(i-1,j-1))/4.e0 end do end do C C C Extrapolate ends (approx.): C do i=2,im east_c(i,1)=2.*east_c(i,2)-east_c(i,3) north_c(i,1)=2.*north_c(i,2)-north_c(i,3) end do east_c(1,1)=2.*east_c(2,1)-east_c(3,1) C do j=2,jm east_c(1,j)=2.*east_c(2,j)-east_c(3,j) north_c(1,j)=2.*north_c(2,j)-north_c(3,j) end do north_c(1,1)=2.*north_c(1,2)-north_c(1,3) C C u-points: C do j=1,jm-1 do i=1,im east_u(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 north_u(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do i=1,im east_u(i,jm)=(east_c(i,jm)*3.e0-east_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 north_u(i,jm)=(north_c(i,jm)*3.e0-north_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 end do C C v-points: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im-1 east_v(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 north_v(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do j=1,jm east_v(im,j)=(east_c(im,j)*3.e0-east_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 north_v(im,j)=(north_c(im,j)*3.e0-north_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 end do C C rot is the angle (radians, anticlockwise) of the i-axis relative C to east, averaged to a cell centre: (only needed for CDF plotting) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im-1 rot(i,j)=0. dlat=north_e(i+1,j)-north_e(i,j) dlon= east_e(i+1,j)- east_e(i,j) if( rot(i,j)=atan(dlat/dlon) end do rot(im,j)=rot(im-1,j) end do C C Set lateral boundary conditions, for use in subroutine bcond C set all=0 for closed BCs. C Values=0 for vel BC only, =1 is combination of vel+elev. rfe=0.e0 rfw=0.e0 rfn=0.e0 rfs=0.e0 C return end C subroutine printall C ********************************************************************** C * * C * POM2K SOURCE CODE * C * * C * ROUTINE NAME: printall * C * * C * FUNCTION : Prints a set of outputs to device 6 * C * * C * Edit as approriate. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer io(100),jo(100),ko(100) C include 'pom2k.c' C C 2-D horizontal fields: C call prxy('Depth-averaged u, uab ', $ time,uab,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Depth-averaged v, vab ', $ time,vab,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C call prxy('Surface elevation, elb ', $ time,elb,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) C c call prxy(' egf ',time,egf,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) c call prxy(' utf ',time,utf,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) c call prxy(' vtf ',time,vtf,im,iskp,jm,jskp,0.e0) c C Calculate and print streamfunction: C call findpsi C if( then C C 2-D horizontal sections of 3-D fields: C C Set levels for output: C ko(1)=1 ko(2)=kb/2 ko(3)=kb-1 C call prxyz('x-velocity, u ', $ time,u ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C call prxyz('y-velocity, v ', $ time,v ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C ko(1)=2 call prxyz('z-velocity, w ', $ time,w ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) ko(1)=1 C call prxyz('Potential temperature, t ', $ time,t ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,1.e-2) C call prxyz('Salinity, s ', $ time,s ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,1.e-2) C call prxyz('(density-1000)/rhoref, rho ', $ time,rho ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,1.e-5) C c call prxyz('Turbulent kinetic energy x 2, q2 ', c $ time,q2 ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C c call prxyz('Turbulent length scale, l ', c $ time,l ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C call prxyz('Horizontal kinematic viscosity, aam ', $ time,aam ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C call prxyz('Vertical kinematic viscosity, km ', $ time,km ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C c call prxyz('Vertical kinematic diffusivity, kh ', c $ time,kh ,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,3,0.e0 ) C C Vertical sections of 3-D fields, normal to j-axis: C C Set sections for output: C jo(1)=1 jo(2)=jm/2 jo(3)=jm-1 C call prxz('x-velocity, u ', $ time,u ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C call prxz('y-velocity, v ', $ time,v ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C call prxz('z-velocity, w ', $ time,w ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C call prxz('Potential temperature, t ', $ time,t ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,1.e-2,dt,zz) C call prxz('Salinity, s ', $ time,s ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,1.e-2,dt,zz) C call prxz('(density-1000)/rhoref, rho ', $ time,rho ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,1.e-5,dt,zz) C c call prxz('Turbulent kinetic energy x 2, q2 ', c $ time,q2 ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call prxz('Turbulent length scale, l ', c $ time,l ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call prxz('Horizontal kinematic viscosity, aam ', c $ time,aam ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C c call prxz('Vertical kinematic viscosity, km ', c $ time,km ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call prxz('Vertical kinematic diffusivity, kh ', c $ time,kh ,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C C Vertical sections