Topics Addressed during the PI Cruise Planning Meeting for R/V NB Palmer Cruises

submitted by Peter Wiebe

I) Space allocation on Palmer
Laboratory and deck space for both Cruise 1 and Cruise 2 were discussed and the allocation of space agreed upon. See the image  1 and image 2 for a pictorial layout.

Cruise 1 Space allocation

1) CTD Group (Hofman et al) will use space on the port side of the Seabeam/CTD Lab. The CTD will be housed and deployed from the Baltic Room.

2) Ribic Group will use space in the Bio-Lab, on the Bridge, and in the Wet Lab. Bird observations will be made from the Bridge and sample processing will take place in the Wet Lab and Bio-Lab.

3) Mammal Group will use space in the conning tower (equipped with a GPS feed) and on the starboard side of the Seabeam/CTD Lab where the Sonabuoy display equipment will be located. There will be desk space in this area for IWC observers and Sonabuoy trackers. Sonabuoys will be stored in the hold and stripped Sonabuoys ready for deployment will be stored in Aquaria room.

4) Vernet Group will use space in the Main Lab, Rad Van, and one of the Cold Rooms (Ice core work).

5) The BIOMAPER-II Group (Wiebe, Ashjian, Davis, Gallager et al) will use the BIOMAPER-II data acquisition van in the Helicopter Hanger and in the VPR room (Postprocessing of VPR data) just forward of the hanger on the 02 level. BIOMAPER-II will be deployed from the starboard side of the stern A-frame. The BIOMAPER-II winch, level wind, turning block, slack tensioner, and gas bottle rack will be positioned on the main deck forward of the stern A-frame. The power pack will be in the Aft Hold. The BIOMAPER-II hydraulic lines will pass through the new feed through coming from the Aft Hold into the Aquaria Room. The Master Winch control will be on the 01 deck next to the other winch controls and the slave control will be in the BIOMAPER-II Data Acquisition Van. The BIOMAPER-II Work Van will be on main deck on the port side of the winch and slack tensioner. This group will process MOCNESS tow samples in the Wet Lab. The MOCNESS will be deployed from the port side of stern A-Frame. Gallager will use space in Main Lab (ROV controls), Baltic Room (ROV and Cable storage), and a portion of a cold room (Microzooplankton video - samples from CTD casts). The ROV will be deployed from the starboard A-frame. The BIOMAPER-II Group will need on 1 aquarium on the cruises.

6) Chlorophyll filtering and measurements will take place in Main Lab.

7) There will be general purpose desk space for individuals to use in the Main Lab. Space needs for the Chileans (if they come on the cruise) need to be defined.

8) One of the Zodiacs will reside on the main deck (starboard side) during periods of use.

Cruise 2 Space allocation

1) CTD Group (Hofman et al) will use space on the port side of the Seabeam/CTD Lab. The CTD will be housed and deployed from the Baltic Room. In addition, Zhou will have the output from the OPC (mounted on MOCNESS) displayed in the CTD area.

2) Ribic Group will use space in the Bio-Lab, on the Bridge, and in the Wet Lab. Bird observations will be made from the Bridge and sample processing will take place in the Wet Lab and Bio-Lab.

3) Torres Group will use space in the Bio-Lab, in the Aquaria Room, and in the Wet Lab (for MOC-10 and Tucker Trawl sample processing and to store diving apparatus i.e. weights, regulators, FC's). This group will use the Diving Van in the Main Hold.

4) Daly Group will have space in the main lab, aquaria room, and Wet Lab.

5) Chlorophyll filtering and measurements will take place in Main Lab.

6) Mammal Group will use space in the conning tower (equipped with a GPS feed) and on the starboard side of the Seabeam/CTD Lab where the Sonabuoy display equipment will be located. There will be desk space for IWC observers and Sonabuoy trackers. Sonabuoys will be stored in the hold and stripped Sonabuoys ready for deployment will be stored in Aquaria room.

7) Vernet Group will use space in the Main Lab, Rad Van, and one of the Cold Rooms (Ice core work).

8) Fritsen will use space in the Main Lab, one of the Cold Rooms (Ice core work), and in the Freezer Van in Main Hold.

