program main include 'wav.c' dimension cbc(im,jm),wubot(im,jm),wvbot(im,jm) dimension elips(im,jm) data pi/3.141592654/,gee/9.807/ rewind 10 open(10, file='specavs',form='formatted') C--------------------------------------------------------------- C This wave model is described in the paper: C C A Wave Model for Coupling with Numerical Ocean Circulation Models C by George Mellor and Mark Donelan C C Also see references to M03 and M05 cited in this paper. C C This main program is a surogate for pom2k.f and can be C discarded when coupling with pom2k.f or another circulation C model. When combined with a circulation model one must include C the following subroutines: C wave, botdrag, cur2wave, specavs, speeds, stress, stepmpd, C wvfcns, wave2cur and the functions: summ, summ1, sumk,fsprm C and mxloc. The file specavs needs to be opened. C C The common variables in wav.c will have to be melded with C pom2k.c. C After the above is achieved, simply call wave and call botdrag C for wave affected bottom drag (cbc). C The wave propagation time step, dtw, must be supplied. C Hopefully it can be the same as the internal time step in C pom2k.f; otherwise, for example, subroutine wave will have to C be called twice with half the time step. C The print routines and subroutine depth can be expunged as C they are duplicated in pom2k.f. For minumum wave info, print the C significant wave height, Hs, and mean wave propagation angle, C thtav. However, other variables such as peak frequency, phase C and group speeds and wave number may be of interest. C The surface wind stress is solved in subroutine stress C given the 10 meter wind speed u10x and u10y. For now, use the C relations, wusurf=-(tpx0+ttx0) and wvsurf=-(tpy0+tty0). C At a later time, we will differentiate between the two kinds C of surface stress as discribed in the aforementioned paper. C See further comments in subroutine wave2cur. C In stand-alone mode, this program main solves for wave C properties in an elliptical closed basin. C--------------------------------------------------------------- C Setup time=0. iend=4000 ! run to steady state iprint=2000 iend=40 iprint=20 dxm=200 dym=500 dtw=dxm/15. ! for U10=20 dtw=dxm/10. ! for U10=10 dth=2.*pi/float(kseg) ! wave angle increment c dtw=2.5 write(6,'('' im,jm,mm ='', 3i5)') im,jm,mm write(6,'('' iprint ='',i5,'' iend ='',i5)') iprint,iend write(6,'('' time step (dtw) ='',f8.3)') dtw write(6,'('' grid step (dx) ='',f10.2)') dxm write(6,'('' angle step (dth) ='',f9.4,'' No. of angle segments & (kseg) ='',i5)') dth,kseg call depth C C Set up elliptical basin C a=155000. b=35000. C do dx do j=1,jm dx(1,j)=200. enddo ico=40 do j=1,jm do i=1,ico dx(i+1,j)=dx(i,j)*1.1 enddo do i=ico,im-1 dx(i+1,j)=dx(i,j) enddo enddo C do dy c dy(1,jm/2)=447.9 dy(1,jm/2)=203.9 do j=jm/2,jm-1 dy(1,j+1)=dy(1,j)*1.1 c dy(1,j+1)=dy(1,j)*1.2 enddo do j=1,jm/2 dy(1,j)=dy(1,jm+1-j) enddo do j=1,jm do i=1,im dy(i,j)=dy(1,j) enddo enddo C end dx,dy call prxy('dx ',time,dx ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) call prxy('dy ',time,dy ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) write(6,'(''dx'')') write(6,'(10f10.1)') (dx(i,1),i=1,im) write(6,'(''dy'')') write(6,'(10f10.1)') (dy(1,j),j=1,jm) x(1)=0. x(2)=dx(2,1)/2. do i=3,im x(i)=x(i-1)+(dx(i-1,1)+dx(i,1))/2. enddo write(6,'(''x'')') write(6,'(10f10.1)') (x(i),i=1,im) y(1)=-b do j=2,jm y(j)=y(j-1)+(dy(1,j)+dy(1,j-1))*0.5 enddo write(6,'(''y'')') write(6,'(10f10.1)') (y(j),j=1,jm) C Caution: small d and subsequently kpD < ~3 can result in C large cth and instability unless dtw is suitably small do j=1,jm do i=1,im d(i,j)=10. elips(i,j)=((x(i)-a)/a)**2+(y(j)/b)**2 fsm(i,j)=0.0 if(elips(i,j).lt.1.0) fsm(i,j)=1.0 enddo enddo call prxy('elips',time,elips,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('d ',time,d ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) C C End basin setup C do j=1,jm do i=1,im ageinv(i,j)=1. thtav(i,j)=angle*pi/180. wubot(i,j)=0.01 wvbot(i,j)=0.01 cbc(i,j)=0. do k=1,kb-1 u(i,j,k)=0. v(i,j,k)=0. enddo enddo enddo do j=1,jm do i=1,im dum(i,j)=fsm(i,j)*fsm(i-1,j) dvm(i,j)=fsm(i,j)*fsm(i,j-1) enddo enddo C Set parameters for bottom drag cbcmin=.0025 cbcmax=1.000 z0b=0.01 C call prxy('fsm ',time,fsm ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('dum ',time,dum ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('dvm ',time,dvm ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) C----------------------------------------------------------------- C Begin time stepping C----------------------------------------------------------------- c iend=10 c iprint=1 do 1000 iint=1,iend time=time+dtw/86400. c write(6,'(''time,iint,iend ='',f12.5,2i5)') time,iint,iend do j=1,jm do i=1,im angle=120. u10(i,j)=10. u10x(i,j)=u10(i,j)*cos(pi*angle/180.) u10y(i,j)=u10(i,j)*sin(pi*angle/180.) enddo enddo call wave(dtw,dth,time) c call botdrag (im,jm,fsm, c & kp,cp,ent,wubot,wvbot,d,zz(kb-1),z0b,cbcmin,cbcmax,cbc) 1000 continue C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C End time stepping C-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop end C------------------------------------------------------------------- C--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine wave(dtw,dth,time) C------------------------------------------------------------ C Subroutine to calculate wave energy density as a function of C x, y and theta. Grid is orthogonal curvilinear. For rectilinear C grid, simply set dx(i,j) or dy(i,j) = constant C C Input: C z(k),dz(k) = vertical coordinate and spacing (non-d.) C zz(k),dzz(k) = middle cell coordinate and spacing C dx(i,j), dy = spatial grid cell increments located at cell center C d(i,j) = water column depth (m) C fsm(i,j) = 1 for water cell, = 0 for land cell C u10x(i,j),u10y(i,j) = wind vector at 10 m height (m s-1) C u(i,j,k),v(i,j,k) = current vector (m s-1) c nitera = # of iterations in s.r. stepmpd C Output wave variables: C enb(i,j,m), en, enf = past, present,future energy densities C (m+3 s-2) C ent(i,j) en averaged over all wave directions C Hs(i,j) = sugnificant wave height = 4*sqrt(ent/gee) (m) C thtav(i,j) = average wave propagation direction (rad) C Internal wave variables (some could also be output) C theta(m) = wave directional angle located at cell edge (rad) C cs(m),sn(m) = cosine and sine of theta C thetam(m) = wave directional angle located at cell center C csm(m),snm(m) = cosine