The next steps in ADCP analysis and
interpretation are shown here.
data sets may come from international GLOBEC partners working in the region
(Germany and UK), and from US “LTER” cruises.
All present ADCP data sets require further editing.
Once moorings are recovered and analyzed, we
will be in a position to improve our tidal model, with the goal of creating a
detided ADCP data set.
We note,
however, that we presently know of no way to remove the
variability, and so need to keep this in mind when interpreting sparse ADCP
data from the vessels.
Finally, we will be extending our studies of mixing, using Ri as a proxy, to
the entire survey area, in an attempt to identify regions that are
particularly prone to turbulent upward fluxes of heat, salt and nutrients into
the surface mixed layer and up to the sea ice and/or atmosphere.