Status Report –
From LMG Chief
Scientist, Jose Torres to NBP Chief Scientist, Peter Wiebe
Hi Peter,
We arrived at Lavoisier and did a
quickie mammal/penguin survey along the east coast during daylight hours. The weather allowed for zodiac ops beginning
in the late morning, and our seal group led by Jenn
Burns had one near miss on a crabeater seal in the
morning and a full workup, including a successful tagging, on another in the
late afternoon. Chris Denker and Brett Pickering did a
bridge/zodiac survey for penguins but found the area to be penguin free. During the evening Torres/Daly did a short
Tucker trawl to
250 m and came up with a moderate krill haul.
Meng Zhou's group will be completing an
ADCP/CTD (Kendra Daly will deploy the HTI if the ice permits) survey across the
Hope things are going well on the NBP. Sounds as if your first science day was a full one indeed.
Best from the LMG, Jose