and sine of thetam C sigth(i,j,m)=theta dependent frequency C cth(i,j,m)=theta dependent phase speed C kth(i,j,m)= theta dependent wave number C cg(i,j,m) = spectrally averaged group speeds located at C cell center (m s-1) C sigp(i,j)=peak frequency C cp(i,j) = peak frequency phase speed (m s-1) C kp(i,j) = peak frequency wave number (m-1) C cgx(i,j,m), cgy(i,j,m) = propagation vector in x, y C directions located at cell edge (m s-1) C ud(i,j),vd(i,j) = Dopler velocities (m s-1) C cthth(i,j,m) = propagation speed in the theta direction C located at cell edge (rad s-1) C ageinv(i,j)=u10*sigp/gee (= 0.83 for fully developed waves) C fspr(i,j)=spreading function for swin C beta = constant in fspr; higher beta = narrower spread C but recommended value = 2,2 C swin(i,j,m) = wave energy source term C sdis(i,j,m) = surface wave energy dissipation C bdis1(i,j,m) = bottom friction dissipation C bdis2(i,j,m) = bottom depth-induced dissipation C gama = empirical constant in formualtion of bdis2 C Sradx(i,j),Srady(i,j),Sradxy(i,j),Srad(i,j) = wave radiation C stress related to wave velocity moments C Sradpx(i,j),Sradpy(i,j),Sradp(i,j) = wave radiation stress C related to wave pressure C Fcg(i,jm), Fct(i,j,m) = correction for cg and cth to C account for spectral averaging C Cin, swcon = constants in swin curve fit. C adis, bdis = empirically determined constants in sdis term C swfct = factor to reduce dissipation for swells. C dif = horizontal advective diffusion coeficient (see note C in x-y step. C------------------------------------------------------------ include 'wav.c' integer init dimension ! 2-d variables & xfluxtot(im,jm),yfluxtot(im,jm),swintot(im,jm), & thtavdeg(im,jm), ustp(im,jm) dimension ! 3-d variables & xflux(im,jm,mm),yflux(im,jm,mm),tflux(im,jm,mm), & fspr(im,jm,mm),fsprout(im,jm,mm), & uak(im,jm,mm) dimension usdif(im,jm),vsdif(im,jm),ud(im,jm),vd(im,jm) dimension Fcg(im,jm,mm),Fct(im,jm,mm) dimension tps(im,jm,mm),F1(kb),F2(kb),F3(kb),F4(kb),F5(kb), & Sradx(im,jm),Sradxy(im,jm),Srady(im,jm),Srad(im,jm), & Sradpx(im,jm),Sradpy(im,jm),Sradp(im,jm) dimension jo(2),mo(2) data nio/1/,io/12/,njo/2/,jo/10,30/,nmo/2/,mo/1,21/ data pi/3.141592654/,gee/9.807/,smoth/.05/ data beta/2.2/ ! spreading const. data Cin/370./ ! Sin const. data swcon/0.33/ ! Sin const. data adis/0.925/ ! Sdis const. data bdis/0.18e-4/ ! Sdis const. data swfct/0.2/ ! factor to decrease swell diss. data nitera/3/ ! # of iterations in MPDATA data dif/0.2/ ! diffusion coeficient ! in x-y step section data gama/0.70/ ! depth-induced breaking const. data init/0/ C------Initialize------------------------------------------------ if(init.eq.0) then C---------------------------------------------------------------- iskp=1 jskp=1 dtw2=2.*dtw dthinv=1./dth ! inverse angle increment write(6,'('' Cin ='',f8.1,'' a ='',f8.3,'' b ='',e12.4)') & Cin,a,b write(6,'('' beta ='',f10.3)') beta write(6,'('' nitera ='',i5 )') nitera write(6,'('' dif ='',f8.3)') dif do j=1,jm do i=1,im-1 aren(i,j)=dx(i,j)*dy(i,j) areninv(i,j)=1./aren(i,j) ud(i,j)=0. vd(i,j)=0. enddo enddo d0=100. write(6,'(5x,'' m theta cs sn thetam'', &'' csm snm'')') do m=1,mm thetam(m)=dth*float(m-mm/2) theta(m)=dth*float(m-mm/2)-0.5*dth cs(m)=cos(theta(m)) sn(m)=sin(theta(m)) csm(m)=cos(thetam(m)) snm(m)=sin(thetam(m)) write (6,'(5x,i5,6f10.3)') m, theta(m),cs(m),sn(m), & thetam(m),csm(m),snm(m) enddo do j=1,jm do i=1,im do m=1,mm cth(i,j,m)=10. kth(i,j,m)=.1 kthD(i,j,m)=1. enddo ageinv(i,j)=1. sigp(i,j)=10. cp(i,j)=gee/sigp(i,j) kaveD(i,j)=sigp(i,j)/gee Sradx(i,j)=0. Sradxy(i,j)=0. Srady(i,j)=0. Srad(i,j)=0. Sradpx(i,j)=0. Sradpy(i,j)=0. Sradp(i,j)=0. ud(i,j)=0. vd(i,j)=0. tht_wnd(i,j)=0. enddo enddo C do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im sigthb(i,j,m)=sigp(i,j) sigth(i,j,m)=sigthb(i,j,m) sigthf(i,j,m)=sigth(i,j,m) cth(i,j,m)=gee/sigth(i,j,m) kth(i,j,m)=sigth(i,j,m)**2/gee kthD(i,j,m)=kth(i,j,m)*d(i,j) Hs(i,j)=1.95 Hs(i,j)=0.05 enb(i,j,m)=gee*(Hs(i,j)/4.)**2*fsprm(beta,m,mm,0.,thetam(m)) enb(i,j,m)=max(.0001,enb(i,j,m))*fsm(i,j) en(i,j,m)=enb(i,j,m) enf(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m) xflux(i,j,m)=0. yflux(i,j,m)=0. tflux(i,j,m)=0. fspr(i,j,m)=fsprm(beta,m,mm,0.,thetam(m)) enddo enddo enddo do j=1,jm do i=1,im ent(i,j)=summ(enb,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) enddo enddo C C Open boundary conditions. (For a closed basin, not used) C Add north south conditions as needed. Hsbc=2. !Sig. wave height at boundaries Tp=10 !wave period at boundaries westang=0. !western wave propagation angle; incoming eastang=pi !eastern wave propagation angle; incoming do m=1,mm do j=1,jm enw(j,m)=gee*(Hsbc/4.)**2*fsprm(beta,m,mm,westang,thetam(m)) enw(j,m)=max(.0001,enw(j,m))*fsm(1,j) ene(j,m)=gee*(Hsbc/4.)**2*fsprm(beta,m,mm,eastang,thetam(m)) ene(j,m)=max(.0001,enw(j,m))*fsm(im,j) sigthe(j,m)=2.*pi/Tp sigthw(j,m)=2.*pi/Tp enddo enddo C C call prxz('fspr',0.,fspr,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) call prxz('enf',0.,enf,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) call prxy('ent',0.,ent,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) C---------------------------------------------------------------- init=1 endif C---------------------------------------------------------------- iskp=1 jskp=1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im u10(i,j)=sqrt(u10x(i,j)**2+u10y(i,j)**2) usdif(i,j)=U10x(i,j)-u(i,j,1) vsdif(i,j)=U10y(i,j)-v(i,j,1) Udif=sqrt(usdif(i,j)**2+vsdif(i,j)**2) tht_wnd(i,j)=0. if( & tht_wnd(i,j)=acos(usdif(i,j)/(Udif))*sign(1.,vsdif(i,j)) enddo enddo call stress (Hs,ageinv,usdif,vsdif,cd,tpx0,tpy0, & ttx0,tty0,ustw,im,jm) C Calculate sigp for wind driven portion of enf do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 if (fsm(i,j).gt.0.) then if(u10(i,j).gt.0.0) then mbig=mxloc(enf,fspr,i,j,im,jm,mm) sigp(i,j) =(gee/u10(i,j)) & *(gee*enf(i,j,mbig) /u10(i,j)**4/.0022)**(-.303) call wvfcns(sigp(i,j),d(i,j),kp(i,j),cp(i,j)) endif ageinv(i,j)=u10(i,j)*sigp(i,j)/gee endif enddo enddo C-----Tranfer sigp to sigth only for wind-driven portions of C en. Swell portions of en left unchanged. do m=1,mm do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 if(fspr(i,j,m).gt.0.10) sigth(i,j,m)=sigp(i,j) enddo enddo enddo C call prxz('sigth',time,sigth,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) C call prxy('u10 ',time,u10 ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) C---------------- Calculate propagation speeds----------------------- do j=1,jm do i=1,im ent(i,j)=summ(en,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) Hs(i,j)=0.5*(4.