of 3-D fields, normal to i-axis: C C Set sections for output: C io(1)=1 io(2)=im/2 io(3)=im-1 C call pryz('x-velocity, u ', $ time,u ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C call pryz('y-velocity, v ', $ time,v ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C call pryz('z-velocity, w ', $ time,w ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C call pryz('Potential temperature, t ', $ time,t ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,1.e-2,dt,zz) C c call pryz('Salinity x rho / rhoref, s ', c $ time,s ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,1.e-2,dt,zz) C c call pryz('(density-1000)/rhoref, rho ', c $ time,rho ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,1.e-5,dt,zz) C c call pryz('Turbulent kinetic energy x 2, q2 ', c $ time,q2 ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call pryz('Turbulent length scale, l ', c $ time,l ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call pryz('Horizontal kinematic viscosity, aam ', c $ time,aam ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,zz) C c call pryz('Vertical kinematic viscosity, km ', c $ time,km ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C c call pryz('Vertical kinematic diffusivity, kh ', c $ time,kh ,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,3,0.e0 ,dt,z ) C endif C return C end C subroutine profq(sm,sh,dh,cc) C ********************************************************************** C * Updated: Sep. 24, 2003 * C * FUNCTION : Solves for q2 (twice the turbulent kinetic energy), * C * q2l (q2 x turbulent length scale), km (vertical * C * kinematic viscosity) and kh (vertical kinematic * C * diffusivity), using a simplified version of the * C * level 2 1/2 model of Mellor and Yamada (1982). * C * In this version, the Craig-Banner sub-model whereby breaking wave * C * tke is injected into the surface is included. However, we use an * C * analytical solution to the near surface tke equation to solve for * C * q2 at the surface giving the same result as C-B diffusion. The new * C * scheme is simpler and more robust than the latter scheme. * C * * C * References * C * Craig, P. D. and M. L. Banner, Modeling wave-enhanced turbulence * C * in the ocean surface layer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 2546-2559, * C * 1994. * C * Ezer, T., On the seasonal mixed-layer simulated by a basin-scale * C * ocean model and the Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme, * C * J. Geophys. Res., 105(C7), 16,843-16,855, 2000. * C * Mellor, G.L. and T. Yamada, Development of a turbulence * C * closure model for geophysical fluid fluid problems, * C * Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 20, 851-875, 1982. * C * Mellor, G. L., One-dimensional, ocean surface layer modeling, * C * a problem and a solution. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31(3), 790-809, * C * 2001. * C * Mellor, G.L. and A. Blumberg, Wave breaking and ocean surface * C * thermal response, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 2003. * C * Stacey, M. W., Simulations of the wind-forced near-surface * C * circulation in Knight Inlet: a parameterization of the * C * roughness length. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 1363-1367, 1999. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real sm(im,jm,kb),sh(im,jm,kb),cc(im,jm,kb) real gh(im,jm,kb),boygr(im,jm,kb),dh(im,jm),stf(im,jm,kb) real prod(im,jm,kb),kn(im,jm,kb) real a1,a2,b1,b2,c1 real coef1,coef2,coef3,coef4,coef5 real const1,e1,e2,ghc real p,sef,sp,tp real l0(im,jm) real cbcnst,surfl,shiw real utau2, df0,df1,df2 C integer i,j,k,ki C equivalence (prod,kn) C data a1,b1,a2,b2,c1/0.92e0,16.6e0,0.74e0,10.1e0,0.08e0/ data e1/1.8e0/,e2/1.33e0/ data sef/1.e0/ data cbcnst/100./surfl/2.e5/shiw/0.0/ C do j=1,jm do i=1,im dh(i,j)=h(i,j)+etf(i,j) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im a(i,j,k)=-dti2*(kq(i,j,k+1)+kq(i,j,k)+2.e0*umol)*.5e0 $ /(dzz(k-1)*dz(k)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) c(i,j,k)=-dti2*(kq(i,j,k-1)+kq(i,j,k)+2.e0*umol)*.5e0 $ /(dzz(k-1)*dz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) end do end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The following section solves the equation: C C dti2*(kq*q2')' - q2*(2.*dti2*dtef+1.) = -q2b C C Surface and bottom boundary conditions: C const1=(16.6e0**(2.e0/3.e0))*sef C C initialize fields that are not calculated on all boundaries C but are later used there do i=1,im ee(i,jm,1)=0. gg(i,jm,1)=0. l0(i,jm)=0. end do do j=1,jm ee(im,j,1)=0. gg(im,j,1)=0. l0(im,j)=0. end do do i=1,im do j=1,jm do k=2,kbm1 prod(i,j,k)=0. end do end do end do C do j=1,jmm1 do i=1,imm1 utau2=sqrt((.5e0*(wusurf(i,j)+wusurf(i+1,j)))**2 $ +(.5e0*(wvsurf(i,j)+wvsurf(i,j+1)))**2) C Wave breaking energy- a variant of Craig & Banner (1994) C see Mellor and Blumberg, 2003. ee(i,j,1)=0.e0 gg(i,j,1)=(15.8*cbcnst)**(2./3.)