Salt marshes exist at the interface between land and sea and
provide multiple valuable ecosystems services through their properties and
processes. Salt marshes are distributed across many coasts globally from the
arctic and sub-arctic regions to the tropics. Despite their global
distribution and importance, much of the research on them and many of their
core ecological paradigms have been developed in a relatively small number
of locations. To appropriately incorporate salt marshes into nature-based
solutions and to make meaningful and appropriate comparisons between salt
marshes, there is a pressing need to develop a globally relevant and
multi-scale typology. This work places specific salt marshes into suitable
global and coastal contexts, while also providing information for both
inter- and intra-system dynamics at the meso- and micro-scale. By developing
this typology that crosses multiple scales, studies can select suitable
locations and compare and contrast their findings, thus allowing
for a more mechanistic understanding of underlying dynamics.
Dr. Erik Yando is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Old Dominion University, where he leads the Coastal Plant and Ecotone Ecology Lab. His research is focused on understanding plant-soil interactions, aboveground-belowground linkages, and heterogeneity of properties and processes within and between adjacent coastal and wetland systems. His work spans from basic ecology to applied science and focuses on how using areas of transition can inform our understanding of coastal and wetland systems and linking multiple portions of the coastal landscape mosaic. He has experience working in a variety of coastal and wetland systems in the southeastern and northeastern US, as well as southeast Asia, including salt marshes, seagrasses, mangroves, mudflats, bottomland hardwoods, freshwater marshes, and cypress swamps.
CCPO Innovation Research Park Building I 4111 Monarch Way, 3rd Floor Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23508 757-683-4940 |