Biology and life cycles of pelagic tunicates in the Lazarev Sea,
Southern Ocean
E.A. Pakhomov1, C.D. Dubischar2, B.P.V.
Hunt1, V. Strass2, B. Cisewski2, V. Siegel3,
L. von Harbou2, L. Gurney1, J. Kitchener4 and
U. Bathmann2
1Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British
Columbia, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4
2Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research, Am
Handelshafen 12, 27515, Bremerhaven, Germany
3Sea Fisheries Institute, Palmaille 9, 22767 Hamburg, Germany
4Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston,
Tasmania 7050, Australia
Four grid surveys were carried out in the top 200 m layer of the
Lazarev Sea during fall 2004, summer 2005-06, winter 2006 and summer 2007-08
onboard the RV Polarstern
as part of the German SO-GLOBEC.
The distribution, abundance and biology of two species of salps, Salpa thompsoni
and Ihlea
racovitzai, were investigated.
With the exception of fall 2004, I. racovitzai dominated the salp community
although being represented by modest densities (< 20 ind.1000 m-3). S. thompsoni was scarce during the summers of 2005-06 and 2007-08
and almost absent from the region during winter 2006. Nevertheless, it was modestly numerous during fall 2004
reaching densitites of up to 33 ind.1000 m-3 in the southwestern
stations of the grid. The data
on the seasonal population structure and life
cycle of I.
racovitzai and showed that this species followed the generalized pattern
typical of S.
thompsoni, i.e., sexual/asexual reproduction and spawning during fall. I. racovitzai densities were lowest during
summer, increased during fall and peaked in during winter. Numerous offspring were produced by I. racovitzai during
fall, just before the area become ice covered. Conversely, S. thompsoni appeared not to be able to complete its life cycle in
the Lazarev Sea, with a high occurrence of stage X (unfertilized) aggregates
present. Highest S. thompsoni densitites in summer and fall, and its
disappearance in winter are indicative of a population of the expatriate origin
that is sustained in advection.
11/15/10: Revision accepted; editor letter sent to
corresponding author.