*sqrt(ent(i,j)/gee)+Hs(i,j)) C Find kth and cth do m=2,mm-1 if(fsm(i,j).eq.1.) then call wvfcns(sigth(i,j,m),d(i,j),kth(i,j,m),cth(i,j,m)) kthD(i,j,m)=kth(i,j,m)*d(i,j) C Find spectrally averaged corrections to cg and cth call speeds(kthD(i,j,m),Fcg(i,j,m),Fct(i,j,m)) cg(i,j,m)=Fcg(i,j,m)*cth(i,j,m) endif enddo enddo enddo do m=1,mm do j=2,jm-1 do i=2,im-1 if(fsm(i,j).eq.0.) then if(fsm(i+1,j).eq.1.) cg(i,j,m)=cg(i+1,j,m) if(fsm(i-1,j).eq.1.) cg(i,j,m)=cg(i-1,j,m) if(fsm(i,j+1).eq.1.) cg(i,j,m)=cg(i,j+1,m) if(fsm(i,j-1).eq.1.) cg(i,j,m)=cg(i,j-1,m) endif enddo enddo enddo c call prxz('enf ',time,enf ,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo, 0.,d,thetam) c call prxy('ent',time,ent,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) c call prxy('sigp ',time,sigp ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) c call prxy('kp ',time,kp ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) c call prxy('cp ',time,cp ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) c call prxy('cg ',time,cg ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) c call prxz('Fcg ',time,Fcg ,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo, 0.,d,thetam) C --------------------------------------------------------------- C The solution is time split between x-y steps, theta steps and C source steps. C --------------------------------------------------------------- C x-y step fo wave energy C --------------------------------------------------------------- C If dif=0.2, then diff = 0.2 everywhere, but, on open water C cells imediately next to land cells, diff = 0.5 for local upwind C B.C. If dif=0.5, then diff=0.5 everywhere. C N.B. not a great difference if diff = 0.5 everywhere. do m=1,mm do j=2,jm do i=2,im cgx(i,j,m)=0.5*(cg(i,j,m)+cg(i-1,j,m))*csm(m) & +0.5*(ud(i,j)+ud(i-1,j)) cgy(i,j,m)=0.5*(cg(i,j,m)+cg(i,j-1,m))*snm(m) & +0.5*(vd(i,j)+vd(i,j-1)) diff=0.5*(1.-dum(i,j))+dif*dum(i,j) xflux(i,j,m)= 0.5*cgx(i,j,m)*(en(i,j,m)+en(i-1,j,m)) & -diff*abs(cgx(i,j,m))*(enb(i,j,m)-enb(i-1,j,m)) diff=0.5*(1.-dvm(i,j))+dif*dvm(i,j) yflux(i,j,m)= 0.5*cgy(i,j,m)*(en(i,j,m)+en(i,j-1,m)) & -diff*abs(cgy(i,j,m))*(enb(i,j,m)-enb(i,j-1,m)) xflux(i,j,m)=0.5*(dy(i,j)+dy(i-1,j))*xflux(i,j,m) yflux(i,j,m)=0.5*(dx(i,j)+dx(i,j-1))*yflux(i,j,m) enddo enddo enddo c call pryz('cgy ',time,cgy ,im,jm,jskp,mm,12,1,0.,d,thetam) c call pryz('en ',time,en ,im,jm,jskp,mm,12,1,0.,d,thetam) c call pryz('enb ',time,enb ,im,jm,jskp,mm,12,1,0.,d,thetam) c call pryz('yflux',time,yflux,im,jm,jskp,mm,12,1,0.,d,thetam) do m=1,mm-1 do j=2,jm-1 do i=2,im-1 enf(i,j,m)=enb(i,j,m) & -(xflux(i+1,j,m)-xflux(i,j,m) & +yflux(i,j+1,m)-yflux(i,j,m))*areninv(i,j)*dtw2 enddo enddo enddo C -- ------------------------------------------------------------- C theta step (MDATA) for wave energy C --------------------------------------------------------------- C Cyclic B.C.s on m do j=1,jm do i=1,im enf(i,j,1)=enf(i,j,mm-1) enf(i,j,mm)=enf(i,j,2) enddo enddo C do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im uak(i,j,m)=csm(m)*ud(i,j)+snm(m)*vd(i,j) enddo enddo enddo do j=2,jm-1 do i=2,im-1 dx2=dx(i+1,j)+dx(i-1,j) dy2=dy(i,j+1)+dy(i,j-1) do m=1,mm cthth(i,j,m)= ! speed in theta coordinate & Fct(i,j,m)*gee/(2.*cth(i,j,m)*cosh(kthD(i,j,m))*2) & *( sn(m)*(d(i+1,j)-d(i-1,j))/dx2 & -cs(m)*(d(i,j+1)-d(i,j-1))/dy2 ) & +sn(m)*(uak(i+1,j,m)-uak(i-1,j,m))/dx2*fsm(i+1,j)*fsm(i-1,j) & -cs(m)*(uak(i,j+1,m)-uak(i,j-1,m))/dy2*fsm(i,j+1)*fsm(i,j-1) enddo enddo enddo do m=1,mm do j=1,jm cthth(im,j,m)=cthth(im-1,j,m) cthth(1,j,m)=cthth(2,j,m) enddo do i=1,im cthth(i,jm,m)=cthth(i,jm-1,m) cthth(i,1,m)=cthth(i,2,m) enddo enddo call stepmpd(enb,en,enf,cthth,im,jm,mm,dtw2,dthinv,nitera, & thetam,iint,iprint) C --------------------------------------------------------------- C Source step for wave energy C --------------------------------------------------------------- do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 C Calculate Hm and qdis for later use in depth-induced breaking Hm(i,j)=gama*d(i,j) fb=8.0*ent(i,j)/gee/(Hm(i,j))**2 fb=min(fb,1.0) do loop=1,3 qdis(i,j)=exp((qdis(i,j)-1)/fb) enddo C ustp(i,j)=sqrt(sqrt(tpx0(i,j)**2+tpy0(i,j)**2)) do m=2,mm-1 C Input source term fspr(i,j,m)=0. if(ustp(i,j).gt.0.001) then tht_ops=tht_wnd(i,j)+pi C Create neg. "tail" to oppose swell. Const. 0.4 from Donelan 1999 fspr(i,j,m)=fsprm(beta,m,mm,tht_wnd(i,j),thetam(m)) & -0.4*fsprm(beta,m,mm,tht_ops ,thetam(m)) endif swin(i,j,m)=Cin *exp(-swcon *ageinv(i,j))*fsm(i,j) swin(i,j,m)=max(swin(i,j,m),10. )*ustp(i,j)**3*fspr(i,j,m) C Surface dissipation. bdis is used for wind driven portion of en. C Reduced swfct*bdis is used for swell portion. bb=bdis if(abs(fspr(i,j,m)).lt.0.10) bb=swfct*bdis sdis(i,j,m)=adis*swin(i,j,m)+bb*sigth(i,j,m)*en(i,j,m) C sdis is incorporated into the following semi-implicitly. enf(i,j,m)=(enf(i,j,m) & +(1.-adis)*swin(i,j,m)*dtw2)/(1.+bb*sigth(i,j,m) *dtw2) C Bottom dissipation, first due to friction, second to depth- C induced breaking a la Battjes and Janssen 1978. bdis1(i,j,m)=.003*(sigth(i,j,m) & *sqrt(2.*en(i,j,m)/gee)/sinh(kthD(i,j,m)))**3 bdis2(i,j,m)=(en(i,j,m)/ent(i,j))*gee*sigth(i,j,m) & /(8.*pi)*qdis(i,j)*(Hm(i,j))**2 enf(i,j,m)=enf(i,j,m)-(bdis1(i,j,m)+bdis2(i,j,m))*dtw2 enf(i,j,m)=max(.0001,enf(i,j,m))*fsm(i,j) enddo enddo enddo C --------------------------------------------------------------- C Include radiation/current stress terms do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 do m=1,mm tps(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m)*kth(i,j,m) enddo kaveD(i,j)=summ(kth,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm)*d(i,j) enddo enddo call cur2wave(im,jm,kb,mm,dx,dy,z,dz,u,v,kaveD, & Sradx,Sradxy,Srady,Srad,Sradpx,Sradpy,Sradp,ud,vd) do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 dx2iv=1./(dx(i+1,j)+dx(i-1,j)) dy2iv=1./(dy(i,j+1)+dy(i,j-1)) do m=2,mm-1 sorc= (csm(m)*csm(m)*Sradx(i,j) & +csm(m)*snm(m)*Sradxy(i,j) & +snm(m)*snm(m)*Srady(i,j) & + Srad(i,j) )*en(i,j,m) & +Sradpx(i,j)*(en(i+1,j,m)-en(i-1,j,m))*dx2iv & +Sradpy(i,j)*(en(i,j+1,m)-en(i,j-1,m))*dy2iv & +Sradp(i,j)*en(i,j,m) enf(i,j,m)=enf(i,j,m)+sorc*dtw2 enddo enddo enddo C --------------------------------------------------------------- C x-y step for frequency C --------------------------------------------------------------- do m=1,mm-1 do j=2,jm-1 do i=2,im-1 cgxm=cg(i,j,m)*csm(m) cgym=cg(i,j,m)*snm(m) adv=(0.5*cgxm*(sigth(i+1,j,m)-sigth(i-1,j,m)) & -0.5*abs(cgxm) & *(sigthb(i+1,j,m)-2.