A note on the development of the bathymetry of the continental margin west of the Antarctic Peninsula from 65º to 71ºS and 65º to 78ºW


S.T. Bolmer

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  

Clark 286, Geology & Geophysics Dept. 

Woods Hole, MA 02543                

email:  tbolmer@whoi.edu




Multibeam data collected during the United States Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics cruises in 2001 and 2002 aboard the R/VIB Nathaniel B. Palmer were augmented with available multibeam and centerline bathymetry data from a variety of sources to compile a bathymetric data set for the continental shelf west of the Antarctic Peninsula.  This new bathymetry data set provides an improvement in the resolution of the bathymetry of the region.  The improved data set was used to construct a high resolution bathymetry map of the continental margin west of the Antarctic Peninsula from 65˚ to 71˚S and from 65˚ to 78˚W.




09/24/07:  Received final version with U.S. GLOBEC contribution number..