AMLR 2006
Weekly Report No. 3
29 January 2006
Our current position is the Bransfield
Strait, South Shetland
Islands. The Elephant Island Area was finished 27 January all
stations were completed without incident. An extensive field of large icebergs
emanating from the northwestern Weddell Sea allowed only
five stations to be occupied in the Joinville Island
Area and none of the planned stations in the northwest Weddell Sea
were possible. The weather and sea state continues to be on our side.
2. Krill,
salps and other zooplankton. Elephant Island
Survey Area Summary. Postlarval krill (Euphausia superba) were
present in 39 of 48 (81%) Elephant Island area samples. Their
distribution was rather uniform except in the northwest section adjacent to the
Shackleton Fracture Zone. Greatest concentrations (100-300 per 1000 m3)
were over the outer shelf area northeast of Elephant
Island. The overall mean and median abundance values
(24 and 11 per 1000 m3) were, respectively, two times and 30%
greater than in the West Area. The size
and maturity stage composition here were much more diverse than in the
West. Although large animals were well
represented half of the individuals were smaller than 50 mm and one and two
year old length categories (25-35 mm and 36-45 mm) contributed 3% and 25% of
the total. The majority of krill were
represented by mature stages while juveniles and immature stages made up 7% of
the total. Males and females were
equally represented and, as in the West area, the majority was actively reproductive with gravid and spent females comprising 27% of
the total catch. Relatively large
proportions of females (17% of total krill) also evidenced ovarian development
and could be undertaking a second spawning bout due to the prevailing elevated
primary productivity conditions.
krill were substantially more abundant than in the West area and, being
predominantly early calyptopis 1 stages, reflected
recent ontogenetic migration into the upper water column from spawning
initiated ca. three to four weeks earlier (i.e., late December-early January). Greatest larval krill concentrations
(10,000-20,000 per 1000 m3) were northeast of Elephant
Island, areas characterized by
complex fronts and gyres downstream of the Shackleton
Fracture Zone. Salpa thompsoni occurred in 68% of samples with
mean and median abundance values (63 and 9 per 1000 m3) similar to
those in the West. Like the West area,
largest concentrations were associated oceanic Antarctic Circumpolar Current
(ACC) waters offshore of the island shelf region and adjacent to Shackleton Fracture Zone.
These salps were rare or absent south and east
of Elephant Island. As in the West area copepods were by far the
most abundant zooplankton taxon represented by 3700
and 2300 per 1000 m3 mean and median values, respectively. Dominant species in order of abundance were Metridia gerlachei, Calanoides acutus, Rhincalanus gigas and Calanus propinquus. Greatest concentrations (9000-17000 per 1000
m3) occurred in ACC water adjacent to the Shackleton
Fracture Zone. Here the co-occurred with
elevated concentrations of chaetognaths, radiolarian,
Limacina helicina and
larval Thysanoessa macrura in
association with presence of the ACC southern front.
3. Krill
biomass and dispersion. The preliminary
estimation of the biomass of krill in the elephant island sub area has
completed using the EK-60. Mean krill density averaged ~2.2 gm2
along the first five transects, and averaged 25 gm2 along the final
two transects in the Elephant Island
area. These numbers are an order of magnitude lower than last year.
Consequently, biomass in the elephant island area was concentrated on the
southeastern side of the island, and the biomass was only 400K tons. Similar to
the situation on the west shelf, biomass in 2006 is a quarter of the biomass
(1.5 Mtons) than in 2005. We will estimate krill
biomass using the SDWBA approximation in the final report.
4. Phytoplankton.
Continued high biomass was encountered in the Elephant Island Area. In the
region north of Elephant Island and the Loper
Channel, 5 meter chlorophyll averaged 1.7 ± 1.5 mg m-3 (29
stations), with integrated values of 73 ± 50 and 48 ± 25 mg chl-a
m-2 for integration to 100 m and 1% PAR, respectively. Similar
values were also found in the Bransfield Strait
portion of this area, with 1.6 ± 0.7 mg chl-a m-3
averaging at the surface (13 stations), and 100 m and 1% PAR integrated values
of 82 ± 39 and 45 ± 16 mg m-2, respectfully. Highest values were
found in the Loper Channel (shelf area between Elephant
and King George Islands), where surface values averaged 4.5 ± 1.7 mg m-3
(7 stations), and 100 m and 1% PAR values were 184 ± 71 and 80 ± 11 mg m-2,
respectfully. Highest chl-a
concentrations were found in the Loper Channel
at Station A07-07 where 7.0 mg m-3 was measured at the surface and
338 mg m-2 measured as integrated to 100 m. The lowest phytoplankton
biomass recorded was at station A09-02 (a northern station over the Shackleton Fracture Zone) where 0.10 mg m-3 was
measured for the surface. Of 49 stations in the Elephant
Island area, only 4 stations were
found in which surface chl-a measured below 0.5 mg chl m-3.