9) Powell Group will use space in the Main Lab and will deploy the turbulence profiler from the starboard A-Frame

10) The BIOMAPER-II Group (Wiebe, Ashjian, Davis, Gallager et al) will use the BIOMAPER-II data acquisition van in the Helicopter Hanger and in the VPR room (Postprocessing of VPR data) just forward of the hanger on the 02 level. BIOMAPER-II will be deployed from the starboard side of the stern A-frame. The BIOMAPER-II winch, level wind, turning block, slack tensioner, and gas bottle rack will be positioned on the main deck forward of the stern A-frame. The power pack will be in the Aft Hold. The Master Winch control will be on the 01 deck next to the other winch controls and the slave control will be in the BIOMAPER-II Data Acquisition Van. The BIOMAPER-II Work Van will be on main deck on the port side of the winch and slack tensioner. This group will process MOCNESS tow samples in the Wet Lab. The MOCNESS will be deployed from the port side of stern A-Frame. Gallager will use space in Main Lab (ROV controls), Baltic Room (ROV and Cable storage), and a portion of a cold room (Microzooplankton video - samples from CTD casts). The ROV will be deployed from the starboard A-frame.

11) There will be general purpose desk space for individuals to use in the Main Lab. Space needs for the Chilians (if they come on the cruise) need to be defined.

12) One of the Zodiacs will reside on the main deck (starboard side) during periods of use.

13) A Freezer Van and a Diving Van will reside in the Main Hold.

II) CTD (sensors C, T, P, Tr, Fl, FRF, DO) related issues.

1) Given that T. Powell will not be going on the Palmer during the first cruise and that microstructure would not be measured, the need for microstructure probes on CTD was discussed. It was decided that they would not be requested, because of the lack of experienced people on board to work with the data and make sure quality data were obtained.

2) The need for a LADCP (self-contained) on deployment on the CTD was also discussed. Again the decision was not to request this gear for similar reasons.

3) The issue of salts for the calibration of the CTD was brought up by Beardsley and he suggested that surface and bottom water samples be collected since in those regions of the water column, the water was isothermal and this would make the comparison less problematical.

4) Depths of rosette sampling will be determined at each station, but the intent is to obtain 6+ water samples for phytoplankton work in upper 100 m or so, salts at surface and bottom, water samples for other CTD work at 4 to 5 depths below the pcynocline, and water samples for o2 measurements at min and max o2 profile values plus other depths. A rough water allocation is 200 ml for nutrients, and 1000 ml for phyto, microzoo, salt, and O2. There is plenty of water in a 10 liter niskin bottle to meet these needs.

5) The issue of O2 probe calibration and who would be doing it was discussed. Titrations using the SIO Winkler method will be done by members of the CTD group and the Nuts guy will prepare a list of materials and instrument needs and given to Alice Doyle. Beardsley and Ashjian will talk with George Tupper and George Knapp about the possibility of one of them weighing out dry O2 chemicals.

6) The issue of chlorophyll measurements was discussed after it was learned that no one had responsibility for doing them. On the Palmer this task will be taken by the CTD group (with some help by others?). The plan is to do about 800 to 1200 measurements. A first cut at a list of supplies and equipment needed to do the chlorophyll's is.

        - GFF 25 mm filters
        - acetone
        - HCl with dropper and bottle
        - Tubes (disposable)
        - Tube rack
        - Cups for filtration and holder
        - Bottle for water storage after filtration (20 liter?)
        - Vacuum pump
        - Forceps
        - Fluorometer (Turner Designs)
        - Chlorophyll a standard
        - Parafilm
        - Colored tape
        - Re-pipetter
        - Bottle to sample rosette (250 ml-brown)

III) Contingency plans for how to drop work if weather or other problems arise that reduce the available survey time.

1) Drop outside/offshore stations beyond the continental shelf or beyond the occurrence of ACC water (use XCTD or CTD to identify TS plots).

2) Drop some station work, like net tows.

3) Drop BOMAPER-II towying.

4) Move inshore into ice or offshore into open water depending on whether its too rough or too cold, respectively.

5) If weather too awful to allow gear over the side at a station, use XCTD to get profile.

IV) Cruise 1 timing estimates and additional detail about Cruise 2 on NBP

1) Station Work Time allocation on Cruise 1.

1.1) CTD Cast to bottom - 45 min
- Bottles for water
        Phytoplankton (Vernet)
        Salts (CTD calibration occasionally)
        Nutrients (Fanning)
        Microzooplankton (Gallager)
        Microstructure - salts (Powell)

1.2) Free-fall Microstructure Cast (Powell) - 30 min
        Note: estimate left in although Powell not on first cruise and time not included in first cruise estimates below.