*utau2 C Surface length scale following Stacey (1999). l0(i,j)=surfl*utau2/grav C uf(i,j,kb)=sqrt((.5e0*(wubot(i,j)+wubot(i+1,j)))**2 $ +(.5e0*(wvbot(i,j)+wvbot(i,j+1)))**2)*const1 end do end do C C Calculate speed of sound squared: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tp=t(i,j,k)+tbias sp=s(i,j,k)+sbias C C Calculate pressure in units of decibars: C p=grav*rhoref*(-zz(k)* h(i,j))*1.e-4 cc(i,j,k)=1449.1e0+.00821e0*p+4.55e0*tp -.045e0*tp**2 $ +1.34e0*(sp-35.0e0) cc(i,j,k)=cc(i,j,k) $ /sqrt((1.e0-.01642e0*p/cc(i,j,k)) $ *(1.e0-0.40e0*p/cc(i,j,k)**2)) end do end do end do C C Calculate buoyancy gradient: C C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im q2b(i,j,k)=abs(q2b(i,j,k)) q2lb(i,j,k)=abs(q2lb(i,j,k)) boygr(i,j,k)=grav*(rho(i,j,k-1)-rho(i,j,k)) $ /(dzz(k-1)* h(i,j)) C *** NOTE: comment out next line if dens does not include pressure $ +(grav**2)*2.e0/(cc(i,j,k-1)**2+cc(i,j,k)**2) end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im l(i,j,k)=abs(q2lb(i,j,k)/q2b(i,j,k)) if(z(k).gt.-0.5) l(i,j,k)=max(l(i,j,k),kappa*l0(i,j)) gh(i,j,k)=(l(i,j,k)**2)*boygr(i,j,k)/q2b(i,j,k) gh(i,j,k)=min(gh(i,j,k),.028e0) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im l(i,j,1)=kappa*l0(i,j) l(i,j,kb)=0.e0 gh(i,j,1)=0.e0 gh(i,j,kb)=0.e0 end do end do C C Calculate production of turbulent kinetic energy: C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 prod(i,j,k)=km(i,j,k)*.25e0*sef $ *((u(i,j,k)-u(i,j,k-1) $ +u(i+1,j,k)-u(i+1,j,k-1))**2 $ +(v(i,j,k)-v(i,j,k-1) $ +v(i,j+1,k)-v(i,j+1,k-1))**2) $ /(dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j))**2 C Add shear due to internal wave field $ -shiw*km(i,j,k)*boygr(i,j,k) prod(i,j,k)=prod(i,j,k)+kh(i,j,k)*boygr(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C NOTE: Richardson # dep. dissipation correction (Mellor, 2001; Ezer, 2000), C depends on ghc the critical number (empirical -6 to -2) to increase mixing. ghc=-6.0e0 do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im stf(i,j,k)=1.e0 C It is unclear yet if diss. corr. is needed when surf. waves are included. c if(gh(i,j,k).lt.0.e0) c $ stf(i,j,k)=1.0e0-0.9e0*(gh(i,j,k)/ghc)**1.5e0 c if(gh(i,j,k).lt.ghc) stf(i,j,k)=0.1e0 dtef(i,j,k)=sqrt(abs(q2b(i,j,k)))*stf(i,j,k) $ /(b1*l(i,j,k)+small) end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im gg(i,j,k)=1.e0/(a(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,k-1)) $ -(2.e0*dti2*dtef(i,j,k)+1.e0)) ee(i,j,k)=a(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k) gg(i,j,k)=(-2.e0*dti2*prod(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k-1) $ -uf(i,j,k))*gg(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 ki=kb-k do j=1,jm do i=1,im uf(i,j,ki)=ee(i,j,ki)*uf(i,j,ki+1)+gg(i,j,ki) end do end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The following section solves the equation: C C dti2(kq*q2l')' - q2l*(dti2*dtef+1.) = -q2lb C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,2)=0.e0 gg(i,j,2)=0.e0 vf(i,j,kb)=0.e0 end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im dtef(i,j,k)=dtef(i,j,k) $ *(1.e0+e2*((1.e0/abs(z(k)-z(1)) $ +1.e0/abs(z(k)-z(kb))) $ *l(i,j,k)/(dh(i,j)*kappa))**2) gg(i,j,k)=1.e0/(a(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,k-1)) $ -(dti2*dtef(i,j,k)+1.e0)) ee(i,j,k)=a(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k) gg(i,j,k)=(dti2*(-prod(i,j,k)*l(i,j,k)*e1) $ +c(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k-1)-vf(i,j,k))*gg(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb-2 ki=kb-k do j=1,jm do i=1,im vf(i,j,ki)=ee(i,j,ki)*vf(i,j,ki+1)+gg(i,j,ki) end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im if(uf(i,j,k).le.small.or.vf(i,j,k).le.small) then uf(i,j,k)=small vf(i,j,k)=0.1*dt(i,j)*small endif end do end do end do C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The following section solves for km and kh: C coef4=18.e0*a1*a1+9.e0*a1*a2 coef5=9.e0*a1*a2 C C Note that sm and sh limit to infinity when gh approaches 0.0288: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im coef1=a2*(1.e0-6.e0*a1/b1*stf(i,j,k)) coef2=3.e0*a2*b2/stf(i,j,k)+18.e0*a1*a2 coef3=a1*(1.e0-3.e0*c1-6.e0*a1/b1*stf(i,j,k)) sh(i,j,k)=coef1/(1.e0-coef2*gh(i,j,k)) sm(i,j,k)=coef3+sh(i,j,k)*coef4*gh(i,j,k) sm(i,j,k)=sm(i,j,k)/(1.e0-coef5*gh(i,j,k)) end do end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im kn(i,j,k)=l(i,j,k)*sqrt(abs(q2(i,j,k))) kq(i,j,k)=(kn(i,j,k)*.41e0*sh(i,j,k)+kq(i,j,k))*.5e0 km(i,j,k)=(kn(i,j,k)*sm(i,j,k)+km(i,j,k))*.5e0 kh(i,j,k)=(kn(i,j,k)*sh(i,j,k)+kh(i,j,k))*.5e0 end do end do end do C cosmetics: make boundr. values as interior C (even if not used, printout otherwise may show strange values) do k=1,kb do i=1,im km(i,jm,k)=km(i,jmm1,k)*fsm(i,jm) kh(i,jm,k)=kh(i,jmm1,k)*fsm(i,jm) km(i,1,k)=km(i,2,k)*fsm(i,1) kh(i,1,k)=kh(i,2,k)*fsm(i,1) end do do j=1,jm km(im,j,k)=km(imm1,j,k)*fsm(im,j) kh(im,j,k)=kh(imm1,j,k)*fsm(im,j) km(1,j,k)=km(2,j,k)*fsm(1,j) kh(1,j,k)=kh(2,j,k)*fsm(1,j) end do end do C return C end C c --------------------------------------------------------------------- C subroutine proft(f,wfsurf,fsurf,nbc,dh) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Solves for vertical diffusion of temperature and * C * salinity using method described by Richmeyer and * C * Morton. * C * * C * Irradiance parameters are from Paulson and Simpson. * C * * C * See: * C * * C * Richtmeyer R.D., and K.W. Morton, 1967. Difference * C * Methods for Initial-Value Problems, 2nd edition, * C * Interscience, New York, 198-201. * C * * C * Paulson, C. A., and J. Simpson, 1977: Irradiance * C * measurements in the upper ocean, J. Phys. * C * Oceanogr., 7, 952-956. * C * * C * NOTES: * C * * C * (1) wfsurf and swrad are negative values when water * C * column is warming or salt is being added. * C * * C * (2) nbc may only be 1 and 3 for salinity. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real f(im,jm,kb),wfsurf(im,jm) real fsurf(im,jm),dh(im,jm) integer nbc real rad(im,jm,kb),r(5),ad1(5),ad2(5) integer i,j,k,ki C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Irradiance parameters after Paulson and Simpson: C C ntp 1 2 3 4 5 C Jerlov type i ia ib ii iii C data r / .58e0, .62e0, .67e0, .77e0, .78e0 / data ad1 / .35e0, .60e0, 1.0e0, 1.5e0, 1.4e0 / data ad2 / 23.e0, 20.e0, 17.e0, 14.e0, 7.9e0 / C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Surface boundary condition: C C nbc prescribed prescribed short wave C temperature flux penetration C or salinity (temperature C only) C C 1 no yes no C 2 no yes yes C 3 yes no no C 4 yes no yes C C NOTE that only 1 and 3 are allowed for salinity. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The following section solves the equation: C C dti2*(kh*f')'-f=-fb C do j=1,jm do i=1,im dh(i,j)=h(i,j)+etf(i,j) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im a(i,j,k-1)=-dti2*(kh(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k-1)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) c(i,j,k)=-dti2*(kh(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) end do end do end do C C Calculate penetrative radiation. At the bottom any unattenuated C radiation is deposited in the bottom layer: C do k=1,kb do j=1,jm do i=1,im rad(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do end do end do C if(nbc.eq.2.or.nbc.eq.4) then C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im rad(i,j,k)=swrad(i,j) $ *(r(ntp)*exp(z(k)*dh(i,j)/ad1(ntp)) $ +(1.e0-r(ntp))*exp(z(k)*dh(i,j)/ad2(ntp))) end do end do end do C endif C if(nbc.eq.1) then C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,1)=a(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) gg(i,j,1)=-dti2*wfsurf(i,j)/(-dz(1)*dh(i,j))-f(i,j,1) gg(i,j,1)=gg(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) end do end do C else if(nbc.eq.2) then C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,1)=a(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) gg(i,j,1)=dti2*(wfsurf(i,j)+rad(i,j,1)-rad(i,j,2)) $ /(dz(1)*dh(i,j)) $ -f(i,j,1) gg(i,j,1)=gg(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) end do end do C else if(nbc.eq.3.or.nbc.eq.4) then C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,1)=0.e0 gg(i,j,1)=fsurf(i,j) end do end do C endif C do k=2,kbm2 do j=1,jm do i=1,im gg(i,j,k)=1.e0/(a(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,k-1))-1.e0) ee(i,j,k)=a(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k) gg(i,j,k)=(c(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k-1)-f(i,j,k) $ +dti2*(rad(i,j,k)-rad(i,j,k+1)) $ /(dh(i,j)*dz(k))) $ *gg(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Bottom adiabatic boundary condition: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im f(i,j,kbm1)=(c(i,j,kbm1)*gg(i,j,kbm2)-f(i,j,kbm1) $ +dti2*(rad(i,j,kbm1)-rad(i,j,kb)) $ /(dh(i,j)*dz(kbm1))) $ /(c(i,j,kbm1)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,kbm2))-1.e0) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 ki=kb-k do j=1,jm do i=1,im f(i,j,ki)=(ee(i,j,ki)*f(i,j,ki+1)+gg(i,j,ki)) end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine profu C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Solves for vertical diffusion of x-momentum using * C * method described by Richmeyer and Morton. * C * * C * See: * C * * C * Richtmeyer R.D., and K.W. Morton, 1967. Difference * C * Methods for Initial-Value Problems, 2nd edition, * C * Interscience, New York, 198-201. * C * * C * NOTE that wusurf has the opposite sign to the wind * C * speed. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' real dh(im,jm) integer i,j,k,ki C C The following section solves the equation: C C dti2*(km*u')'-u=-ub C do j=1,jm do i=1,im dh(i,j)=1.e0 end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,im dh(i,j)=(h(i,j)+etf(i,j)+h(i-1,j)+etf(i-1,j))*.5e0 end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=2,jm do i=2,im c(i,j,k)=(km(i,j,k)+km(i-1,j,k))*.5e0 end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im a(i,j,k-1)=-dti2*(c(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k-1)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) c(i,j,k)=-dti2*(c(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,1)=a(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) gg(i,j,1)=(-dti2*wusurf(i,j)/(-dz(1)*dh(i,j)) $ -uf(i,j,1)) $ /(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) end do end do C do k=2,kbm2 do j=1,jm do i=1,im gg(i,j,k)=1.e0/(a(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,k-1))-1.e0) ee(i,j,k)=a(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k) gg(i,j,k)=(c(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k-1)-uf(i,j,k))*gg(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 tps(i,j)=0.5e0*(cbc(i,j)+cbc(i-1,j)) $ *sqrt(ub(i,j,kbm1)**2 $ +(.25e0*(vb(i,j,kbm1)+vb(i,j+1,kbm1) $ +vb(i-1,j,kbm1)+vb(i-1,j+1,kbm1)))**2) uf(i,j,kbm1)=(c(i,j,kbm1)*gg(i,j,kbm2)-uf(i,j,kbm1)) $ /(tps(i,j)*dti2/(-dz(kbm1)*dh(i,j))-1.e0 $ -(ee(i,j,kbm2)-1.e0)*c(i,j,kbm1)) uf(i,j,kbm1)=uf(i,j,kbm1)*dum(i,j) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 ki=kb-k do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 uf(i,j,ki)=(ee(i,j,ki)*uf(i,j,ki+1)+gg(i,j,ki))*dum(i,j) end do end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 wubot(i,j)=-tps(i,j)*uf(i,j,kbm1) end do end do C return C end C subroutine profv C ********************************************************************** C * C * FUNCTION : Solves for vertical diffusion of y-momentum using * C * method described by Richmeyer and Morton. * C * * C * See: * C * * C * Richtmeyer R.D., and K.W. Morton, 1967. Difference * C * Methods for Initial-Value Problems, 2nd edition, * C * Interscience, New York, 198-201. * C * * C * NOTE that wvsurf has the opposite sign to the wind * C * speed. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' real dh(im,jm) integer i,j,k,ki C C The following section solves the equation: C C dti2*(km*u')'-u=-ub C do j=1,jm do i=1,im dh(i,j)=1.e0 end do end do C do j=2,jm do i=2,im dh(i,j)=.5e0*(h(i,j)+etf(i,j)+h(i,j-1)+etf(i,j-1)) end do end do C do k=1,kb do j=2,jm do i=2,im c(i,j,k)=(km(i,j,k)+km(i,j-1,k))*.5e0 end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im a(i,j,k-1)=-dti2*(c(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k-1)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) c(i,j,k)=-dti2*(c(i,j,k)+umol) $ /(dz(k)*dzz(k-1)*dh(i,j)*dh(i,j)) end do end do end do C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ee(i,j,1)=a(i,j,1)/(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) gg(i,j,1)=(-dti2*wvsurf(i,j)/(-dz(1)*dh(i,j))-vf(i,j,1)) $ /(a(i,j,1)-1.e0) end do end do C do k=2,kbm2 do j=1,jm do i=1,im gg(i,j,k)=1.e0/(a(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k)*(1.e0-ee(i,j,k-1))-1.e0) ee(i,j,k)=a(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k) gg(i,j,k)=(c(i,j,k)*gg(i,j,k-1)-vf(i,j,k))*gg(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 tps(i,j)=0.5e0*(cbc(i,j)+cbc(i,j-1)) $ *sqrt((.25e0*(ub(i,j,kbm1)+ub(i+1,j,kbm1) $ +ub(i,j-1,kbm1)+ub(i+1,j-1,kbm1)))**2 $ +vb(i,j,kbm1)**2) vf(i,j,kbm1)=(c(i,j,kbm1)*gg(i,j,kbm2)-vf(i,j,kbm1)) $ /(tps(i,j)*dti2/(-dz(kbm1)*dh(i,j))-1.e0 $ -(ee(i,j,kbm2)-1.e0)*c(i,j,kbm1)) vf(i,j,kbm1)=vf(i,j,kbm1)*dvm(i,j) end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 ki=kb-k do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 vf(i,j,ki)=(ee(i,j,ki)*vf(i,j,ki+1)+gg(i,j,ki))*dvm(i,j) end do end do end do C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 wvbot(i,j)=-tps(i,j)*vf(i,j,kbm1) end do end do C return C end C subroutine prxy(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,jskp,scala) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes a horizontal 2-D field. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm real a(im,jm) real time,scala integer iskp,jskp character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,jwr,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do j=1,jm,jskp do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j)),amx) end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.4,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,3) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 3 format(/,2x,24i5,/) else write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,12i10,/) endif C do j=1,jm,jskp jwr=jm+1-j if( then write(6,5) jwr,(nint(a(i,jwr)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(1x,i3,24i5) else write(6,6) jwr,(a(i,jwr),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(1x,i2,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,7) 7 format(//) C end do C return C end C subroutine prxyz(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,nko,scala) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes horizontal layers of a 3-D field with * C * integers or floating point numbers. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * ko .......... 1-D array of k-indices for output * C * nko ......... number of elements in ko * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * * C * (NOTE that this combines functions of old prxyz and * C * eprxyz) * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb) real time,scala integer ko(*) integer iskp,jskp,nko character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,jwr,k,iko,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do iko=1,nko k=ko(iko) do j=1,jm,jskp do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.4,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do iko=1,nko C k=ko(iko) C write(6,3) k 3 format(3x,/' Layer k = ',i2) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,2x,24i5,/) else write(6,5) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(/,12i10,/) endif C do j=1,jm,jskp jwr=jm+1-j if( then write(6,6) jwr,(nint(a(i,jwr,k)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(1x,i3,24i5) else write(6,7) jwr,(a(i,jwr,k),i=ib,ie,iskp) 7 format(1x,i2,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,8) 8 format(//) C end do C end do C return C end C subroutine prxz(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,njo,scala,dt,zz) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes vertical section of a 3-D field, in the * C * x- or i-direction . * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jo .......... 