*sigthb(i,j,m)+sigthb(i-1,j,m)) ) & /dx(i,j) & +(0.5*cgym*(sigth(i,j+1,m)-sigth(i,j-1,m)) & -0.5*abs(cgym) & *(sigthb(i,j+1,m)-2.*sigthb(i,j,m)+sigthb(i,j-1,m)) ) & /dy(i,j) sigthf(i,j,m)=sigthb(i,j,m)-adv*fsm(i,j)*dtw2 enddo enddo enddo C --------------------------------------------------------------- C Source step for frequency C --------------------------------------------------------------- do i=2,im-1 do j=2,jm-1 do m=2,mm-1 sor=-cg(i,j,m)*kth(i,j,m)*0.5*( & (csm(m)*csm(m))*(ud(i+1,j)-ud(i-1,j))/dx(i,j) & +(csm(m)*snm(m))*(vd(i+1,j)-vd(i-1,j))/dx(i,j) & +(csm(m)*snm(m))*(ud(i,j+1)-ud(i,j-1))/dy(i,j) + +(snm(m)*snm(m))*(vd(i,j+1)-vd(i,j-1))/dy(i,j) ) & +cg(i,j,m)*0.5*(sigth(i,j,m)/d(i,j))*(Fcg(i,j,m)-0.5) & *(ud(i,j)*(d(i+1,j)-d(i-1,j))/dx(i,j) & +vd(i,j)*(d(i,j+1)-d(i,j-1))/dy(i,j) ) sigthf(i,j,m)=sigthf(i,j,m)+sor*dtw2 enddo enddo enddo C-------------------------------------------------------------- C Boundary Condtions C-------------------------------------------------------------- C--- For cyclic B.C.s on the north-south boundaries ---------- c do m=2,mm c do i=1,im c enf(i,1,m)=enf(i,jm-1,m) !cyclic B.C.s c enf(i,jm,m)=enf(i,2,m) c enddo c enddo C--- For open B.C.s on the eastern boundary ------------------- C do j=1,jm c do m=1,mm c cgnd=cgx(im,j,m)/(dx(im,j)+dx(im-1,j))*dtw c enf(im,j,m)=en(im,j,m) c & -(cgnd+abs(cgnd))*(en(im,j,m)-en(im-1,j,m)) c & -(cgnd-abs(cgnd))*(ene(j,m)-en(im,j,m) ) c enddo c enddo C ---- Mask out land values and apply Asselin filter---------- do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im enf(i,j,m)=enf(i,j,m)*fsm(i,j) en(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m) & +0.5*smoth*(enb(i,j,m)-2.*en(i,j,m)+enf(i,j,m)) sigth(i,j,m)=sigth(i,j,m) & +0.5*smoth*(sigthb(i,j,m)-2.*sigth(i,j,m)+sigthf(i,j,m)) enddo enddo enddo C------ Reset time sequence ----------------------------------- do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im enb(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m) en(i,j,m)=enf(i,j,m) sigthb(i,j,m)=sigth(i,j,m) sigth(i,j,m)=sigthf(i,j,m) enddo enddo enddo do j=1,jm do i=1,im C Determine average wave propagation angle do m=1,mm tps(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m)*csm(m) enddo csmav=summ(tps,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) do m=1,mm tps(i,j,m)=en(i,j,m)*snm(m) enddo snmav=summ(tps,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) if(csmav.eq.0.) csmav=csmav+1.e-7 thtav(i,j)=atan(snmav/csmav) if ( thtav(i,j)=thtav(i,j)+pi if ( thtav(i,j)=thtav(i,j)-pi C Calculate total dissipation for use in tke equation sdistot(i,j)=summ(sdis,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm)*fsm(i,j) do m=1,mm tps(i,j,m)=bdis1(i,j,m)+bdis2(i,j,m) enddo bdistot(i,j)=summ(tps,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) enddo enddo C----------------------------------------------------------- C Begin Diagnostic and Print Section C----------------------------------------------------------- if(mod(iint,iprint).eq.0) then write(6,'(''time,iend,iprint ='',f12.5,2i6)') time,iend,iprint do i=1,im do j=1,jm xfluxtot(i,j)=summ(xflux,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) yfluxtot(i,j)=summ(yflux,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) thtavdeg(i,j)=180.*thtav(i,j)/pi swintot(i,j)=summ(swin,dth,i,j,im,jm,mm) enddo enddo iskp=1 jskp=1 call prxy('ageinv ',time,ageinv ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) call prxy('sigp ',time,sigp ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) call prxz('sigth',time,sigth,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) c call prxy('cp ',time,cp ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('Fcg ',time,Fcg ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('cg ',time,cg ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('vd ',time,vd ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('Sradxy ',time,Sradxy ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('xfluxtot',time,xfluxtot,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('yfluxtot',time,yfluxtot,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('swintot ',time,swintot ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('bdistot ',time,bdistot ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) call prxy('ent',time,ent,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('Hs ',time,Hs ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) c call prxy('thtav ',time,thtav ,im,1,jm,1 ,0. ) call prxz('fspr',time,fspr,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) c call prxz('cth ',time,cth ,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,theta ) c call prxz('swin',time,swin,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) c call prxz('sdis',time,sdis,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) c call prxz('cgx ',time,cgx ,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,0.,d,thetam) c call pryz('cgy',time,cgy,im,jm,jskp,mm,io,nio,0.,d,thetam) call prxz('enf ',time,enf ,im,iskp,jm,mm,jo,njo,-1.,d,thetam) c call pryz('xflux',time,xflux ,im,jm,1,mm,12,1,0.,dt,thetam) c call pryz('yflux',time,yflux ,im,jm,1,mm,12,1,0.,dt,thetam) c call pryz('cgy ',time,cgy ,im,jm,1,mm,12,1,0.,dt,thetam) c call pryz('enf ',time,enf ,im,jm,1,mm,12,1,0.,dt,thetam) C Print out a j-slice j=(jm+1)/2 write(6,'(''Print properties for j ='',i5)') j thdegwd=tht_wnd(im/2,j)*180./pi write(6,'(''time ='',f9.5,'' u10x,u10y ='',2f8.2, & '' thdegwd ='',f10.2 )') & time, u10x(im/2,j),u10y(im/2,j),thdegwd write(6,'('' i x d cp cg(21) ud '', & '' vd Tp '', &'' ent theta/deg Hs ageinv Cd xnd ennd'')') do i=1,im,1 tp=2.