AMLR 2004 Weekly Reports No. 1 and 2
18 January 2004
1. The U.S. AMLR Program accepted the Russian R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya as ready for the 2004 charter at
0800 on 7 Jan 2004
in Punta Arenas, Chile. Over the next three days, provisions, equipment and personnel
were embarked, laboratories were set up, and instrumentation was installed and
tested. The ship departed at 0900 on 10 January 2004 in route to the U.S. AMLR study area in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Gale force winds were encountered while crossing Drake Passage
delaying landfall at Cape Shirreff until late 13 January, approximately 18 hours behind
schedule. A large number of grounded icebergs were encountered in the immediate
vicinity of the Cape.
2. Due to the risk of damage by icebergs, only one out of
three instrumented buoys was deployed along the western edge of the submarine
canyon immediately to the east of Cape Shirreff. Instruments included a dual frequency echosounder (50 and 200kHz) and a 300 kHz acoustic Doppler
current profiler. Communications with the buoy were established and data is
currently being telemetered to the field camp.
Additional buoys may be deployed later in the cruise if conditions permit. The
buoys were designed by David Demer, FRD/SWFSC,
and built by Derek Needham, Sea Technology Services.
3. Provisions, mail and personnel (W. Trivelpiece and D. Krause, SWFSC, and D. Torres N. and D.
Torres C., Chilean Antarctic Institute) were transferred to the Cape Shirreff field camp on 14 January. Operations were hampered by
weather and ice and several boatloads of building materials remained aboard the
4. Ship transited to Admiralty Bay, King George Island and anchored in Ezcurra
Inlet during the evening of 15 January. Provisions and mail were transferred to
the Copacabana field camp and the Polish base Artcowski
without incident. S. Corsolini, originally
scheduled to disembark at Copacabana, remained aboard due to illness.
Deteriorating weather precluded successful calibration of the shipboard
acoustic system. Calibration will be accomplished later in the cruise and data
adjusted accordingly.
5. On 16 Jan a survey of bio-oceanographic conditions in the
vicinity of the South Shetland
Islands was initiated. The survey
area consists of four strata: the West Area north of King George
and Livingston Islands; the Elephant Island Area encompassing the northern
portion of the South Shetland archipelago; the Joinville
Island Area in the western portion of Bransfield Strait; and the South
Area in the central portion of Bransfield Strait south of King George
and Livingston Islands. Planned order of coverage will be the West Area
followed by the Elephant Island Area, the Joinville
Island Area, and the South Area. We have completed four transects, comprised of
13 stations in the West Area.
6. Krill, salps and other
zooplankton. Plankton samples have been processed from 11 West Area
samples. Modest numbers of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were present in
most of these samples with a total catch of nearly 500 individuals. Lengths generally ranged from 35 to 50 mm
with median and modal lengths of 42 mm. These represent 2 and 3 year old krill
resulting from the successful 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 year classes. The
presence of a few spent females and infrequent larvae indicate that some
spawning has taken place but the majority of mature females either have not yet
mated or are in the early stages of ovarian development. The salp Salpa thompsoni,
amphipod Thysanoessamacrura
and copepods (Calanoidesacutus
and Calanuspropinquus)
have numerically dominated the catches. Presence of large numbers of the high
latitude salp Ilhearacovitzai at one station
north of Livingston Island suggests the influence of Weddell Sea
water in the West area.
7. Krill biomass and dispersion. Mean krill biomass
densities along the first 4 transects in the West Area ranged from 21 to 47 g m-2,
comparable to densities observed in this area last year. Krill were mapped
along all transects with highest densities (over 2 kg m-2) near the
shelf break north of Livingston Island.
8. Phytoplankton. In conjunction with NSF Office of
Polar Programs and the “Global Drifter Program” (NOAA), AMLR is
conducting a study of surface currents in the study area and the influence of
the Shackleton Fraction Zone (north of ElephantIsland) on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in
the Drake Passage. During the southbound transect from Punta
Arenas, Chile, the first four of 20 drifter buoys to be released this
month were deployed. Too few stations have been completed at this time to allow
a description of phytoplankton biomass. In cooperation with D. Stramski and B.G. Mitchell (Scripps Institution of
Oceanography), an integrated optics package (consisting of AC-9, Hydroscat, 2 aBetas, fluorometer, two transmissometers,
PAR sensor, and CTD) has been successfully deployed. Also a free-fall Biospherical PRR-600 to measure upwelling and downwelling light spectra will be deployed, but rough seas
for the past two days have so far prevented this from happening.
9. Oceanography and meteorology. A well-defined
Antarctic Polar Front was observed during the southbound transit at 58ēS with
the sea surface temperature dropping from 5.45ēC to 2.71ēC and a corresponding
decrease in salinity. A sharp drop in atmospheric pressure (as low as 963 mb), at the beginning of the week (12 Jan) and towards the
end of the week (17 Jan), was accompanied by strong northwesterly winds,
averaging around 35-40 kt, gusting to
55-60 kt. After crossing the APF the air
temperature dropped from 6ēC to a week average of approximately 1ēC. Too few
stations have been completed at this time to allow a description of
oceanographic conditions.
10. Predator diet studies. 4 Antarctic fur seal scats
have been processed to date from collections at Cape Shirreff
all containing krill. None of these scats contained squid beaks
or otoliths.100 live krill have been sexed and measured for total length,
carapace length and width analysis to determine if current regression equations
are accurate. 12 milk samples have been processed for lipid extraction. Samples
processed are being stored either as frozen or in scintillation vials.
11. Bird and marine mammal observations. 34 species
of seabirds have been observed since 11 Jan, when we entered the Drake
Passage area. Since entering the study area, we have conducted approximately 51
hours of underway observations. Unusual species observed include Westland
petrel, gray-backed storm-petrel, and Arctic tern. Blue petrels and
Antarctic prions were highly conspicuous in the
offshore waters of the West Area. The following marine mammals have been
observed during the course of our surveys in order of abundance: cetaceans:
humpback, minke, fin, and southern bottlenose whales; pinnipeds:
Antarctic fur seal. The primary area of
concentration of humpback whales (n=35, group sizes: 1-8) occurred ~25 km N of
Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island. Since 14 Jan, Antarctic fur seals (n=21,
group sizes: 1-6) have been observed in offshore areas north of Livingston
Island only. In addition, 3 killer whales and a leopard seal were observed
in Admiralty Bay.
12. Scientific party aboard includes:
R. Hewitt, SWFSC, chief scientist
A. Cossio, SWFSC, acoustics
V. Loeb, Moss Landing Marine Labs, zooplankton
A. Jenkins, SWFSC, small boats, zooplankton
R. Rowley, MLML, small boats, zooplankton
J. Reum, UCSC, zooplankton
M. Force, SWFSC, zooplankton, bird and marine mammal obs.
K. Chambers, SWFSC, zooplankton
S. Sessions, SWFSC, zooplankton
J. Warren,SouthamptonCollege,
inshore survey and zooplankton
E. Daniels, MLML, zooplankton
D. Needham, STS, Cape Town, oceanography, ET
M. Van Den Berg, STS, Cape Town, oceanography, ET
C. Hewes, SIO,
D. Allison, SIO, phytoplankton
J. Ryan, SIO, phytoplankton
J. Lipsky, SWFSC, lipid
extractions and scat analysis
J. Santora, CUNY, bird and
marine mammal observations
A. Bernick, CUNY, bird and
marine mammal observations
S. Corsolini, University
of Siena, Italy
Submitted by R. Hewitt