1-D array of j-indices for output * C * njo ......... number of elements in jo * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * dt(im,jm) ... total depth * C * zz(kb) ...... sigma coordinate * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb),dt(im,jm),zz(kb) real time,scala integer jo(*) integer iskp,njo character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,k,ijo,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do k=1,kb do ijo=1,njo j=jo(ijo) do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.4,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do ijo=1,njo C j=jo(ijo) C write(6,3) j 3 format(3x,/' Section j =',i3) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,' i = ',24i5,/) else write(6,5) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(/,' i = ',12i10,/) endif C write(6,6) (nint(dt(i,j)),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(8x,'d =',24i5.0,/,' z or zz') C do k=1,kb if( then write(6,7) k,zz(k),(nint(a(i,j,k)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 7 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,24i5) else write(6,8) k,zz(k),(a(i,j,k),i=ib,ie,iskp) 8 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,9) 9 format(//) C end do C end do C return C end C subroutine pryz(label,time,a,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,nio,scala,dt,zz) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes vertical section of a 3-D field, in the * C * y- or j-direction. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * io .......... 1-D array of i-indices for output * C * nio ......... number of elements in io * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * dt(im,jm) ... total depth * C * zz(kb) ...... sigma coordinate * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb),dt(im,jm),zz(kb) real time,scala integer io(*) integer jskp,nio character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,j,jb,je,k,iio,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do k=1,kb do j=1,jm,jskp do iio=1,nio i=io(iio) amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.4,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do iio=1,nio C i=io(iio) C write(6,3) i 3 format(3x,/' Section i =',i3) C do jb=1,jm,cols*jskp C je=jb+(cols-1)*jskp if( je=jm C if( then write(6,4) (j,j=jb,je,jskp) 4 format(/,' j = ',24i5,/) else write(6,5) (j,j=jb,je,jskp) 5 format(/,' j = ',12i10,/) endif C write(6,6) (nint(dt(i,j)),j=jb,je,jskp) 6 format(8x,'d =',24i5.0,/,' z or zz') C do k=1,kb if( then write(6,7) k,zz(k),(nint(a(i,j,k)/scale),j=jb,je,jskp) 7 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,24i5) else write(6,8) k,zz(k),(a(i,j,k),j=jb,je,jskp) 8 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,9) 9 format(//) C end do C end do C return C end C subroutine seamount C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Sets up for seamount problem. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real delh,delx,elejmid,elwjmid,ra,vel integer i,j,k C C Set delh > 1.0 for an island or delh < 1.0 for a seamount: C delh=0.9e0 C C Grid size: C delx=8000.e0 C C Radius island or seamount: C ra=25000.e0 C C Current velocity: C vel=0.2e0 C C Set up grid dimensions, areas of free surface cells, and C Coriolis parameter: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im C C For constant grid size: C C dx(i,j)=delx C dy(i,j)=delx C C For variable grid size: C dx(i,j)=delx-delx*sin(pi*float(i)/float(im))/2.e0 dy(i,j)=delx-delx*sin(pi*float(j)/float(jm))/2.e0 C cor(i,j)=1.e-4 C end do end do C C Calculate horizontal coordinates of grid points and rotation C angle. C C NOTE that this is introduced solely for the benefit of any post- C processing software, and in order to conform with the requirements C of the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions. C C There are four horizontal coordinate systems, denoted by the C subscripts u, v, e and c ("u" is a u-point, "v" is a v-point, C "e" is an elevation point and "c" is a cell corner), as shown C below. In addition, "east_*" is an easting and "north_*" is a C northing. Hence the coordinates of the "u" points are given by C (east_u,north_u). C C Also, if the centre point of the cell shown below is at C (east_e(i,j),north_e(i,j)), then (east_u(i,j),north_u(i,j)) are C the coordinates of the western of the two "u" points, C (east_v(i,j),north_v(i,j)) are the coordinates of the southern of C the two "v" points, and (east_c(i,j),north_c(i,j)) are the C coordinates of the southwestern corner point of the cell. The C southwest corner of the entire grid is at C (east_c(1,1),north_c(1,1)). C C | | C --c------v-------c-- C | | C | | C | | C | | C u e u C | | C | | C | | C | | C --c------v-------c-- C | | C C C NOTE that the following calculation of east_c and north_c only C works properly for a rectangular grid with east and north aligned C with i and j, respectively: C do j=1,jm east_c(1,j)=0.e0 do i=2,im east_c(i,j)=east_c(i-1,j)+dx(i-1,j) end do end do C do i=1,im north_c(i,1)=0.e0 do j=2,jm north_c(i,j)=north_c(i,j-1)+dy(i,j-1) end do end do C C The following works properly for any grid: C C Elevation points: C do j=1,jm-1 do i=1,im-1 east_e(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i+1,j) $ +east_c(i,j+1)+east_c(i+1,j+1))/4.e0 north_e(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i+1,j) $ +north_c(i,j+1)+north_c(i+1,j+1))/4.