Spatial and Temporal Variability of SeaWiFS
Chlorophyll a Distributions West of
the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Krill Production
Marina Marrari*,
Kendra L. Daly and Chuanmin Hu
of Marine Science
of South Florida
140 Seventh Avenue South
Petersburg, FL 33701,
Corresponding author:;
Tel: 727-553-1207; Fax: 727-553-1186
Seasonal SeaWiFS
chlorophyll distributions were investigated in relation to sea ice dynamics
between 1997 and 2004 for waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula
(45-75ºS, 50-80ºW) in order to better understand reproductive patterns and
recruitment success of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
Climatology patterns showed that the Bellingshausen
Sea and Marguerite Bay
region consistently had higher chlorophyll concentrations, which persisted
throughout austral spring and summer, compared with more northern regions of
the continental shelf along the Antarctic Peninsula and
the western Scotia Sea. These predictable and long-lasting
phytoplankton accumulations likely provided krill with the food levels required
for successful reproduction and larval survival. Unusually high krill reproduction in
2000/2001 was coincident with widespread high positive chlorophyll anomalies
and resulted in a relatively large juvenile recruitment during the following
spring. In general, ice edge blooms were
only a significant feature in the Bellingshausen
Sea and, thus, were not likely to support krill reproduction in
the northern Peninsula region. Instead, phytoplankton blooms during spring
in the northern region appeared to be governed by shelf break processes, such
as the upwelling of iron-rich deep water.
Interannual differences in sea ice conditions
in Marguerite Bay
also probably contributed to the variable krill abundances observed in that
area. Sea ice melted early in 2000/2001,
allowing elevated phytoplankton blooms to develop within Marguerite
Bay. In contrast, sea ice persisted throughout
spring and summer 2001/2002 preventing the accumulation of phytoplankton,
particularly in southern Marguerite Bay. Thus, above average chlorophyll
concentrations and favorable sea ice conditions in coastal areas during spring
and summer 2000/2001 likely supported the high densities of larval krill
observed during fall in waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula.
09/27/07: Received final version with U.S. GLOBEC
contribution number.