Transport and
retention of zooplankton in northern George VI Sound, Antarctic Peninsula
Ryan Dorland, Meng
Zhou, and Kendra Daly
Northern George VI Sound exhibits
a rich mesoscale circulation pattern replete with
coastal currents and eddies during austral fall 2001. The circulation pattern
determined from a combination of direct current and hydrographic data and the
zooplankton distribution from an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and net tows
suggest significant transport across the entrance of northern George VI Sound
and retention of zooplankton near the George VI Ice Shelf. A cyclonic gyre
within Marguerite Bay is the likely source of zooplankton supply to the region.
Surface coastal current intrusions, driven by wind forcing and baroclinic pressure gradients, steer nearly one-third of
the water volume transport of this gyre into the sound. Zooplankton and micronekton were entrained in coastal currents and mesoscale eddies and aggregated within the sound. Net tows
confirm the presence of larval stage Euphausia superba and abundant copepods contributing to the
acoustic backscattering signal. The influence of diel
migration on the transport calculation is discussed and the impacts of the
transport and retention to higher trophic levels in
the region are explored. Results emphasize the coupling between mesoscale physical features and zooplankton distributions
at high latitudes.