*pi/sigp(i,j) xnd=x(i)*gee/u10(i,j)**2 ennd=ent(i,j)*gee/u10(i,j)**4 write(6,'(i5,f9.0,f7.0,9f7.2,3e12.3)') & i,x(i),d(i,j),cp(i,j),cg(i,j,21),ud(i,j),vd(i,j), & tp,ent(i,j), & thtavdeg(i,j),Hs(i,j), ageinv(i,j),Cd(i,j),xnd,ennd enddo endif return end C--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine botdrag (im,jm,fsm, & kp,cp,ent,wubot,wvbot,d,zzkbm1,z0b,cbcmin,cbcmax,cbc) C-------------------------------------------------------------- C C Input: C fsm(I,j) = 1 for water cell, = 0 fro land cell C cp(i,j) = peak frequency phase speed (m s-1) C kp(i,j) = peak frequency wave number C ent(i,j) = wave energy averaged over all wave angles C wubot(i,j),wvbot(i,j) = bottom stress vector as determned C by bottom current (at zz(kb-1)) and cbc found here C zzkbn1 = zz(kb-1) (non-d.) C d(i,j) = water column depth (m) C zob = roughness parameter (m) C cbcmin,cbcmax = limits ob cbs (non-d.) C C Output: C cbc(i,j) = bottom drag coefficient (non-d.) C-------------------------------------------------------------- real kappa,kp dimension kp(im,jm),cp(im,jm),ent(im,jm),fsm(im,jm), & wubot(im,jm),wvbot(im,jm),d(im,jm),cbc(im,jm) data kappa/0.4/,grav/9.807/ do j=1,jm do i=1,im if (fsm(i,j).eq.1.) then uboscil=cp(i,j)*kp(i,j)*sqrt(2.*ent(i,j)/grav) & /sinh(kp(i,j)*d(i,j)) utau2=sqrt(wubot(i,j)**2+wvbot(i,j)**2) z0a=z0b*(1.+0.05*uboscil**2/utau2) cbc(i,j)=(kappa/log(1.+(1.0+zzkbm1)*d(i,j)/z0a))**2 cbc(i,j)=max(cbcmin,cbc(i,j)) C C If the following is invoked, then it is probable that the wrong C choice of z0b or vertical spacing has been made: C cbc(i,j)=min(cbcmax,cbc(i,j)) endif enddo enddo return end C-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine depth C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Establishes the vertical sigma grid with log * C * distributions at the top and bottom and a linear * C * distribution in between. The number of layers of * C * reduced thickness are kl1-2 at the surface and * C * kb-kl2-1 at the bottom. kl1 and kl2 are defined in * C * the main program. For no log portions, set kl1=2 * C * and kl2=kb-1. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C C include 'wav.c' C implicit none C real delz integer kdz(12) integer k data kdz/1,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024/ C kl1=5 kl2=kb-5 z(1)=0.e0 do k=2,kl1 z(k)=z(k-1)+kdz(k-1) end do delz=z(kl1)-z(kl1-1) do k=kl1+1,kl2 z(k)=z(k-1)+delz end do do k=kl2+1,kb dz(k)=float(kdz(kb-k+1))*delz/float(kdz(kb-kl2)) z(k)=z(k-1)+dz(k) end do do k=1,kb z(k)=-z(k)/z(kb) end do do k=1,kb-1 zz(k)=0.5e0*(z(k)+z(k+1)) end do zz(kb)=2.e0*zz(kb-1)-zz(kb-2) do k=1,kb-1 dz(k)=z(k)-z(k+1) dzz(k)=zz(k)-zz(k+1) end do dz(kb)=0.e0 dzz(kb)=0.e0 C write(6,1) 1 format(/2x,'k',7x,'z',9x,'zz',9x,'dz',9x,'dzz',/) do k=1,kb write(6,2) k,z(k),zz(k),dz(k),dzz(k) 2 format((' ',i5,4f10.3)) end do write(6,3) 3 format(//) C return end C-------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cur2wave(im,jm,kb,mm,dx,dy,z,dz,u,v,kpD, & Sradx,Sradxy,Srady,Srad,Sradpx,Sradpy,Sradp,ud,vd) C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C Current to wave interaction terms C Calculates vertical averages using spectrally averaged functions C provided by subroutine specavs. C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C Input real kpD(im,jm) dimension dx(im,jm),dy(im,jm),z(kb),dz(kb),u(im,jm,kb),v(im,jm,kb) C Output dimension Sradx(im,jm),Sradxy(im,jm),Srady(im,jm),Srad(im,jm), & Sradpx(im,jm),Sradpy(im,jm),Sradp(im,jm),ud(im,jm),vd(im,jm) C Internal dimension tps(im,jm,mm),F1(kb),F2(kb),F3(kb),F4(kb),F5(kb), & tp1(kb),tp2(kb),tp3(kb),tp4(kb),tp5(kb), & gradxu(kb),gradxv(kb),gradyu(kb),gradyv(kb) do j=1,jm do i=1,im call specavs (kpD(i,j),F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,z,kb,i,j) enddo enddo do j=3,jm-2 do i=3,im-2 dx2iv=1./(dx(i+1,j)+dx(i-1,j)) dy2iv=1./(dy(i,j+1)+dy(i,j-1)) do k=1,kb-1 tp1(k)=u(i,j,k)*(F5(k)-F5(k+1)) tp2(k)=v(i,j,k)*(F5(k)-F5(k+1)) gradxu(k)=(u(i+1,j,k)-u(i-1,j,k))*dx2iv gradxv(k)=0.5*(v(i+1,j,k)-v(i-1,j,k) & +v(i+1,j+1,k)-v(i-1,j+1,k))*dx2iv gradyu(k)=0.5*(u(i,j+1,k)-u(i,j-1,k) & +u(i+1,j+1,k)-u(i+1,j-1,k))*dy2iv gradyv(k)=(v(i,j+1,k)-v(i,j-1,k))*dy2iv enddo ud(i,j)=sumk(tp1,1.,kb) ! Dopler velocity vd(i,j)=sumk(tp2,1.,kb) ! '' '' C do k=1,kb-1 tp1(k)=0.5*(F1(k)+F1(k+1))*gradxu(k)*dz(k) tp2(k)=0.5*(F1(k)+F1(k+1))*(gradxv(k)+gradyu(k))*dz(k) tp3(k)=0.5*(F1(k)+F1(k+1))*gradyv(k)*dz(k) enddo Sradx(i,j)=sumk(tp1,1.,kb) Sradxy(i,j)=sumk(tp2,1.,kb) Srady(i,j)=sumk(tp3,1.,kb) if(kpD(i,j).lt.3.) then do k=1,kb-1 tp1(k)=0.5*(F2(k)+F2(k+1))*gradxu(k)*dz(k) tp2(k)=0.5*(F2(k)+F2(k+1))*gradyv(k)*dz(k) enddo Srad(i,j)=sumk(tp1,1.,kb)+sumk(tp2,1.,kb) else Srad(i,j)=0. endif if(kpD(i,j).lt.3.) then do k=1,kb-2 delu=(u(i,j,k)+u(i+1,j,k)-u(i,j,k+1)-u(i+1,j,k+1)) tp1(k)=0.5*F3(k+1)*delu tp2(k)=0.5*F4(k+1)*delu delv=(v(i,j,k)+v(i,j+1,k)-v(i,j,k+1)-v(i,j+1,k+1)) tp3(k)=0.5*F3(k+1)*delv tp4(k)=0.5*F4(k+1)*delv enddo Sradpx(i,j)=sumk(tp1,1.,kb) Sradpy(i,j)=sumk(tp3,1.,kb) Sradp(i,j) & =(kpD(i+1,j)-kpD(i-1,j))*sumk(tp2,1.,kb)*dx2iv & +(kpD(i,j+1)-kpD(i,j-1))*sumk(tp4,1.,kb)*dy2iv else Sradpx(i,j)=0. Sradpy(i,j)=0. Sradp(i,j)=0. endif C For top vertical spacing too large to resolve F1 if((kpD(i,j)*z(2)).lt.-0.5) then Sradx(i,j)=0.520*gradxu(1) Sradxy(i,j)=0.520*(gradxv(1)+gradyu(1)) Srady(i,j)=0.520*gradyv(1) endif enddo enddo c call prxy('Srad ',time,Srad ,im,1,jm,1 ,0.) return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine specavs (kpD,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,z,kb,i,j) C This is a subroutine to deliver spectrally averaged F1 - F5. C averaged. Fcg and Fct are functions of kpD. C F1-F5 are spectrally averaged components of wave radiation C stresses. F1-F5 are functions of kpD and z. C N.B. This subroutine uses the file, specavs. parameter (me=17,ne=21) real kpD,kpDd(me) dimension F1d(me,ne),F2d(me,ne),F3d(me,ne),F4d(me,ne),F5d(me,ne) dimension F1i(ne),F2i(ne),F3i(ne),F4i(ne),F5i(ne) dimension F1(kb),F2(kb),F3(kb),F4(kb),F5(kb) dimension zeta(ne),zetf(ne),z(kb) integer init save kpDd,F1d,F2d,F3d,F4d,F5d,zeta,zetf data init/0/ if(init.eq.0) then write(6,'(''Read spectrally averaged functions from specavs'')') read(10,'(2x)') write(6,'(/,'' F1'')') do n=1,ne read(10,'(f6.2,15(f6.3),2f8.3)') & zeta(n),(F1d(m,n),m=2,me),zetf(n) F1d(1,n)=0. C write(6,'(f6.2,16(f6.3),2f8.3)') C & zeta(n),(F1d(m,n),m=1,me),zetf(n) enddo read(10,'(2x)') write(6,'(/,'' F2'')') do n=1,ne read(10,'(f6.2,15(f6.3),2f8.3)') & zeta(n),(F2d(m,n),m=2,me),zetf(n) F2d(1,n)=-zeta(n) c write(6,'(f6.2,16(f6.3),2f8.3)') c & zeta(n),(F2d(m,n),m=1,me),zetf(n) enddo read(10,'(2x)') write(6,'(/,'' F3'')') do n=1,ne read(10,'(f6.2,15(f6.3),2f8.3)') & zeta(n),(F3d(m,n),m=2,me),zetf(n) F3d(1,n)=-zeta(n)*(1.+zeta(n))*0.5 c write(6,'(f6.2,16(f6.3),2f8.3)') c & zeta(n),(F3d(m,n),m=1,me),zetf(n) enddo read(10,'(2x)') write(6,'(/,'' F4'')') do n=1,ne read(10,'(f6.2,15(f6.3),2f8.3)') & zeta(n),(F4d(m,n),m=2,me),zetf(n) F4d(1,n)=-zeta(n)*(1.