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Task 1.1 Detail: Download and install MATLAB

Task: Download and install MATLAB; or set up a VMware client for your laptop.

MATLAB is available to ODU faculty, staff and students who have a MIDAS ID and password. There are two ways to get access: download the software to your personal/lab computer or use the Monarch Virtual Environment (MoVE). Instructions for using the access methods are available on the ODU web system. Search for " matlab" to find the page. If the search does not succeed, go to There are two blue buttons in the top center of this page which are links to info on the MoVE or downloading.

MoVE access

The MoVE link presents two choices to use MoVE: in a browser or by downloading a VMware client to your personal computer.

MoVE access: HTML

Use the MoVE HTML access method (right image) to run MATLAB in your browser. You will be asked for your MIDAS login name and password.

Choosing the "General Lab Software" button will start a WINDOWS desktop in your browser window. A number of software products are available to you on this desktop. MATLAB is towards the bottom center of the display.

Double click this icon to start MATLAB. The current directory will begin in Documents/MATLAB on the C: drive under your MIDAS login name. Click on the Current Folder window to create a new folder in the current folder. Put the OEAS 406/506 homework in a new folder to keep it separate from other work.

The files saved to this folder are on the ODU computer system, not on your laptop. You can get to these files from any computer connected to the ODU network.

To disconnect from MoVE, exit MATLAB, then use the start button on the lower left to logout of WINDOWS. Then, close the browser window.

MoVE access: VMware client

The VMware client link will present a number of choices for client software depending on the operating system that your computer uses. Download and install the appropriate client.

When you start the VMware client, you will be asked for a default connection server. Use The client will start with a window showing two choices. Click the "General Lab Software" button. Again you will see a WINDOWS desktop with various software products available to you. This client desktop will cover your original desktop. Choose MATLAB; your C: directory will be the default Current Folder.

To stop the VMware client, exit MATLAB. Then, logout of the WINDOWS page.

Download MATLAB

Choose the second blue button on the MATLAB access page. A page will appear with explicit instructions to go to, create a login based on your ODU email address and choose a password for MATLAB access (it should be different from your midas password). You will get a license based on the provided activation key. Then follow the link provided to get a MATLAB release. An installer will download which will lead you through the install and activation steps.

A copy of the download instructions is provided here for your convenience.

MATLAB is a large software tool (about 1/2 gigabyte). You are given access to many of the toolboxes so just get the default install. Be sure that you are on a fast network (on-campus is good) for the download.

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email: J. Klinck