A. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a Cooperative Institute between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration=s (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) and Old Dominion University (ODU) to facilitate the development and operational utilization of scientific and technological advances in the oceanographic, and related sciences. The Cooperative Institute is referred to hereafter in this document as the Institute.

B. Background

This MOU establishes an agreement between NOAA/NOS and ODU to develop collaborative studies aimed at facilitating the development and operational utilization of scientific and technical advances in the coastal oceanographic and related sciences.

Owing to the modernization of NOS during the past decade, there have been great and ongoing advances in remote sensing, instrumentation, and computer technology, especially visualization capabilities, that have increased the quality and availability of oceanographic and related data. Likewise, there have been tremendous advances in numerical modeling of the hydrosphere, the oceans and its interactions with the Coast-line. At the same time, there has been an increase in the capabilities for electronic information dissemination and a growing realization of the value of access to data in this fashion.

As a result of these concomitant technological advances, NOS has improved the availability and quality of operational real-time water level and current observations. There is an opportunity to further improve operational water level and current prediction and dissemination services if the research and operational communities can effectively work together. Creation of cooperative institutes between NOAA/NOS and universities is a mechanism to promote this collaboration.

The Institute is created:

1. To promote research aimed at applying data and knowledge of the ocean, especially the coastal ocean and estuarine environment, to the solution of specific applied and operational problems, including modeling, testing, evaluation, education, and training with emphasis on applications to ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally sound maritime navigation and commerce;

2. To improve the effectiveness of research through close collaboration between NOAA/NOS and ODU;

3. To provide a joint facility at which scientists working on problems of mutual interest may come together and work advantageously in an environment different from that already provided in the Federal and university structure;

4. To provide a focal point to coordinate multi-university, multi-agency studies, including those addressing regional problems and yielding increased understanding of oceanographic and hydrographic phenomena by Institute and NOS personnel, students, and users of NOS data and information;

5. To develop useful formats and delivery mechanisms for the dissemination of observed and predicted water level data and derived information products and to promote their effective utilization through creating a facility for interaction with and feedback from users of these data, such as schools, industry, community, and governmental agencies which have goals in common with the NOS;

6. To foster public understanding of NOAA and its programs;

7. To provide an opportunity for students to gain familiarity with operational oceanographic and related data sets and modeling procedures; and

8. To prepare students for productive careers with the NOS by establishing programs to offer training and experience to students and employees under NOS supervision. The specific studies to be conducted at the Institute, both at the time the Institute is created and in subsequent years, will be determined through negotiations between ODU and NOAA/NOS as part of a normal funding proposal and review process described later in the document.

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