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do i=1,im-1 east_e(i,jm) $ =((east_c(i,jm)+east_c(i+1,jm))*3.e0 $ -east_c(i,jm-1)-east_c(i+1,jm-1))/4.e0 north_e(i,jm) $ =((north_c(i,jm)+north_c(i+1,jm))*3.e0 $ -north_c(i,jm-1)-north_c(i+1,jm-1))/4.e0 end do C do j=1,jm-1 east_e(im,j) $ =((east_c(im,j)+east_c(im,j+1))*3.e0 $ -east_c(im-1,j)-east_c(im-1,j+1))/4.e0 north_e(im,j) $ =((north_c(im,j)+north_c(im,j+1))*3.e0 $ -north_c(im-1,j)-north_c(im-1,j+1))/4.e0 end do C east_e(im,jm)=east_e(im-1,jm)+east_e(im,jm-1) $ -(east_e(im-2,jm)+east_e(im,jm-2))/2.e0 north_e(im,jm)=north_e(im-1,jm)+north_e(im,jm-1) $ -(north_e(im-2,jm)+north_e(im,jm-2))/2.e0 C C u-points: C do j=1,jm-1 do i=1,im east_u(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 north_u(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i,j+1))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do i=1,im east_u(i,jm)=(east_c(i,jm)*3.e0-east_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 north_u(i,jm)=(north_c(i,jm)*3.e0-north_c(i,jm-1))/2.e0 end do C C v-points: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im-1 east_v(i,j)=(east_c(i,j)+east_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 north_v(i,j)=(north_c(i,j)+north_c(i+1,j))/2.e0 end do end do C C Extrapolate ends: C do j=1,jm east_v(im,j)=(east_c(im,j)*3.e0-east_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 north_v(im,j)=(north_c(im,j)*3.e0-north_c(im-1,j))/2.e0 end do C C rot is the angle (radians, anticlockwise) of the i-axis relative C to east, averaged to a cell centre: C C (NOTE that the following calculation of rot only works properly C for this particular rectangular grid) C do j=1,jm do i=1,im rot(i,j)=0.e0 end do end do C C Define depth: C do i=1,im do j=1,jm C h(i,j)=4500.e0*(1.e0-delh $ *exp(-((east_c(i,j) $ -east_c((im+1)/2,j))**2 $ +(north_c(i,j) $ -north_c(i,(jm+1)/2))**2) $ /ra**2)) if(h(i,j).lt.1.e0) h(i,j)=1.e0 C end do end do C C Close the north and south boundaries to form a channel: C do i=1,im h(i,1)=1.e0 h(i,jm)=1.e0 end do C C Calculate areas and masks: C call areas_masks C C Adjust bottom topography so that cell to cell variations C in h do not exceed parameter slmax: C if( call slpmax C C Set initial conditions: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im tb(i,j,k)=5.e0+15.e0*exp(zz(k)*h(i,j)/1000.e0)-tbias sb(i,j,k)=35.e0-sbias tclim(i,j,k)=tb(i,j,k) sclim(i,j,k)=sb(i,j,k) ub(i,j,k)=vel*dum(i,j) end do end do end do C C Initialise uab and vab as necessary C (NOTE that these have already been initialised to zero in the C main program): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im uab(i,j)=vel*dum(i,j) end do end do C C Set surface boundary conditions, e_atmos, vflux, wusurf, C wvsurf, wtsurf, wssurf and swrad, as necessary C (NOTE: C 1. These have all been initialised to zero in the main program. C 2. The temperature and salinity of inflowing water must be C defined relative to tbias and sbias.): C do j=1,jm do i=1,im C No conditions necessary for this problem end do end do C C Initialise elb, etb, dt and aam2d: C do j=1,jm do i=1,im elb(i,j)=-e_atmos(i,j) etb(i,j)=-e_atmos(i,j) dt(i,j)=h(i,j)-e_atmos(i,j) aam2d(i,j)=aam(i,j,1) end do end do C call dens(sb,tb,rho) C C Generated horizontally averaged density field (in this C application, the initial condition for density is a function C of z (the vertical cartesian coordinate) -- when this is not C so, make sure that rmean has been area averaged BEFORE transfer C to sigma coordinates): C do k=1,kbm1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im rmean(i,j,k)=rho(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C Set lateral boundary conditions, for use in subroutine bcond C (in the seamount problem, the east and west boundaries are open, C while the south and north boundaries are closed through the C specification of the masks fsm, dum and dvm): C rfe=1.e0 rfw=1.e0 rfn=1.e0 rfs=1.e0 C do j=2,jmm1 uabw(j)=uab(2,j) uabe(j)=uab(imm1,j) C C Set geostrophically conditioned elevations at the boundaries: C ele(j)=ele(j-1)-cor(imm1,j)*uab(imm1,j)/grav*dy(imm1,j-1) elw(j)=elw(j-1)-cor(2,j)*uab(2,j)/grav*dy(2,j-1) end do C C Adjust boundary elevations so that they are zero in the middle C of the channel: C elejmid=ele(jmm1/2) elwjmid=elw(jmm1/2) do j=2,jmm1 ele(j)=(ele(j)-elejmid)*fsm(im,j) elw(j)=(elw(j)-elwjmid)*fsm(2,j) end do C C Set thermodynamic boundary conditions (for the seamount C problem, and other possible applications, lateral thermodynamic C boundary conditions are set equal to the initial conditions and C are held constant thereafter - users may, of course, create C variable boundary conditions): C do k=1,kbm1 C do j=1,jm tbe(j,k)=tb(im,j,k) tbw(j,k)=tb(1,j,k) sbe(j,k)=sb(im,j,k) sbw(j,k)=sb(1,j,k) end do C do i=1,im tbn(i,k)=tb(i,jm,k) tbs(i,k)=tb(i,1,k) sbn(i,k)=sb(i,jm,k) sbs(i,k)=sb(i,1,k) end do C end do C return C end C subroutine slpmax C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Limits the maximum of: * C * * C * / * C * * C * for two adjacent cells. The maximum possible value * C * is unity. