Purpose of the survey work is: 1) to map the distribution and abundance of krill, their prey field, and predators, 2) to map the hydrography and current structure in the survey area to provide a context for interpreting the biological distributions and their coupling to the environment, and 3) to conduct coordinated smaller scale studies with the process group of krill and their physical/biological environment. Although Marguerite Bay is central to the broad-scale survey work, the cruise track will be determined in part by the presence/absence of ice and adjustments may have to be made to extend the survey further south during the fall cruise to reach an ice-edge region.
Primary Work:
Other work:
Cruise Participants:
Group Number in Group Activity Broad-scale mapping Ashjian/Davis/Gallager/Wiebe 9(6) BIOMAPER II, MOCNESS, ROV Powell 2 turbulence profile (every CTD Station?) Padman 1 CTD, XBT ODU 1 Beardsley 1 Hildabrand acoustics 2 SONA buoy marine mammal sounds IWC 2 (3-10/day), Marine mammal sightings Ribic 2 Marine seabird sightings Fritzen (1-2) Ice Cores when in Ice Zone (2 hrs/core) Fanning 2 CTD-Nutrients Vernet 2 CTD-Productivity Process/other Torres 4 Physiology/biochemistry/small-scale Daly 4 process studies Zhou 2 Comiso 1? July-Aug overflights coordination on 2nd cruise. Total bunks needed - max (min) 37 (32)Note: The reduction in 3 bunks indicated for Ashjian et al., can occur if a marine tech is present in the BIOMAPER II van to assist in "flying" BIOMAPER II on each watch.