+zeta(n))/.01 c write(6,'(f6.2,16(f6.3),2f8.3)') c & zeta(n),(F4d(m,n),m=1,me),zetf(n) enddo read(10,'(2x)') write(6,'(/,'' F5'')') do n=1,ne read(10,'(f6.2,15(f6.3),2f8.3)') & zeta(n),(F5d(m,n),m=2,me),zetf(n) F5d(1,n)=1.+zeta(n) C write(6,'(f6.2,16(f6.3),2f8.3)') C & zeta(n),(F5d(m,n),m=1,me),zetf(n) enddo init=1 endif C---------------------------------------------------------------- C Solve for F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 C---------------------------------------------------------------- m=kpD/0.2+1 c write(6,'(''i,j,m = '',3i5,''kpD'',e12.3)') i,j,m,kpD if ( then C Interpolate w.r.t. kpD =< 3. (0 < m< 17) do n=1,ne F1i(n)=F1d(m,n)+(F1d(m+1,n)-F1d(m,n))*(kpD-kpDd(m))/0.2 F2i(n)=F2d(m,n)+(F2d(m+1,n)-F2d(m,n))*(kpD-kpDd(m))/0.2 F3i(n)=F3d(m,n)+(F3d(m+1,n)-F3d(m,n))*(kpD-kpDd(m))/0.2 F4i(n)=F4d(m,n)+(F4d(m+1,n)-F4d(m,n))*(kpD-kpDd(m))/0.2 F5i(n)=F5d(m,n)+(F5d(m+1,n)-F5d(m,n))*(kpD-kpDd(m))/0.2 enddo C Interpolate w.r.t. z do k=1,kb-1 n=-z(k)/.05+1 F1(k)=F1i(n)+(F1i(n+1)-F1i(n))*(-z(k)+zeta(n))/.05 F2(k)=F2i(n)+(F2i(n+1)-F2i(n))*(-z(k)+zeta(n))/.05 F3(k)=F3i(n)+(F3i(n+1)-F3i(n))*(-z(k)+zeta(n))/.05 F4(k)=F4i(n)+(F4i(n+1)-F4i(n))*(-z(k)+zeta(n))/.05 F5(k)=F5i(n)+(F5i(n+1)-F5i(n))*(-z(k)+zeta(n))/.05 enddo F1(kb)=F1i(ne) F2(kb)=F2i(ne) F3(kb)=F3i(ne) F4(kb)=F4i(ne) F5(kb)=F5i(ne) else C Use similarity for large kpD > 3. (m = 17) C e.g., F1(kpD, z) = (kpD/100)*F1(100, kpD*z/100) do k=1,kb F1(k)=0. F2(k)=0. F3(k)=0. F4(k)=0. F5(k)=0. n=1-z(k)*kpD/.1 if( then F1(k)=F1d(17,n)+(F1d(17,n+1)-F1d(17,n))/.001 & *(-z(k)*kpD/100.+zetf(n)) F1(k)=F1(k)*kpD*0.01 F5(k)=F5d(17,n)+(F5d(17,n+1)-F5d(17,n))/.001 & *(-z(k)*kpD/100.+zetf(n)) endif enddo endif return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine speeds(kpD,Fcg,Fct) C This is a subroutine to deliver spectrally averaged Fcg, Fct C Fcg = ratio of cg to cp where cp is spectral peak phase speed. C Fct = is factor in cthth (theta speed) to make it a spectrally C averaged. Fcg and Fct are functions of kpD. parameter (me=17) real kpD,kpDd(me) dimension Fcgd(me),Fctd(me),c_cp(me),dum(me) data kpDd/ & 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, & 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 100.0/ data c_cp/ & 1.000, 1.005, 1.001, 0.968, 0.951, 0.936, 0.924, 0.915, 0.910, & 0.906, 0.905, 0.904, 0.904, 0.904, 0.905, 0.905, 0.910/ data Fcgd/ & 1.000, 0.984, 0.928, 0.834, 0.756, 0.689, 0.635, 0.592, 0.560, & 0.535, 0.516, 0.502, 0.491, 0.483, 0.477, 0.472, 0.472/ data dum/ & 1.000, 0.987, 0.950, 0.897, 0.837, 0.776, 0.720, 0.671, 0.631, & 0.598, 0.573, 0.554, 0.539, 0.529, 0.521, 0.515, 0.500/ data Fctd/ & 1.000, 0.984, 0.954, 0.931, 0.892, 0.858, 0.830, 0.809, 0.795, & 0.787, 0.784, 0.786, 0.791, 0.801, 0.814, 0.829, 0.829/ k=kpD/0.2+1 if ( then Fcg=Fcgd(k)+(Fcgd(k+1)-Fcgd(k))*(kpD-kpDd(k))/0.2 Fct=Fctd(k)+(Fctd(k+1)-Fctd(k))*(kpD-kpDd(k))/0.2 else k=16 Fcg=Fcgd(k)+(Fcgd(k+1)-Fcgd(k))*(kpD-kpDd(k))/97. Fct=Fctd(k)+(Fctd(k+1)-Fctd(k))*(kpD-kpDd(k))/97. endif return end C------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine stress (Hs,ageinv,usdif,vsdif,cd,tpx0,tpy0, & ttx0,tty0,ustw,im,jm) dimension Hs(im,jm),ageinv(im,jm),usdif(im,jm),vsdif(im,jm) dimension cd(im,jm),tpx0(im,jm),tpy0(im,jm),ustw(im,jm) dimension ttx0(im,jm),tty0(im,jm) real kappa,nu data nu/1.8e-6/,r/0.0011630/,rhalf/.0034100/,kappa/0.41/ data z0w/1.e-6/,z0t/1.e-6/,gee/9.807/,pi/3.1415926/ do j=2,jm-1 do i=2,im-1 u2=usdif(i,j)**2+vsdif(i,j)**2 u1=sqrt(u2) z0w=1.38e-4*Hs(i,j)*(ageinv(i,j))**2.66+1.e-5 !Donelan z0t=0.18*nu/(ustw(i,j) +.000001) cdw=(kappa/log(10./z0w))**2 cdt=(kappa/log(10./z0t))**2 if( then cdt=0. else cdw=0. endif cd(i,j)=cdw+cdt tpx0(i,j)=r*cdw*u1*usdif(i,j) tpy0(i,j)=r*cdw*u1*vsdif(i,j) ttx0(i,j)=r*cdt*u1*usdif(i,j) tty0(i,j)=r*cdt*u1*vsdif(i,j) ustw(i,j)=sqrt(r*(cdw+cdt)*u2) c if(i.eq.2.and. j.eq.3) then c write(6,'(''n,usdif,vsdif ='',i5,2f10.3,3e12.3)') c & n,usdif(i,j),vsdif(i,j),z0,Hs(i,j),sigp(i,j) c endif enddo enddo return end C-------------------------------------------------------------------- function fsprm(beta,m,mm,tht_wnd,thetam) save tht,fdat,dtht dimension tht(35),fdat(35) data pi/3.141592654/ data ifirst/0/ if(ifirst.eq.0) then write(6,'(''spreading function'',/, & '' m tht fdat'')') dtht=pi/float(32) do k=1,35 fdat(k)=0. tht(k)=dtht*(k-1) if( fdat(k)=0.5*beta/cosh(beta*tht(k))**2 write(6,'(i5,2f10.4)') k,tht(k),fdat(k) enddo endif ifirst=1 C Create spreading function around the wind direction fsprm=0. thtrel=abs(thetam-tht_wnd) if( thtrel=abs(thtrel-2.*pi) kth=thtrel/dtht+1 fsprm=fdat(kth) & +(fdat(kth+1)-fdat(kth))*(thtrel-tht(kth))/dtht return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- function mxloc(a,b,i,j,im,jm,mm) dimension a(im,jm,mm),b(im,jm,mm) amx=0. mmx=1 do m=2,mm if(b(i,j,m).gt.0.10) then if(a(i,j,m).gt.amx) then amx=a(i,j,m) mmx=m endif endif c if(i.eq.16.and.j.eq.31)then c write(6,'(''mxloc'',4i5,3e12.3)') i,j,m,mmx,amx,a(i,j,m),b(i,j,m) c endif enddo mxloc=mmx return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine stepmpd(fb,f,ff,c,im,jm,mm,dtw2,dthinv,nitera, & thetam, iint,iprint) C********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Integrates conservative scalar equations. * C * * C * This is a first-order upstream scheme, which * C * reduces implicit diffusion using the Smolarkiewicz * C * iterative upstream scheme with an antidiffusive * C * velocity. * C * * C * It is based on the subroutines of Gianmaria Sannino * C * (Inter-university Computing Consortium, Rome, Italy)* C * and Vincenzo Artale (Italian National Agency for * C * New Technology and Environment, Rome, Italy), * C * downloaded from the POM FTP site on 1 Nov. 2001. * C * The calculations have been simplified by removing * C * the shock switch option. It should be noted that * C * this implementation does not include cross-terms * C * which are in the original formulation. * C * * C * preferably be 1, but 0 < sw < 1 * C * gives smoother solutions with less * C * overshoot when nitera > 1. * C * * C * Reference: * C * * C * Smolarkiewicz, P.K.; A fully multidimensional * C * positive definite advection transport algorithm * C * with small implicit diffusion, Journal of * C * Computational Physics, 54, 325-362, 1984. * C * * C ********************************************************************** C parameter (value_min=1.e-9,epsilon=1.0e-14) real sw integer nitera real fbmem(im,jm,mm),ffmem(im,jm,mm),c(im,jm,mm) real