AMLR 2009 Weekly Report
No. 6
15 February 2009
1. The R/V Yuhzmorgeologiya is
currently about 30 nautical miles southwest of the South Orkney Islands
easternmost island (Laurie Is.).
Primary activities include a bottom trawl survey of demersal
finfish biomass, composition, distribution, diet and demographics within the
500 m isobath of the shelf. Other activities include characterization of benthic
invertebrate megafaunal bycatch,
acoustic and net sampling of krill, physical oceanographic measurements, and underwater
video of benthic megafaunal communities and seabed
habitat characteristics. Analysis
of invertebrate megafaunal biomass and patterns will
potentially provide evidence of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) risk
areas. Additional research activities
and sampling efforts for various projects using material collected during the
course of the expedition are described below.
2. The first week was spent investigating
the northern and eastern shelf regions of Coronation Island and Laurie Island down
to 550 m. We have successfully
completed 23 stations to date using a random depth stratified sampling
design. A total of 2487 Kg of
finfish (7004 individuals) of 37 species have been captured and processed to
date. Our greatest combined yields of finfish have occurred at stations north
of Coronation Island within the 50-150 m depth strata. Hauls in the eastern offshore areas of
the South Orkney Islands have produced smaller yields of finfish per
standardized area swept. An
additional haul was conducted at 770-855 m depth to collect rare notothenioids.
3. The northern shelf area is dominated by
low-Antarctic fish species. High-Antarctic species formed only a very minor
part of the catches. The most
abundant thus far are the yellow notothenia (Gobionotothen gibberifrons)
and the Scotia Sea icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus).
The largest catch of a single species (800 kg) was taken when a pre-spawning
aggregation of C. aceratus
northeast of Laurie Island was encountered. Most other catches have remained below 300 kg. A relatively abundant species below
250-300 m is Lepidonotothen squamifrons, an ubiquitous species which occurs from the southern
Patagonian shelf and Burdwood Bank and all around the
low- and high-Antarctic zone.
Interestingly, the species lacks antifreeze glycoproteins
prominent in all other Antarctic notothenioid species.
The number of high-Antarctic species increases in waters deeper than 250-300 m.
However, their proportion in the catches thus far is still very small. Lepidonotothen squamifrons
are in the middle of their spawning season. C. aceratus, P. georgianus, T.
hansoni, N. coriiceps,
and N. rossii
have gonads in pre-spawning state, which suggests that they spawn in 2 months
time. Gonads of G. gibberifrons
and L. larseni are
still in resting stage, indicating winter spawning.
4. A haul taken at 750 - 855 m depth
yielded remarkably few notothenioids, the predominant
element of the Antarctic bottom fish fauna. The small catch (<10 kg) was
mostly formed by the Antarctic grenadier Macrourus whitsoni and the widely distributed Antimora rostrata. Myctophids and the snailfish Paraliparis sp.
were also abundant. Of interest was the catch of two individuals of the mostly pelagic
icefish Neopagetopsis ionah which
occurs only in single individuals in bottom trawl catches. Catches
during previous cruises had only yielded individuals >40 cm.
5. The benthic invertebrate bycatch composition thus far has been analyzed in terms of
abundance and biomass of 60 taxonomic groupings. The number of taxonomic
groupings has been greatly increased since the 2006 AMLR survey in order to
incorporate those taxa recently put forward by CCAMLR
as indicators of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs). The minimum biomass of these taxa that would lead to designation of VME risk areas to
commercial fishing, including long- line and pot fisheries, has not yet been
determined for bottom trawl gear, and is currently a topic of considerable
international interest. The
data being compiled during the course of this cruise, both in the South Orkney
Islands and near the Antarctic Peninsula, will be used toward potentially
determining VMEs risk areas.
6. Total biomass sorted by the benthic
invertebrate team on board thus far totals 3.58 metric tons of benthos. Invertebrate communities of note
include those at two Stations north of the eastern end of Coronation Island
where almost 5 kg of the beautiful sea pen Umbellula sp., the largest of
which had a head disc diameter of 12 cm and its stem was more than 3.5 m
long. Umbellula is a VME-indicator taxon. A number of stations located on the
outer eastern shelf of the South Orkney Islands have revealed vast communities
of Pterobranchia,
a little known phyla even amongst scientists and not
commonly observed. Of particular note is one Station where 91.9 Kg of pterobranchs was encountered. On the far eastern shelf, 1072 individuals of the sea cucumber,
Scotoplanes globosa
(known as sea pigs) were brought aboard at a single station, weighing 65.7
Kg. In addition, south of the sea pig
community, we collected a very rare predatory tunicate.
