Monday, May 11, 2015
Time |
Event |
Speaker |
1300 |
Arrival/Welcome |
Hofmann |
Presentation 1: General talk on abalone biology, species differences, distribution |
Friedman |
Presentation 2: Transmission models |
Bidegain/Ben-Horin |
Presentation 3: Abalone disease — history, biology |
Friedman |
1500 |
Coffee/Tea |
Abalone model structure and outline |
Klinck |
1530 |
Overview of abalone data and parameter estimation |
Ben-Horin |
1730 |
Icebreaker at local venue: Cogans North |
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Time |
Event |
Speaker |
0845 |
Arrival — Logistics information |
Hofmann |
0900 |
Presentation 1: Host-pathogen proliferation models |
Hofmann |
Presentation 2: Genetics of disease resistance |
Guo |
Presentation 3: Introduction to use of SI models including computer/matlab tutorial |
Klinck, Bidegain, Ben-Horin, Levin |
1030 |
Coffee/Tea |
1100 |
Continue presentations |
1215 |
Lunch — catered at CCPO |
1330 |
Breakout Groups and/or Model Implementation |
BG1 - Parameter discussion for abalone SI models (mortality, transmission, particle release) |
BG2 - Discussion of transmission dynamics |
Use of SI models (hands-on) |
Klinck, Bidegain, Ben-Horin, Levin |
1500 |
Coffee/Tea |
1530 |
Reconvene |
1800 |
Group Dinner at local restaurant: Chow Restaurant and Bar |
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Time |
Event |
Speaker |
0845 |
Arrival — Logistics information |
Hofmann |
0900 |
Presentation 1: Physical oceanography of the abalone system |
Haidvogel |
Presentation 2: Metapopulation models |
Munroe |
Presentation 3: Experimental studies of disease transmission |
Bushek/Ford |
1030 |
Coffee/Tea |
1100 |
Continue presentations |
1215 |
Lunch — catered at CCPO |
1330 |
Breakout Groups and/or Model Implementation |
BG1 - single species metapopulation model |
BG2 - multi-species metapopulation model |
Implementation of SI models |
Klinck, Bidegain, Ben-Horin, Levin |
1500 |
Coffee/Tea |
1530 |
Presentation 4: Using data-driven models to quantify sea louse infestations on wild and farmed salmon |
Groner |
1600 |
Reconvene in Breakout Groups |
1800 |
Dinner on your own |
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Time |
Event |
Speaker |
0845 |
Arrival — logistics information |
Hofmann |
0900 |
Presentation 1: Long-term evolution of virulence |
Carnegie |
Presentation 2: MPAs, reference points, area management |
Powell |
Presentation 3: Statutory/regulatory constraints of marine disease management |
Otts |
1030 |
Coffee/Tea |
1100 |
Continue presentations |
1215 |
Lunch — catered at CCPO |
1330 |
Participant presentations — 5-minute talks on research |
1515 |
Coffee/Tea |
1545 |
Breakout Groups and/or Model Implementation |
BG1: Evaluation of model results – how to do this and available data sets |
BG2: Inclusion/linking of economic and management issues in marine disease models |
Model Implementation |
Klinck, Bidegain, Ben-Horin, Levin |
1800 |
Cookout at Hofmann/Klinck house |
Friday, May 15, 2015
Time |
Event |
Speaker |
0845 |
Arrival — Logistics |
Hofmann |
0900 |
Presentation 1: A different view – white spot disease in shrimp |
Lotz |
Presentation 2: Impacts of disease management practices on the virulence and transmission of a salmonid virus |
Wargo |
Discussion 1: Summary of models and implementation and evaluation of results |
All |
Discussion 2: Possible special issue and manuscripts |
All |
1015 |
Coffee/Tea |
1045 |
Continue discussions |
1215 |
Lunch/Adjourn |