ADCP Measurements on the WAP shelf: Year 1
Susan Howard, Laurence Padman, Robin Muench, and John Gunn
Earth and Space Research

Summarize ADCP measurements
ADCP configuration
Status of processing
Quality of data
Preliminary results
Major circulation features
Mixing proxies

Ensemble and Single Ping data collected on all cruises.
5 min ensembles, 8 m depth bins
Pulse length (~ vertical averaging scale)
 16 m (Gould: mooring and fall cruises)
   8 m  (All other cruises)

Summary of Data
Good regional coverage and valuable “process” data from Gould process sites.
In general, 300m-400m depth coverage.
Substantial data loss (entire profiles) when underway in ice and in bad weather.

Slide 5

Status of Processing
ADCP data from GLOBEC I and II data have been processed.
ADCP data from the first mooring cruise is still being processed.
MAT files available at
Data will be also served with JGOFS software.
Additional editing is required on all data sets.

Preliminary Results
Circulation features from ADCP
Mixing proxies (diffusivity inferred from Richardson numbers)

Gridded Data
1/4o x 1/4o

Gridded Data
1/4o x 1/4o

Coastal Current

Currents at
Shelf Break

Near-Inertial Motion: LMG0106 Site 3 off Adelaide Is.

Evidence of strong shear in much of the total ADCP record.
Richardson number (Ri) obtained from ADCP and CTD can indicate potential for mixing.

NBP0103 Station 76

NBP0103 Station 76

Near-Inertial Motion: LMG0106 Site 3 off Adelaide Is.

Diurnal Tides Near the Shelf Break

Next Steps
Identify additional ADCP datasets.
Additional editing.
Remove tides.
Extend mixing study to entire data set.

Eric Firing, Jules Hummon, and Teri Chereskin have provided us with invaluable assistance in the configuration and support of the shipboard systems, as well as initial processing.