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real mean,del integer i,j,loop C do loop=1,10 C C Sweep right: C do j=2,jm-1 C do i=2,im-1 if(fsm(i,j).ne.0.e0.and.fsm(i+1,j).ne.0.e0) then if(abs(h(i+1,j)-h(i,j))/(h(i,j)+h(i+1,j)).ge.slmax) then mean=(h(i+1,j)+h(i,j))/2.e0 del=sign(slmax,h(i+1,j)-h(i,j)) h(i+1,j)=mean*(1.e0+del) h(i,j)=mean*(1.e0-del) endif endif end do C C Sweep left: C do i=im-1,2,-1 if(fsm(i,j).ne.0.e0.and.fsm(i+1,j).ne.0.e0) then if(abs(h(i+1,j)-h(i,j))/(h(i,j)+h(i+1,j)).ge.slmax) then mean=(h(i+1,j)+h(i,j))/2.e0 del=sign(slmax,h(i+1,j)-h(i,j)) h(i+1,j)=mean*(1.e0+del) h(i,j)=mean*(1.e0-del) endif endif end do C end do C C Sweep up: C do i=2,im-1 C do j=2,jm-1 if(fsm(i,j).ne.0.e0.and.fsm(i,j+1).ne.0.e0) then if(abs(h(i,j+1)-h(i,j))/(h(i,j)+h(i,j+1)).ge.slmax) then mean=(h(i,j+1)+h(i,j))/2.e0 del=sign(slmax,h(i,j+1)-h(i,j)) h(i,j+1)=mean*(1.e0+del) h(i,j)=mean*(1.e0-del) endif endif end do C C Sweep down: C do j=jm-1,2,-1 if(fsm(i,j).ne.0.e0.and.fsm(i,j+1).ne.0.e0) then if(abs(h(i,j+1)-h(i,j))/(h(i,j)+h(i,j+1)).ge.slmax) then mean=(h(i,j+1)+h(i,j))/2.e0 del=sign(slmax,h(i,j+1)-h(i,j)) h(i,j+1)=mean*(1.e0+del) h(i,j)=mean*(1.e0-del) endif endif end do C end do C end do C return C end C subroutine smol_adif(xmassflux,ymassflux,zwflux,ff,sw) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates the antidiffusive velocity used to * C * reduce the numerical diffusion associated with the * C * upstream differencing scheme. * C * * C * This is based on a subroutine of Gianmaria Sannino * C * (Inter-university Computing Consortium, Rome, Italy)* C * and Vincenzo Artale (Italian National Agency for * C * New Technology and Environment, Rome, Italy), * C * downloaded from the POM FTP site on 1 Nov. 2001. * C * The calculations have been simplified by removing * C * the shock switch option. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real ff(im,jm,kb) real xmassflux(im,jm,kb),ymassflux(im,jm,kb),zwflux(im,jm,kb) real sw real mol,abs_1,abs_2 real value_min,epsilon real udx,u2dt,vdy,v2dt,wdz,w2dt integer i,j,k C parameter (value_min=1.e-9,epsilon=1.0e-14) C C Apply temperature and salinity mask: C do k=1,kb do i=1,im do j=1,jm ff(i,j,k)=ff(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j) end do end do end do C C Recalculate mass fluxes with antidiffusion velocity: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,im if(ff(i,j,k).lt.value_min.or. $ ff(i-1,j,k).lt.value_min) then xmassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 else udx=abs(xmassflux(i,j,k)) u2dt=dti2*xmassflux(i,j,k)*xmassflux(i,j,k)*2.e0 $ /(aru(i,j)*(dt(i-1,j)+dt(i,j))) mol=(ff(i,j,k)-ff(i-1,j,k)) $ /(ff(i-1,j,k)+ff(i,j,k)+epsilon) xmassflux(i,j,k)=(udx-u2dt)*mol*sw abs_1=abs(udx) abs_2=abs(u2dt) if( xmassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 end if end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,imm1 if(ff(i,j,k).lt.value_min.or. $ ff(i,j-1,k).lt.value_min) then ymassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 else vdy=abs(ymassflux(i,j,k)) v2dt=dti2*ymassflux(i,j,k)*ymassflux(i,j,k)*2.e0 $ /(arv(i,j)*(dt(i,j-1)+dt(i,j))) mol=(ff(i,j,k)-ff(i,j-1,k)) $ /(ff(i,j-1,k)+ff(i,j,k)+epsilon) ymassflux(i,j,k)=(vdy-v2dt)*mol*sw abs_1=abs(vdy) abs_2=abs(v2dt) if( ymassflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 end if end do end do end do C do k=2,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 if(ff(i,j,k).lt.value_min.or. $ ff(i,j,k-1).lt.value_min) then zwflux(i,j,k)=0.e0 else wdz=abs(zwflux(i,j,k)) w2dt=dti2*zwflux(i,j,k)*zwflux(i,j,k)/(dzz(k-1)*dt(i,j)) mol=(ff(i,j,k-1)-ff(i,j,k)) $ /(ff(i,j,k)+ff(i,j,k-1)+epsilon) zwflux(i,j,k)=(wdz-w2dt)*mol*sw abs_1=abs(wdz) abs_2=abs(w2dt) if(,j,k)=0.e0 end if end do end do end do C return C end C subroutine vertvl(xflux,yflux) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Calculates vertical velocity. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C include 'pom2k.c' C real xflux(im,jm,kb),yflux(im,jm,kb) integer i,j,k C C Reestablish boundary conditions: C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im xflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i-1,j))*u(i,j,k) end do end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jm do i=2,im yflux(i,j,k)=.25e0*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1)) $ *(dt(i,j)+dt(i,j-1))*v(i,j,k) end do end do end do C C NOTE that, if one wishes to include freshwater flux, the C surface velocity should be set to vflux(i,j). See also C change made to 2-D volume conservation equation which C calculates elf. C do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 w(i,j,1)=0.5*(vfluxb(i,j)+vfluxf(i,j)) end do end do C do k=1,kbm1 do j=2,jmm1 do i=2,imm1 w(i,j,k+1)=w(i,j,k) $ +dz(k)*((xflux(i+1,j,k)-xflux(i,j,k) $ +yflux(i,j+1,k)-yflux(i,j,k)) $ /(dx(i,j)*dy(i,j)) $ +(etf(i,j)-etb(i,j))/dti2) end do end do end do C return C end C c include 'pom2k.n' ! *netCDF* C C End of source code C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C