1.3) MOCNESS tow (1 m2) - 180 min
        ~18 tows

1.4) ROV profile (with each MOCNESS tow) - 60 min

2) Non-Station (Underway) Work

    2.1) BIOMAPER-II towyoing @ 4-6 kts

    2.2) Bird & mammal sightings

    2.3) Sonabouy Deployments

    2.4) Drifter Deployments
            Beardsley (ARGOS)

3) Cruise 1 Total Time Estimate

Sensor                 Days             Steaming

CTD                     2.5                 1700 nm @ 6 kts = 11.8 days
MOCNESS         2.25                 1700 nm @ 4 kts = 17.7 days
ROV                    0.75
Turbulence          1.65
TOTAL                 5.5 (not including Turbulence on first cruise)

Total days with steaming at 6 kts = 17.3 days
Total days with steaming at 4 kts = 23.2 days

4) Additional Station work and time allocation on Cruise 2.

                                                                                                                        Additional Time

4.1) Ice Cores made at Iron Cross Stations (Fritsen) - 60 - 120 min         1.5 days
15 to 20 stations.

4.2) 1 Dive or 1 MOC-10/day (Torres) - ~20 days @ 180 min each           2.5 days

4.3) 1 live net tow/day (Torres) ~20 days @ 60 min each                             1.5 days
Made from Side A-Frame using 1.5 x 1.5 m Tucker Trawl

So on second Palmer cruise with a total of 42 days, we would be steaming across the Drake Passage for ~10 days, working on the survey for ~24 days, and doing cooperative process work for about 8 days.

5) On Cruise 2, there will be both a 1-m2 and a 10-m2 MOCNESS on the stern deck. RE the issue of 1-m2 MOCNESS towing and sample work up, it appears that the towing strategy that we would deploy - net 0 towed to maximum depth of water column possible, then hauled back to the surface opening/closing nets at depth intervals TBD below 100 m and at 25 m intervals in upper 100 m will mean that the 1-m2 MOCNESS tows taken for BIOMAPER-II ground-truthing will also serve K. Daly's objectives. We will share the samples. Kendra pointed out that no one has been funded to do the krill and other zooplankton counting beyond the biomass and silhouette analyses for the BIOMAPER-II comparisons. Kendra will work on trying to get more support to do the sample workup. The 1-m2 MOCNESS only needs to have nets with 335 um mesh.

V) Miscellaneous Items

1) Need white board in main lab for messages etc.  [AVAILABLE]

2) Daily products to be displayed while at sea - some suggestions
        - CTD data (profiles - contoured sections)
        - MET data (time series of wind speed, direction, Barometric pressure, PAR, etc) [RPS IT PERSON WILL DO THIS]
        - VPR(taxa/species -Hdrographic - Bathymetric plots)
        - Bio-acoustic images

3) Ice observations will be handled by the Mammal observers working with the officers on the bridge. International data collection (SCAR) procedures as described on a CD will be used in making and reporting the observations.

4) Watch standing. There is a watch station in the CTD/Seabeam laboratory that will be need a person to check on Seabeam data acquisition on a 15 to 30 minute interval and to record events. The science party will have several different watch schedules. The BIOMAPER-II group will be standing 4 hrs on 8 hrs off around the clock paralleling the watches on the bridge. The CTD, Nutrient, and Phytoplankton groups will stand 12 hrs on 12 hrs off. The bird and mammal groups will be working during lighted periods. The Sonabuoy group did not specify a watch schedule. The CTD group will be responsible for ensuring that the "general" watch standing takes place, but they will need assistance with this.

5) A group consisting of J. Klinck, R. Beardsley, and T. Powell will revise the Station Position Plan and will come up with a numbering system based on distances from a set-point (Will this be the same set-point used by the LTER Program?). Once the table with positions (Lat, Lon, Number, and Distance) is ready, a copy should be sent to the N.B. Palmer.

6) Protcols are needed for ROV launch and recovery, and for Krill preservation for Net 0 genetics work (Wiebe will get from Bucklin).

7) Tuggers: BIOMAPER-II and the 10-m2 MOCNESS will need tuggers mounted on the main deck as part of the recovery system for both of these instruments. Three are needed with spacing such that the middle one can be used with either the trawl or BIOMAPER-II.