projects have measured in-situ
radiometric, backscattering and fast repetition rate fluorometry
data from 7 stations, with samples taken for 35 CHN, 49 HPLC pigment, and 32
photosynthesis verses irradiance curves. Four stations with 60 samples have
been taken for particulate and dissolved iron, iron speciation and organic ligands. Also, 22 radium samples have been analyzed, plus 163
thorium-234 for vertical transport analysis, and 10 deep water (2500 meter)
samples taken for calibration. A total of 18 drifters have been deployed,
including 12 around Elephant Island
and 6 around King George
5. Oceanography
and meteorology. The CTD instrumentation worked reliably and the onboard Guildline salinometer salinity
verifications, done on the Niskin bottle samples, showed consistent agreement,
with an average difference of -0.0057 ppt. An
additional 2500 m deep CTD cast was done at Station A03-02 to obtain water
samples for the thorium work. The 97
processed CTD casts data were used for in-field water-zoning, across the Elephant
Island and Joinville
Island Areas. These areas produced the classical scenario of Water Zone 1 types
off the shelf break to the west of, and around, the Shackleton
Fracture Zone with some Water Zone 2 stations being found off the shelf, to the
north of Elephant Island.
Complex mixing patterns on the shelf and shelf break in the Elephant Island
Area produced Water Zone 1/2, 2, 3 and 3/4 types with Water Zone 4 stations to
the east and south of Elephant Island
and in the Joinville Island Area. Water Zone 5
stations were sampled at the southernmost ends of line 02, 04 & 06, before
ship progress along these lines had to be prematurely terminated due to
icebergs. The first half of the week saw
a consistent Northwesterly averaging between 10 and 15 knots. A wind direction
swing to the southeast, and a barometer drop from 996 to 977 millibars during Thursday was accompanied by rising wind
speeds reaching periods of 35 knots on Saturday.
6. Predator
diet studies. Lipids have been extracted from 36 Antarctic fur seal milk
samples. At the commencement of the nearshore survey,
more milk samples will be arriving onboard on 2 February 2006. Additionally, 30 more scat samples will
be arriving from weeks 5-7. A total of 31 scat samples from weeks 1-4 have been
processed to date. Only three scats individually contained one single otolith showing a low occurrence of fish in the diet in the
first four weeks of scat collection. Krill total length, calculated from the
carapace length and width, ranged between 36-60 mm with the majority of total
lengths averaging between 50-55 mm. This shows a dominance of large krill taken
by Antarctic fur seals at Cape Shirreff, Livingston
Island. This is also reflected in
the zooplankton net tows where more than 50% of the krill were greater than 50
mm in total length for the West Area (per. comms. V. Loeb) where the fur seals are foraging. In order to
continue with developing regression equations and discriminate functions for
calculating krill total length and sex respectively from the scats, 150 krill
will be measured over the next week (collected from the net tows). There have
been 18 myctophid fish and one juvenile ice fish that
have been caught in the net tows that will be measured for total length,
weighed, sexed and otoliths removed for the otolith library. They will be homogenized according to
species for lipid extraction and fatty acid signature analysis (at the SWFSC).
7. Bird
and marine mammal observations. Data on the distribution, abundance and
behavior of seabirds and mammals was collected during underway ship operations
in the Elephant Island
area. In total, 37 transits between stations were collected for approximately
685 nautical miles of sampling effort (78% of the stratum). Feeding activity by
seabirds was relatively uncommon throughout the shelf break region and offshore
waters, and there were substantially fewer multi-species feeding aggregations
observed in comparison to AMLR 2005. Interestingly, seabird diversity and
feeding intensity was greatest along transits between stations on lines 2 and 3
(eastern most transects) where the greatest estimated krill density was
recorded by the hydroacoustic system. Soft-plumaged
petrels, Antarctic Prions, and Blue Petrels were
especially abundant on route between lines 2 and 3, and were predominantly
flying into the headwind. Black-browed and Gray-headed Albatrosses were also
common along the northernmost part of the survey area, and the majority of
Gray-headed Albatross sightings were of juvenile and sub-adult birds. As in
past AMLR surveys, numerous sightings of Chinstrap Penguins, Black-bellied
Storm Petrels and Antarctic Fulmars were the most common birds recorded on
transits in the vicinity of Aspland, Gibbs, and Clarence
Islands. The largest Chinstrap
penguin aggregations occurred in the southeast section of the stratum. For at
least 6 days, numerous observations of Wandering Albatrosses (maximum of 7) and
Royal Albatrosses were observed as ship followers. There were two Wandering
Albatrosses with red breast marks that were observed ship following for at
least 3.5 days. On transit to station 02-01, three Killer Whales, two Southern
Bottlenose Whales, and two Fin Whales were sighted within one 5 minute
interval. Humpback Whales were common (1-3 individuals) on transects in the
southern portion of the survey area. Minke Whales
were also common during the survey of waters at and north of the shelf break
zone. Antarctic Fur seals were almost inconspicuous during the survey period,
with approximately 10 sightings altogether.
A. Jenkins sends.