Over the past 20+ years, there has been remarkable progress in
developing a global ocean observing system. Global in-situ
observations of essential climate variables in the ice-free ocean to
2000 m depth are now routinely available to address the long-term
observational requirements of forecast and modeling center,
international research programs, major scientific assessments, and
decision-makers. This presentation will review some of the needs for a
global ocean observing system, as well as describe the relevant
observing systems and some new discoveries about the ocean and its role
in the earth system. Additionally, prospects and plans for future
observations necessary to address emerging scientific frontiers will be
Dr. David Legler currently serves as a Chief of NOAA's Climate Observations Division in NOAA's Climate Program Office. The Division is leading NOAA's efforts to develop and make contributions to the global ocean observing system for climate. Before coming to NOAA, Dr. Legler directed the US Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR – a program of the World Climate Research Program) Office in Washington, DC for over 10 years, where he coordinated scientific and programmatic activities addressing a wide range of topics including the Atlantic Meriodional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). He has also served on numerous national and international committees addressing global ocean observations, ocean data assimilation, ocean data management, and climate research.
Innovation Research Park Building I 4111 Monarch Way, 3rd Floor Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23508 757-683-4940 |