MARACOOS NETWORK STATUS | Shows whether Rutgers has the latest radial data. It does not give information about whether National Network has the files. Includes links to site radial web servers. |
NATIONAL NETWORK PATTERN TYPES | Station listing that indicates which beam pattern type is currently in use for National Network totals. |
SITE OUTAGE DATABASE | Operator website for reporting site outages. |
Average velocities over the past 25 hours denoted by color and standard deviations shown by circle size |
Radial distribution plots for the past 25 hours of data. |
RADIAL TIME SERIES | Time series of average radial velocity and number of radials per file. |
QC PLOTS | Graphs showing percentage of radials that passed QC flag tests. |
QC TEST FLAGS | Percentage of radials that passed individual QC flag tests for each station. |
KLDI METRIC PLOTS | Time series of KLDI metric for each station. |
DIAGNOSTICS VIEWER | Interactive station diagnostic plots |
REGIONAL RADIAL LATENCY | Radial latency. (Not working!) |
TOTAL CURRENT PRODUCT COMPARISON | Compares the three different total vector products that are provided to different users. |
RUTGERS SURFACE CURRENT VIEWER | New map viewer that shows various MARACOOS and HFRNet products. |
TOTAL VECTOR COVERAGE | Latest 25 hours for long range systems |
ERDDAP PLOTS | Latest plots of total vectors, U and V velocity, U and V errors, and number of radials for the 6km product. (Needs to be updated to work with newest totals dataset!) |
ERDDAP DATA ACCESS | Access to HFR surface current and wave data hosted at Rutgers University |
BASELINE/SYNTHETIC RADIAL COMPARISONS | Baseline and synthetic radial comparisons provided by Brian Emery at UCSB. (Not working!) |
RUTGERS 6KM CURRENT PRODUCT VIEWER | Map viewer for older version of MARACOOS real-time 6km OI surface currents (not using QARTOD flags). |
ANTENNA PATTERNS | August 2017 antenna pattern plots, sites listed in alphabetical order |
LOCATIONS OF SITES ON GOOGLE MAPS | Not completely up-to-date |
GENERAL INFORMATION | Old notes on patterns, spare equipment, outages, etc. from 2010-2011 and some stats up to 2014. |
MARACOOS NETWORK STATUS (OLDER VERSION) | Older version of status page. Shows whether Rutgers has the latest radial data. It does not give information about whether National Network has the files. Includes links to site radial web servers. Clicking on a site name shows more detailed information about recent radial files. |
2014 | 2013 |
2012 |
2011 |