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This module provides current scientific information and data on how scientists study and monitor vegetation on Earth's land surfaces.

Class Resources

The classroom resources are presented in the form of an electronic textbook and are organized like a printed textbook. Digital files for the graphics are provided so that you may either view directly on screen or obtain high-resolution versions for sending to a printer to make color view graphs.

Instructor Resources
The following are provided for each chapter.

review questions with answers
references and suggested reading

Computer Lab Resources

The computer lab resources contain a tutorial for the SEE Image software, guided inquiry exercises, satellite data, freeware image analysis software (SEE Image), and information on the satellite and sensor.

Instructor Resources
Include an Instructor's Guide that contains the following information for each exercise.

learning objectives
mathematical tools
National Science Education Content Standards
resource materials
science process skills
image processing skills

Glossary & Acronym List 

Terms are defined and acronyms are expanded. 


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