“Dynamics of Plankton, Krill, and Predators in Relation to Environmental Features

of the Western Antarctic Peninsula and Related Areas”


Updates made on 11/07/07.






E.E. Hofmann, P.H. Wiebe, D.P. Costa, and J.J. Torres, “Introduction to Dynamics of Plankton, Krill, and Predators in Relation to Environmental Features of the Western Antarctic Peninsula and Related Areas (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 572)



Regional Bathymetry


S.T. Bolmer, "A note on the development of the bathymetry of the continental margin west of the Antarctic Peninsula from 65º to 71ºS and 65º to 78ºW" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 547)





C. Moffat, R. Beardsley, B. Owens, and N. van Lipzig, "A first description of the Antarctic Peninsula Coastal Current" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 538)


R.D. Dorland and M. Zhou, "Circulation and Heat Fluxes during the Austral Fall in George VI Sound, Antarctic Peninsula" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 565)


M.P. Meredith, M.A. Brandon, M.I. Wallace, A. Clarke, M.J. Leng, I.A. Renfrew, N. van Lipzig, and J.C. King, “Variability in the freshwater balance of northern Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula: results from δ18O” (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 507)


D.P. Costa, J.M. Klinck, E.E. Hofmann, M.S. Dinniman, and J.M. Burns, "Upper Ocean Variability in West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf Waters as Measured Using Instrumented Seals" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 569)


C. Geiger and D. Perovich, "Springtime Ice Motion in the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 515)


J. Hyatt, M. Visbeck, R. Beardsley, and W.B. Owens, "Estimating sea ice coverage, draft, and velocity in Marguerite Bay (Antarctica) using a subsurface moored upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 566)


G.D. Williams, S. Nicol, B. Raymond, and K. Meiners, "On the summertime mixed layer development in the marginal sea-ice zone of the Mawson coast, East Antarctica" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 533)



Phytoplankton and Nutrients


M. Marrari, K.L. Daly, and C. Hu, "Spatial and Temporal Variability of SeaWiFS Chlorophyll a Distributions West of the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Krill Production" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 560)


Y. Serebrennikova, K.A. Fanning, and J. Walsh, "Modeling the nitrogen and carbon cycling in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica: annual variations in ammonium and Net Community Production" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 570)



Krill Distribution and Abundance


G.L. Lawson, P.H. Wiebe, T.K. Stanton, and C.J. Ashjian, "Euphausiid Distribution Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula - (A) Development of Robust Multi-Frequency Acoustic Techniques to Identify Euphausiid Aggregations and Quantify Euphausiid Size, Abundance, and Biomass" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 563)


G.L. Lawson, P.H. Wiebe, C.J. Ashjian, and T.K. Stanton, "Euphausiid Distribution Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula - (B) Distribution of Euphausiid Aggregations and Biomass, and Associations With Environmental Features" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 564)


C.J. Ashjian, C.S. Davis, S.M. Gallager, P.H. Wiebe, and G.L. Lawson, "Distribution of Larval Krill and Zooplankton in Association with Hydrography in Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, in Austral Fall and Winter 2001 described using the Video Plankton Recorder" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 529)


A. Verdy and G. Flierl, "Evolution and social behavior in krill" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 556)



Predators and Prey/Environment Relationships


C.A. Ribic, E.W. Chapman, W.R. Fraser, G.L. Lawson, and P.H. Wiebe, "Top predators in relation to bathymetry, ice, and krill during austral winter in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 517)


J.M. Burns, M.A. Hindell, C.J.A. Bradshaw, and D.P. Costa, "Fine-scale habitat selection of crabeater seals as determined by diving behavior" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 542)


B. McDonald, D. Crocker, J. Burns, and D. Costa, "Body condition as an index of winter foraging success in crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus)" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 511)


J. Donnelly and J.J. Torres, "Pelagic fishes in the Marguerite Bay region of the West Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf" (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 534)


S. Nicol, J. Clarke, S.J. Romaine, S. Kawaguchi, G. Williams, and G.W. Hosie, “Krill (Euphausia superba) abundance and Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding performance in the waters off the Béchervaise Island colony, East Antarctica in two years with contrasting ecological conditions” (U.S. GLOBEC contribution number 532)





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