7. Selected specimens from 33 species of
finfish captured in the first 20 trawls have been sampled for tissue biopsies
and whole voucher specimens were fixed in formalin. These specimens will be deposited in the fish collection at
the Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History. We have encountered several rare
species that include the dragonfish Prionodraco evansii, the bigeye notothen Trematomus tokarevi, and
the icefish Neopagetopsis ionah. The
collections include eight specimens of Muraenolepis that are not morphologically consistent with
any of the known species in this genus, and may represent a new and undescribed species.
8. To better understand population structure,
genetic diversity and phylogeography of selected notothenoid finfish species along the Scotia Ridge,
additional muscle tissues for DNA analyses are being collected for further
analysis at the Johann-Heinrich von Thünen Institute,
Germany. To date, 359 individuals
of Channichthyidae
Nototheniidae were sampled for this
purpose. The main species were Chaenocephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, Gobionotothen gibberifrons and Lepidonotothen larseni. In addition, 28 specimens of the myctophids Electrona antarcticum and Gymnoscopelus nicholsi were sampled.
9. A total of 736 otoliths
from 15 species of finfish (C. gunnari, C. aceratus, G. gibberifrons, L. squamifrons, P. georgianus, T. eulepidotus, C. rastrospinosus, G. nicholsi, L. larseni, N. coriiceps, E. antarctica, N. rossii, L. nudifrons, D. mawsoni, T. hansoni) have been subsampled
thus far. These otoliths are to be used in age estimation
and stock assessment studies based at the Center for Quantitative Fisheries
Ecology (CQFE), Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk,
Virginia. In addition, otoliths and gonads for C.
aceratus are
being collected for examining age and growth, reproductive biology, and
population structure of this species.
Otoliths of P. antarcticum, D. eleginoides,
D. maswoni, and N. coriiceps are also being targeted
towards the fulfillment of connectivity and population structure projects based
at the CQFE. This week, 121 (of the 736 total otoliths
collected) were C. aceratus; 23 N. coriiceps. A total of 40 gonads (mixed sexes and stages)
were collected from C. aceratus, and the gonads of four other species (C. rastrospinosus, P georgianus, N.
coriiceps, N. rossii)
are also being targeted for histological studies based at the CQFE and the CNR
in Ancona, Italy.
10. A total of 4 camera deployments were
completed at selected stations toward collection of direct evidence of VMEs and habitat characterization. Continual experimentation with
different camera settings as well as improvements to the operating software has
resulted in a steady increase in the quality and consistency of the footage
collected. Intermittent faults to
the sea cable resulted in some down-time, but have
been rectified since and precautionary measures were put in place. Adjustments to the weight and towing setup
resulted in much improved performance.
11. Acoustic data are continuously recorded
on 4 frequencies (38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz). Krill NASC values (Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient)
were measured for Euphausia superba to
later be turned into acoustic biomass estimates once length-frequency is
determined from the IKMT krill catches.
Very little scattering was seen on the northwest to north shelf of the
South Orkney Islands. Highest concentrations
of krill were found just to the east and south of Laurie Island. NASC values range from 0 to 143.
12. Antarctic fur seal scat is being
processed onboard for dietary components. A random sample of 25 krill carapaces
are isolated from each sample and measured for length and width. Additionally,
all otoliths are removed from each scat. To date, 52
scats have been processed. Of the 52 scats, all but one contained krill, five contained
one or more otoliths, and two contained squid beaks.
Also, lipids are being extracted from milk samples collected from lactating fur
seals. Currently, 71 milk samples have had lipids extracted. Remaining work includes processing 18
more scat samples, identifying the otoliths obtained
from scat samples, and extracting lipids from 39 more milk samples.
13. A total of 12 CTD’s
were successfully completed with one station cancelled due to rough seas. Standard maintenance was carried out on
the system, mostly on the underwater connectors, and measures were taken to
prevent freezing of the oxygen sensor during transit.
14. A gradual barometer drop from a 1000 to
990 millibar resulted in overcast skies with periods
of rain, fog and snow, accompanied by calm seas for most of the week. Air temperatures dropped steadily
ranging between 4 and -1ºC, averaging around 1ºC during the latter part of the
week. A sharper drop from
990 to 970 millibar between Thursday and Friday
resulted in strong Northwesterly winds in excess of 30 knots accompanied by
swells of 2-3 m on Saturday.
C. Jones