Vertical mixing over the
western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf during the winter 2002 SO GLOBEC
survey cruise
Robin D. Muench, Laurie Padman, and Susan Howard
Earth & Space Research
Seattle, WA
Manuscript proposed for 2nd SO GLOBEC Special
Issue, DSR2
Observations obtained from the western
Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf adjacent to Marguerite
Bay during the winter 2002 SO
GLOBEC survey cruise aboard the N.B.
Palmer will be used to assess vertical ocean
mixing in this seasonally ice-covered, continental shelf region. The observations consist of high quality
vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and density from a
conductivity/temperature/depth profiler (CTD), vertical current profiles
obtained with a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler, and profiles
of scalar microstructure obtained using a CTD-mounted microstructure profiling
system (CMiPS).
Vertical mixing is estimated using Thorpe reordering applied to finescale CTD density data and Osborn-Cox methods applied
to CMiPS thermal microstructure. Results will be
compared with a variety of Richardson
number-based parameterizations used in numerical models. The study will focus on mixing associated
with intrusions of warm, nutrient-rich Antarctic Circumpolar Current water onto
the shelf, and will also consider upward heat flux through the main pycnocline into the lower portions of the surface mixed
Title and abstract received on 06/02/05.