A krill-dominated micronekton and macrozooplankton community in Croker
Passage, Antarctica with an estimate of fish predation
Thomas M. Lancraft, Kim R. Reisenbichler,
Bruce H. Robison, Thomas L. Hopkins, and Joseph J. Torres
A micronektonic
and macrozooplanktonic community was sampled with midwater trawls in the Croker
Passage, vic. Antarctic Peninsula. Species composition suggested the area was a
faunal transition zone between oceanic and nearshore
communities. In a comparison between the
study area and two oceanic areas, four of the top five numerically dominant
species were identical (Euphausia
superba, Salpa thompsoni, Thysanoessa macrura, and Sagitta gazellae). In the nearshore
region a nearshore mysid (Antarctomysis ohlinii)
replaced the oceanic chaetognath Euhrohnia
hamata in numerical ranking. Euphausia
superba was primarily responsible for the much higher nearshore
biomass values when compared with those of oceanic regions (52.6 vs. 2.4-3.1 g
DW/m2). The ctenophore Callianira antarctica,
the mysid Antarctomysis ohlinii, and the pelagic nototheniid
fish Pleuragramma antarcticum
were important neritic biomass species. Some oceanic species, notably Salpa thompsoni and
the mesopelagic fish Electrona antarctica, were
also important contributors to total micronektonic
biomass. Estimates of fish predation (P. antarcticum
and E. antarctica) on E. superba ranged from 10.9% to 21.9% of the total annual krill
population (particularly the juveniles), depending on whether individuals were
considered to feed for half the year or all year long. Those values were considered to be
conservative, as fish populations appear to remain seasonally constant whereas
krill populations may diminish during the winter.