•Baseline distributions of baleen whales
relativeto prey
•Model potential effects of climate change on
cetaceandistribution and environment
Until recently, few marine
research cruises in the Southern Ocean have attempted to simultaneously
collect data on both cetaceans and their prey with the objective of
integrating these and other biological and physical data to investigate
linkages at fine and meso scales.
However, where this has been attempted
recently, significant insights into ecosystem processes have been made.
SO-GLOBEC studies provide
the ideal platform for such long-term studies, where scientists from a range
of disciplines can conduct intensive focused studies, within the framework of
international collaboration and long term synthesis of data and planning.
Current research efforts are
directed at understanding how human activities (particularly climate change)
and physical and biological processes in cetacean habitat and ecosystems
affect the distribution, movements, social behaviour and health of individuals
and populations.