flux(im,jm,mm),speed(im,jm,mm),thetam(mm) integer i,j,k,itera real fb(im,jm,mm),f(im,jm,mm),ff(im,jm,mm) real mol,abs_1,abs_2 real value_min,epsilon real udx,u2dt,vdy,v2dt,wdz,w2dt sw=1.0 C do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im speed(i,j,m)=c(i,j,m) fbmem(i,j,m)=fb(i,j,m) ffmem(i,j,m)=ff(i,j,m) end do end do end do C do itera=1,nitera C C Upwind advection scheme: C c do j=1,jm-1 c do i=2,im-1 c flux(i,j,1)=0.e0 c if(itera.eq.1) flux(i,j,1)=c(i,j,1)*f(i,j,1) c flux(i,j,mm)=0.e0 c end do c end do C do m=2,mm-1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im flux(i,j,m)=0.5e0 $ *((speed(i,j,m)+abs(speed(i,j,m))) $ *fbmem(i,j,m-1)+ $ (speed(i,j,m)-abs(speed(i,j,m))) $ *fbmem(i,j,m)) end do end do end do do j=1,jm do i=1,im flux(i,j,1)=flux(i,j,mm-1) flux(i,j,mm)=flux(i,j,2) end do end do C C Add net advective fluxes and step forward in time: C do m=1,mm-1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im ff(i,j,m)=ffmem(i,j,m) $ +(flux(i,j,m)-flux(i,j,m+1))*dthinv*dtw2 end do end do end do c if(mod(iint,iprint).eq.0) then c write(6,'(''iint ='',i5)') iint c call pryz('ff ',time,ff ,im,jm,1,mm,5,1,0.,dt,thetam) c endif C C * Calculate the antidiffusive speed used to * C * reduce the numerical diffusion associated with the * C * upstream differencing scheme. * C * * do m=2,mm-1 do j=1,jm do i=1,im if(ff(i,j,m).lt.value_min.or. $ ff(i,j,m-1).lt.value_min) then speed(i,j,m)=0.e0 else wdz=abs(speed(i,j,m)) w2dt=speed(i,j,m)*speed(i,j,m)*dtw2*dthinv mol=(ff(i,j,m)-ff(i,j,m-1)) $ /(ff(i,j,m)+ff(i,j,m-1)+epsilon) speed(i,j,m)=(wdz-w2dt)*mol*sw abs_1=abs(wdz) abs_2=abs(w2dt) if(,j,m)=0.e0 end if end do end do end do C do m=1,mm do j=1,jm do i=1,im ffmem(i,j,m)=ff(i,j,m) fbmem(i,j,m)=ff(i,j,m) end do end do end do C C End of Smolarkiewicz scheme end do return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- function summ(a,dpi,i,j,im,jm,mm) dimension a(im,jm,mm) summ=0. do m=2,mm-1 summ=summ+a(i,j,m)*dpi enddo return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- function summ1(a,dpi,mm) dimension a(mm) summ1=0. do m=2,mm-1 summ1=summ1+a(m)*dpi enddo return end C---------------------------------------------------------------- function sumk(a,dpi,kb) dimension a(kb) sumk=0. do k=2,kb-1 sumk=sumk+a(k)*dpi enddo return end C----------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine wave2cur (dth,Sxx,Sxy,Syy,Spx,Spy) C This routine supplies Sxx,Sxy.Syy,Spx,Spy for insertion C into the momentum equation when waves are coupled with C pom2k.f include 'wav.c' dimension Sxx(im,jm,kb),Sxy(im,jm,kb),Syy(im,jm,kb) dimension Spx(im,jm,kb),Spy(im,jm,kb) dimension F1(kb),F2(kb),F3(kb),F4(kb),F5(kb), & tpxx(mm),tpxy(mm),tpyy(mm) do j=1,jm do i=1,im do m=1,mm tpxx(m)=en(i,j,m)*csm(m)*csm(m) tpxy(m)=en(i,j,m)*csm(m)*snm(m) tpyy(m)=en(i,j,m)*snm(m)*snm(m) enddo stpxx=summ1(tpxx,dth,mm) stpxy=summ1(tpxy,dth,mm) stpyy=summ1(tpyy,dth,mm) call specavs (kaveD(i,j),F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,z,kb,i,j) do k=1,kb-1 F1m=0.5*(F1(k)+F1(k+1)) F2m=0.5*(F2(k)+F2(k+1)) F3m=0.5*(F3(k)+F3(k+1)) F4m=0.5*(F4(k)+F4(k+1)) Sxx(i,j,k)=stpxx*F1m+ent(i,j)*F2m Sxy(i,j,k)=stpxy*F1m Syy(i,j,k)=stpyy*F1m+ent(i,j)*F2m dxinv=1./(dx(i+1,j)+dx(i-1,j)) Spx(i,j,k)=(ent(i+1,j)-ent(i-1,j))*dxinv*F3m & +ent(i,j)*(kaveD(i+1,j)-kaveD(i-1,j))*dxinv*F4m Spx(i,j,k)=Spx(i,j,k)*fsm(i+1,j)*fsm(i-1,j) dyinv=1./(dy(i,j+1)+dy(i,j-1)) Spy(i,j,k)=(ent(i,j+1)-ent(i,j-1))*dyinv*F3m & +ent(i,j)*(kaveD(i,j+1)-kaveD(i,j-1))*dyinv*F4m Spy(i,j,k)=Spy(i,j,k)*fsm(i,j+1)*fsm(i,j-1) enddo enddo enddo return end C -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine wvfcns(sig,d,wvnu,c) parameter(geeinv=1./9.807) C C This lookup table inputs sig and d and outputs wvnu, c and cg C using the dispersion relation C C sig = frequency (s-1) C d = water column depth (m) C wvnu = wave number (m-1) C c = phase speed (m s-1) C cg = group speed (m s-1) C f1 = sig**2*d/gee C f2 = wvnu*d C f3 = cg/c C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ dimension f1(81),f2(81),f3(81) data f1/ & 0.0000, 0.0500, 0.1000, 0.1500, 0.2000, 0.2500, 0.3000, & 0.3500, 0.4000, 0.4500, 0.5000, 0.5500, 0.6000, 0.6500, & 0.7000, 0.7500, 0.8000, 0.8500, 0.9000, 0.9500, 1.0000, & 1.0500, 1.1000, 1.1500, 1.2000, 1.2500, 1.3000, 1.3500, & 1.4000, 1.4500, 1.5000, 1.5500, 1.6000, 1.6500, 1.7000, & 1.7500, 1.8000, 1.8500, 1.9000, 1.9500, 2.0000, 2.0500, & 2.1000, 2.1500, 2.2000, 2.2500, 2.3000, 2.3500, 2.4000, & 2.4500, 2.5000, 2.5500, 2.6000, 2.6500, 2.7000, 2.7500, & 2.8000, 2.8500, 2.9000, 2.9500, 3.0000, 3.0500, 3.1000, & 3.1500, 3.2000, 3.2500, 3.3000, 3.3500, 3.4000, 3.4500, & 3.5000, 3.5500, 3.6000, 3.6500, 3.7000, 3.7500, 3.8000, & 3.8500, 3.9000, 3.9500, 4.0000/ data f2/ & 0.0000, 0.2255, 0.3216, 0.3973, 0.4627, 0.5218, 0.5767, & 0.6284, 0.6778, 0.7255, 0.7717, 0.8168, 0.8611, 0.9046, & 0.9476, 0.9902, 1.0324, 1.0744, 1.1163, 1.1580, 1.1997, & 1.2414, 1.2831, 1.3249, 1.3668, 1.4088, 1.4511, 1.4934, & 1.5360, 1.5788, 1.6218, 1.6651, 1.7085, 1.7523, 1.7962, & 1.8405, 1.8849, 1.9297, 1.9746, 2.0199, 2.0653, 2.1110, & 2.1569, 2.2031, 2.2495, 2.2960, 2.3428, 2.3898, 2.4369, & 2.4843, 2.5318, 2.5795, 2.6273, 2.6752, 2.7233, 2.7716, & 2.8199, 2.8684, 2.9170, 2.9657, 3.0144, 3.0633, 3.1123, & 3.1613, 3.2104, 3.2596, 3.3088, 3.3581, 3.4074, 3.4568, & 3.5063, 3.5558, 3.6053, 3.6548, 3.7044, 3.7541, 3.8037, & 3.8500, 3.9000, 3.9500, 4.0000/ data f3/ & 1.0000, 0.9834, 0.9671, 0.9510, 0.9352, 0.9196, 0.9042, & 0.8891, 0.8743, 0.8598, 0.8455, 0.8315, 0.8179, 0.8045, & 0.7914, 0.7786, 0.7662, 0.7541, 0.7422, 0.7308, 0.7196, & 0.7088, 0.6983, 0.6882, 0.6784, 0.6689, 0.6598, 0.6511, & 0.6426, 0.6345, 0.6268, 0.6193, 0.6122, 0.6054, 0.5990, & 0.5928, 0.5870, 0.5814, 0.5761, 0.5711, 0.5664, 0.5619, & 0.5577, 0.5538, 0.5500, 0.5465, 0.5432, 0.5401, 0.5373, & 0.5345, 0.5320, 0.5297, 0.5274, 0.5254, 0.5235, 0.5217, & 0.5200, 0.5185, 0.5171, 0.5157, 0.5145, 0.5134, 0.5123, & 0.5114, 0.5104, 0.5096, 0.5088, 0.5081, 0.5075, 0.5069, & 0.5063, 0.5058, 0.5053, 0.5049, 0.5045, 0.5041, 0.5038, & 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000/ fqnd=sig*sig*d*geeinv k=min(1+fqnd*20.,80.) dknd=f2(k)+(f2(k+1)-f2(k))*(fqnd-f1(k))*20. cgnd=f3(k)+(f3(k+1)-f3(k))*(fqnd-f1(k))*20. if( dknd=sqrt(fqnd) wvnu=dknd/d c=sig/wvnu cg=cgnd*c c if(j.eq.5) then c if(i.eq.4.or.i.eq.8) then c write(6,'(2i5,3e10.3,/)')i,sig,d,fqnd c write(6,'(i5,3e10.3,/)')k,f1(k),f2(k),f3(k) c write(6,'(5e10.3,/)')dknd,cgnd,wvnu,c,cg c endif c endif return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine prxy(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,jskp,scala) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes a horizontal 2-D field. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm real a(im,jm) real time,scala integer iskp,jskp character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,jwr,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do j=1,jm,jskp do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j)),amx) end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.5,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,3) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 3 format(/,2x,24i5,/) else write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,12i10,/) endif C do j=1,jm,jskp jwr=jm+1-j if( then write(6,5) jwr,(nint(a(i,jwr)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(1x,i3,24i5) else write(6,6) jwr,(a(i,jwr),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(1x,i2,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,7) 7 format(//) C end do C return end C--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine prxyz(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,jskp,kb,ko,nko,scala) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes horizontal layers of a 3-D field with * C * integers or floating point numbers. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * ko .......... 1-D array of k-indices for output * C * nko ......... number of elements in ko * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * * C * (NOTE that this combines functions of old prxyz and * C * eprxyz) * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb) real time,scala integer ko(*) integer iskp,jskp,nko character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,jwr,k,iko,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do iko=1,nko k=ko(iko) do j=1,jm,jskp do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.4,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do iko=1,nko C k=ko(iko) C write(6,3) k 3 format(3x,/' Layer k = ',i2) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,2x,24i5,/) else write(6,5) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(/,12i10,/) endif C do j=1,jm,jskp jwr=jm+1-j if( then write(6,6) jwr,(nint(a(i,jwr,k)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(1x,i3,24i5) else write(6,7) jwr,(a(i,jwr,k),i=ib,ie,iskp) 7 format(1x,i2,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,8) 8 format(//) C end do C end do C return end C-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine prxz(label,time,a,im,iskp,jm,kb,jo,njo,scala,dt,zz) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes vertical section of a 3-D field, in the * C * x- or i-direction . * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * iskp ........ skipping interval for i * C * jo .......... 1-D array of j-indices for output * C * njo ......... number of elements in jo * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * dt(im,jm) ... total depth * C * zz(kb) ...... sigma coordinate * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none C integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb),dt(im,jm),zz(kb) real time,scala integer jo(*) integer iskp,njo character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,ib,ie,j,k,ijo,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do k=1,kb do ijo=1,njo j=jo(ijo) do i=1,im,iskp amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.5,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do ijo=1,njo C j=jo(ijo) C write(6,3) j 3 format(3x,/' Section j =',i3) C do ib=1,im,cols*iskp C ie=ib+(cols-1)*iskp if( ie=im C if( then write(6,4) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 4 format(/,' i = ',24i5,/) else write(6,5) (i,i=ib,ie,iskp) 5 format(/,' i = ',12i10,/) endif C write(6,6) (nint(dt(i,j)),i=ib,ie,iskp) 6 format(8x,'d =',24i5.0,/,' z or zz') C do k=1,kb if( then write(6,7) k,zz(k),(nint(a(i,j,k)/scale),i=ib,ie,iskp) 7 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,24i5) else write(6,8) k,zz(k),(a(i,j,k),i=ib,ie,iskp) 8 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,9) 9 format(//) C end do C end do C return end C--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pryz(label,time,a,im,jm,jskp,kb,io,nio,scala,dt,zz) C ********************************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION : Writes vertical section of a 3-D field, in the * C * y- or j-direction. * C * * C * label ....... label for output * C * time ........ time (days) * C * a(im,jm,kb).. array to be printed * C * jskp ........ skipping interval for j * C * io .......... 1-D array of i-indices for output * C * nio ......... number of elements in io * C * scala ....... < 0 for floating point numbers output * C * 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * based on magnitudes of |a| values * C * > 0 for integer output, divisor for a * C * given by scala * C * dt(im,jm) ... total depth * C * zz(kb) ...... sigma coordinate * C * * C ********************************************************************** C implicit none integer im,jm,kb real a(im,jm,kb),dt(im,jm),zz(kb) real time,scala integer io(*) integer jskp,nio character label*(*) real amx,scale integer i,j,jb,je,k,iio,cols C if( then cols=24 else cols=12 endif C if ( scale = 1.e0 if (scala.eq.0.e0) then amx=1.e-12 do k=1,kb do j=1,jm,jskp do iio=1,nio i=io(iio) amx=max(abs(a(i,j,k)),amx) end do end do end do scale=10.e0**(int(log10(amx)+100.e0)-103) endif if( scale=scala C write(6,1) label 1 format(1x,a40/) write(6,2) time,scale 2 format(' Time = ',f9.5,' days multiply all values by ',1pe8.2) C do iio=1,nio C i=io(iio) C write(6,3) i 3 format(3x,/' Section i =',i3) C do jb=1,jm,cols*jskp C je=jb+(cols-1)*jskp if( je=jm C if( then write(6,4) (j,j=jb,je,jskp) 4 format(/,' j = ',24i5,/) else write(6,5) (j,j=jb,je,jskp) 5 format(/,' j = ',12i10,/) endif C write(6,6) (nint(dt(i,j)),j=jb,je,jskp) 6 format(8x,'d =',24i5.0,/,' z or zz') C do k=1,kb if( then write(6,7) k,zz(k),(nint(a(i,j,k)/scale),j=jb,je,jskp) 7 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,24i5) else write(6,8) k,zz(k),(a(i,j,k),j=jb,je,jskp) 8 format(1x,i2,2x,f6.3,12(e10.2)) endif end do C write(6,9) 9 format(//) C end do C end do C return end C END OF PROGRAM